New Release - Spiritual Growth States of Being

THANK YOU @Bronyraur :wink:


Thank you, @Captain_Nemo, @_OM and @Bronyraur! :wink:



On a related note, the gratitude fields are wonderful for one’s spiritual growth and life, and very underrated.

From a few things Sam has written:

From the Point of No Return article:

  1. Love, Gratitude and Appreciation from Sapienmed. This audio is very underrated as it works to put us in a mind state of abundance of the self. Abundance of having what you want, being what you want and getting what you want. As mentioned before, we get stuck in these negative mind states because of repetitive thinking patterns. Such thinking patterns perpetuate the innate beliefs that ‘I am not enough,’ ‘I don’t have enough,’ and so forth so you end up always feeling a bit of emptiness. You end up not feeling whole. Now this audio is great to listen to after subconscious limits because it puts you in a mindstate of loving and appreciating what you do have and what you are. When you do this, you are sending signals to your mind and the universe that you already have what you want and need, that you are whole…

So your mind and the universe will follow by attracting more of what you want. Those thoughts such as ‘ I am not good enough’ are also directions for your mind to continue making you feel like you are not good enough. We get what we put out. When you think ‘I am good enough,’ the mind will begin to make you feel like you are good enough. From this state, you can easily build up your character and do so much more. Now, I know it’s very difficult to just believe in these things but these audios will make this easier over time.

Something that will also help tremendously is; While listening, think of things that you are grateful for. Grateful you are alive, grateful you have money, grateful you are who you are, ect … Find things you are actually grateful for and then the things you should be grateful for. At first it may be had to make yourself believe these things but over time if you keep with it and you can accomplish anything.

From a forum post:


This plus the Abundance Tag is a great combo for gratitude ;)


There will probably be more audios next month before Captain takes a much needed break and his annual vacation with family.


@uial in addition to uial’s great contribution above,
(see what I did there :wink:)

You might consider the new track. As I’m certain it includes “some” of it! :blush:


LoL :rofl:

I’m just listening to this one, what a great album, thank you Captain!
I can’t really feel what it does, I’m feeling things around my head mostly.

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This should probably listened only if your currently want to be spiritual etc. etc.
they might clash with the other new State audios, but i dont know.
Need Dream to confirm tho.



Yeah, it kinda feels like some vibrational audios. Which can push one away from Earthly desires…

For those using tags for specific goals, such as glory,etc, might “lose” the interest in the goals in the first place. As they attune to something different.

But we’ll have Dream confirm later on


I dont think it can clash with abundance, probably with the B.Gates one though…

Thanks @Captain_Nemo for your work :pray:

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Can someone suggest me a stack for energy sensitivity


I’d suggest taking the course if you can afford it


Nice name lol


Reiki Star Exercise - Main Benefits


You to Sir xD

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Spiritual Growth States of Being

Consider this a lucky or a luck and probability enhancement for spiritual growth,

Watch as you get into a flow of spiritual growth and have synchronous meetings of like minded people. knowledge and understanding comes easier in often coincidental moments.

From Patreon


financial corona backlash for the most countrys which substituted people/buisnesses

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Posting FULL descriptions of all items in album
for those of you who were going to commit suicide
if you had to wait a whole 24 hours :scream: :roll_eyes:
for a description of something that
as Louis CK said, “You didn’t even know existed 10 secs ago!!”

These are all designed to help slowly change your mindset to reflect the names of the tracks themselves. While also communicating these ideas directly to your subconscious for faster effects and changes,

the concept of fields are also directed to the right hemisphere of the brain so that it integrates and drives you further and fast to help you create the goal you want.

It also provides a reinforced energy in the background to help you while also removing actively subconscious programs and limitation that work against these goals, (abundance, million dollar mindset and spiritual growth)

It may also help with bringing to fruition or acting like a mind machine where you can manifest goals.

The fields will also form a ‘bubble’ around you that actively helps nullify external energy sent to you that can stop these attempts at abundance/wealth/growth

The abundance mindset
This brings abundance towards you, creates a beacon or draw for general (in all forms) abundance and has the mind set and attitude of people who are abundant. (the energy from these are also made to match your own faster, for easier integration.)

Million Dollar Empire Mindset
This focuses more on wealth generation and will also draw wealth and opportunity to you.

Business contacts along with the attitudes and mental states of those who seem to effortlessly make money.

Spiritual Growth States of Being
Consider this a lucky or a luck and probability enhancement for spiritual growth,

Watch as you get into a flow of spiritual growth and have synchronous meetings of like minded people. knowledge and understanding comes easier in often coincidental moments.

some of the audios I had to reduce quality to upload here, but it doesn’t affect the effects of it, you can use as you wish.


Why are you tagging me? I didn’t say anything :smile: @_OM

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:P Yeah, my mistake.
I saw it but then didn’t want to delete entire the post and repost it.
Wasn’t aimed at you…or was it?? :stuck_out_tongue: