Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork

I can officially get the back of my tongue on the palate without any breathing issues.

Besides looks it is doing wonders for overall health too.

And the timeline that this is all unfolding with is just incredible.

This is so powerful, still in awe of how potent it has been working.

Thank you for everything brother. @Captain_Nemo

I don’t know what I would do without you man fr.


As some of you asked me what is my Maxilla stack that gave me results. Here is the stack I listen to once a day:

  • Fascia Shakeup & Wakeup X 3
  • The Face Sculptor X 3
  • Microcurrent X 3
  • Maxilla Masterwork X 4
  • Double Chin Removal X 4
  • Auto-Mewing X 4

I use this field’s audio everyday for about an hour.
Combined with half an hour of PU’s “Ultimate Maxilla & Jawline”.

What I definitely noticed is that when I am mewing, my tongue now has more space at the upper palate.

When I loop the field for too long, the pressure that I experience on my facial bones is noticeable.

Also my face seemed to be more grown forward already.

Combined with the Jawliner NFT and the Face Sculptor, I am going to look like young Leo DiCaprio in less than 12 months :star_struck:



Im planning to play it like that but for a whole week im just doing

Ego Dissolution x 1
Max x 4
Auto Mewing x 3
Temporomandibular x 3 (just so it can harmoniously heal that issue i had)
Subconscious Limit x 1

But i cant wait to have it like yours haha


I’m trying to get that look of Zayn Malik :sunglasses:


I realize once you start to mew properly, which this maxilla field enables you in doing so, double chin dissolves by itself, it’s fascinating.

Like I don’t even use double chin as much or at all the past couple days.

You can even experiment with the old Collagen audio, see if that does the trick.

For supple skin everywhere.etc.

But before I give a stack, just use this first and foremost for beginners.

Also stack FTF, audio itself is omnipotent.

Flight to Fight NFT

Shielding 3.0 also works great, but I noticed when I feel high dopamine I look better logically lol.

When you’re mentally bulletproof, health and looks all skyrocket from my experience.

Your quality of life becomes unalloyed by what you thought was XYZ.

Just to wreak havoc on results because of psychological instability.

Be the tiger.

And live your best life.


I think I am gonna remove this from my stack. I don’t already have a double chin or anything close to it lol


Bloated face would be a more apt term lol.

Also cut out diary, that works just as well hehe.

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I am not bloated either haha

A friend said, your damn face is already chiseled (thanks to years of microcurrent device use) how much more do you need- that made me think…I guess I am trying unnecessarily…probably I will cut down the stack to just 3 fields!


Maxilla Masterwork
Face Sculptor

All you need
And Maybe Microfacial at times


Exactly what I was thinking…


Collagen seems to be underrated, even for the young people (burned out,etc.)

Kidney’s if they have eye area fixing needed.

Youth recapture is great.

HGH if you are sleep deprived.

In terms of fields available for everyone.

IDK lol.

But Maxilla still tops my list for sure.

If your face is chiseled, what are you looking for in particular?

At this point I might just be listing every single field :rofl:


I personally follow this:



I can definitely feel the palate expansion, In terms of the tired sunken eyes, they are still there but hopefully it will be better soon

I don’t think kidney’s are the problem for me personally, I think its the structure of the face and my skin tone


I just like fields lol

I don’t always need them but think of it as a wine connoisseur - it is not always to get drunk (in the case of wine) but because I like to try different textures, taste, fragrance, etc. I kinda do the same with fields. I like to try fields, appreciate the programming, feel them, etc.

I mostly really seriously use Anti-Aging fields + spiritual fields - rest are just for fun lol

I also need to be careful at times. I can manifest things crazily fast and sometimes, end up manifesting what I want, but not what I need - it has gotten better over the years, but still have this issue at times lol


Eye bags are kidney’s for sure.

Tired eyes or negative canthal tilt are like maxilla issues (no support)

Maxilla here should help for a lot of things, can’t really guarantee yet, but you just feel it at work when you play it.

It brings everything together.

Anyways my replies are going all over the place, have to get some REM rebound from that all nighter.

But my personal observations.


Yeah Youth recapture is lowkey in my top 3.


I’ve added this back to my stack (nightly) but only once…

This kept me awake for a day or two, but now got used to it.

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I would be happily to take your issue man :joy:


I think that may have been one of the contributing factors to my energy last night :laughing:

Reminds me when in middle school, we had no problems beating the games we bought in 1 night.

Dopamine is a very powerful thing too.