Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork


So this field aims to move all these bones in a perfect position? @anon14224340

  • Superior surface border with the frontal bone
  • Posterior surface border with the ethmoid, palatine, and lacrimal bones
  • Medial surface border with the opposite maxilla bone, nasal bone, and vomer
  • Inferior surface border with the inferior nasal concha
  • Lateral surface border with the zygomatic bone

Fast changes with this, already looking better

I think its important to be at a relatively low BF% though in order to fully benefit

Gotta cut


Seems to me, this is producing the fastest physical change in terms of facial aesthetic based on the positive reviews.


Man i want this field so bad


Anyone tried having it on 24/7?

itā€™s an audio only not a mandala
correct me if iā€™m wrong

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yeah have it playing 24/7


havenā€™t done that yet
wondering if it might be bad to keep the field on for days
I think I might try it

Ahh i just got this :heart_eyes: so excited! Will read all comments again just for tips


Youā€™ll probably be in pain and exhausted

Wow this is really powerful.
Ive had some issues (not too bad but i guess with the possibility of getting worse) like:

A little deviated septum (in the last years i dont even know how it happened)

Some apnea

Id feel my sinus like clogged even tho there was no fluid, like stuffed

I had a surgery years ago (not on the face) that needed full body anesthesia and after that it felt as if a nerve along the right side of the face had been affected, so that side was like numb for 3 months where the anesthesia slowly faded away, mean while that side looked a little lower compared to the left side. Very slight but it stayed like that, i always thought it was the anesthesia but now i believe it was more a bone structure that was worsening.

And also some temporomandibular joint pain, i guess all related.

I not only got this audio for the attractive aspect but for all that i mentioned above.

I listened 4 times + 3 times auto mewing while laying down.

  • just on the 2nd listening around my nose side made a cracking noise, i turned around and immediately felt my airway fully open, big open. Both sides.

  • i felt as if the top of my face (bone wise) was adjusting i could actually feel it.

  • i fell asleep deeply, due to the apnea my sleep is always shallow, not this time, it was a nice long nap.

  • tho ive used auto mewing before (and it worked) the tongue never stayed on the palate, now it does, without me trying or forcing it no, its been there the whole time and now awake it is still there, which im sure will further help this field to work.

Really amazing. Thank you!

Edit: also when sleeping on the side my jaw goes the the side like it drops so i constantly have to be moving it back in place.

I feel it now stronger to stay in its right place without me moving it as much as before


i feel like it help also the teeth alignement


I can officially get the back of my tongue on the palate without any breathing issues.

Besides looks it is doing wonders for overall health too.

And the timeline that this is all unfolding with is just incredible.

This is so powerful, still in awe of how potent it has been working.

Thank you for everything brother. @Charlie.0

I donā€™t know what I would do without you man fr.


As some of you asked me what is my Maxilla stack that gave me results. Here is the stack I listen to once a day:

  • Fascia Shakeup & Wakeup X 3
  • The Face Sculptor X 3
  • Microcurrent X 3
  • Maxilla Masterwork X 4
  • Double Chin Removal X 4
  • Auto-Mewing X 4

I use this fieldā€™s audio everyday for about an hour.
Combined with half an hour of PUā€™s ā€œUltimate Maxilla & Jawlineā€.

What I definitely noticed is that when I am mewing, my tongue now has more space at the upper palate.

When I loop the field for too long, the pressure that I experience on my facial bones is noticeable.

Also my face seemed to be more grown forward already.

Combined with the Jawliner NFT and the Face Sculptor, I am going to look like young Leo DiCaprio in less than 12 months :star_struck:



Im planning to play it like that but for a whole week im just doing

Ego Dissolution x 1
Max x 4
Auto Mewing x 3
Temporomandibular x 3 (just so it can harmoniously heal that issue i had)
Subconscious Limit x 1

But i cant wait to have it like yours haha


Iā€™m trying to get that look of Zayn Malik :sunglasses:


I realize once you start to mew properly, which this maxilla field enables you in doing so, double chin dissolves by itself, itā€™s fascinating.

Like I donā€™t even use double chin as much or at all the past couple days.

You can even experiment with the old Collagen audio, see if that does the trick.

For supple skin everywhere.etc.

But before I give a stack, just use this first and foremost for beginners.

Also stack FTF, audio itself is omnipotent.

Flight to Fight NFT

Shielding 3.0 also works great, but I noticed when I feel high dopamine I look better logically lol.

When youā€™re mentally bulletproof, health and looks all skyrocket from my experience.

Your quality of life becomes unalloyed by what you thought was XYZ.

Just to wreak havoc on results because of psychological instability.

Be the tiger.

And live your best life.


I think I am gonna remove this from my stack. I donā€™t already have a double chin or anything close to it lol