The Financial Protector

I think heart healer is in the 22$ tier

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Then no access if premium subscription


May I PM you about how this field helps your family business? I operate my family business with my father and it is my major income source, and I am trying whatever to improve it.

Hello I am introduced to this field while seeking to improve the financial situation of my family business (in which me and my father co-owns a majority of shares, and most of my disposable income comes from said business), so I would like to know in general that if this field can help improve the company? I have realized that throughout the years, some people (people in the industry, competitors, former employees etc.) got jealous or not happy about us that we seem to have good success, although most of the times I would say we are doing just ok and recent years we have cash flow issues. Can this field also help to bring in more quality orders? Perhaps spread out so we have more things to do during off seasons.

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I think so esp if combined with wealth generation++ which would also be included in the premium subscription tier.


And adding to what @Baya said, the

Environmental Transformer Servitor (Patreon)

Its really good to clear, enhance and protect the environment (you can ask it anything you want the work area or business to be infused with, etc)

This one could be a great addition to break through and push forward too

New Release: Woven Worlds - Millions


Yes I will be starting out with environmental transformer servitor today (latest tomorrow) as I believe the factory can use a cleaning and turn negative energy into positive etc. and workers can have a better environment to work in → better quality and efficiency.

From analyzing the suggestion I received it seems like I should clean the environment as well as blockage of the energy flow of the company itself. So I start with environmental transformer first and perhaps financial protector can remove those blockage of energy. Then once we got out of our holes perhaps I can think about the enhancers like million.


Yes if I ever got premium tier financial protector and wealth +++ are definitely the combo I am trying first. Maybe later on add BPiL

Wow, I listened to the audio for the first time and I felt such a release in my solar plexus and indeed I do feel more loving immediately. I am curious and feeling excited to see what it brings, will let you know the results :) hope everyone is having a good time with these NFTs. I am new to this platform but have found great realizations already! I feel so blessed to be here!


Welcome :partying_face:


Lol I already got my extra 100 euros after two days of use, amazing!


Hi tradingkelly!


Thank you @veh & @rosechalice! Happy to be here :slight_smile:


I use many of the money/wealth fields but I feel this result came directly from The Financial Protector because it literally protected my finances :smiley: :
One of my headphones got broken, and I always buy the best headphones I can beacuse I play video games a lot.
I was waiting for my salary to buy a new ones( was about to recieve it in 5 days) and 2 days later my mom contacted me and said, that she was one of the best performing emplyees in her company and one of the rewards was top tier headphones, which she doesn’t use at all :stuck_out_tongue: So I got my new headphones for free


This is a very powerful field and I had a cool experience when integrating with it.

I had the music playing and was looking at the image for several minutes, before closing my eyes and starting to meditate. The energies were strong and swirly around me. I then had a very clear vision of, what looked like, small yellow pads, all attached together (almost like medieval armor, what they wore under the plated gear). They then formed all over my body, and when finished, exploded into a ball of light.

I then had to lay down and almost fell asleep. Super cool experience and I think that was visual confirmation of full integration :cowboy_hat_face:


I think this field has improved my mindset around money which obviously helps.




Haven’t received any poster yet

Short Consideration

I do sport trading, last week was pretty rough, while the “Cartel” lost 10% of the bankroll, I only have lost 2%, because i found myself unable to trade during some losing days.

I can say I jumped over the biggest downswing of the year almost untouched, very good.

The field is stacked together with Bountiful Harvest+Probability Wave and Wealth++ from patreon, so I cannot izolate the effect perfectly, but I feel is doing its job, thank you @Captain_Nemo


Just to be certain…Do we still need to listen daily to obtain full effects or is the subscription a passive 24/7 clearing ?? I would love to have some clarity on this