The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach

Massive download following it, and it made me think of a post from @_OM about graduating from that Reality :)

One thing that added up to my own Big TOE (theory of everything) is that we definitely live in a Virtual Reality, with Infinite Love & Light (Wisdom) at the root of it - got that from Tom Campbell.

It feels our evolution is like :
Absolute -> God/Creation -> Splliting into individuated Consciousness and experiencing Spiritual realms (Celestial/Heaven) —> Astral Realm (beginning of Duality) -> 3D and Mineral Consciousness -> Vegetal -> Animal -> Ego Consciousness (beginning of Human) -> Christ Consciousness (everything is Presence/Love, realizing you are God in relationship with God) & Embodying God Consciousness in 3D -> Virtual Consciousness (everything is Data, now build your own game my friends) -> … :infinity: :heart:

And the thing called “graduation” could only be recognizing and experiencing the Absolute again.

Then you have two options:

  • Merging back with the Absolute for good (which could also be another portal for an even greater Reality System, but it does not fully resonate as Creation/God is the Manifestation of the Absolute and supposedly Infinitely Rich & Perfect)
  • Manifesting the Perfection of the Absolute within and with All that Is (God) through building an infinitely loving blissful working relationship with All that Is (God).

Glimpsed those last two from Bentinho Massaro and many other beautiful beings :pray::heart:

Thoughts? :)

Ps: maybe it’d need a “Big TOE” feed of its own :joy:


I really hope I can get this over Patreon or something… I have never been able to buy anything from Amazon because of country restrictions (on my card).

Thank you, I’ve tried it few times, but I’m not seeing that download/buy option. If I open that link on Music app on a Mac, I got only option to play. :roll_eyes: Apple is so confusing with that iTunes/Music BS sometimes…

EDITED: After 50 clicks it finally showed option to buy, but it’s 9.99$ :roll_eyes:


Wow , this is strong. I was very very tired today because I didn’t fall asleep yesterday evening . I then eventually took a quarter of a sleeping pill last night, which for some reason always makes me grumpy and impatient the next day.
During work I felt super tired and unmotivated. I listened to a few audios but nothing felt like it had a effect. I then discovered this new gem and listened for about 3 minutes… my energy went from 0 to 100 real quick! It was a massive change! The next hours I felt very energetic and stimulated but not in a bad way more like I HAVE to do something. I do have to say it definitely enhanced my grumpiness in a way . I wasn’t really in control of my mood ,somebody told me I have to work longer and I was pissed of about that for the whole day ,eventhough it was just 45 minutes. That might as well been a one time effect but for this one time it seemed like it enhanced some feelings . It might also be because it accelerates metabolism so much. When I become hypoglycemic I become very moody . I think I’m not gonna listen during work again maybe after work in safe environment would have been better. But the energy shift was huge . Very powerfull !
And that was only for 3 minutes of listening .
I also listened to grounding before listening to this audio ,even before finding out that OM recommended it ,which definelty seems appropriate.

EDIT: I think it would pair very well with torsion field since it makes me feel grounded and in control.


Its pretty strange, the albums are uploaded by youtube themselves, so they put the ads, (the music side) but yes they are on a money run, dreamseeds which is monetized, if the audio is longer than 8 mins, or 10 a lot of the ads are chosen and greyed out. So you cant ‘unselect’ it.


I was thinking about selling it.
But then, it may be better for people like this, at least more can benefit, i can make other things to sell.
But as good as this is.
I can make this combined with oxygen, an antioxidant and say heart restoration, all specifically targeted to your heart. (as an example) Which in this specific way can work a lot better for healing,
Its taking the exotic and taking it to the forge and then smithing it to other things.


@Captain_Nemo I am friend with the distributor of Theraphi here in France. If this inspires you, they use it a lot to open all the chakra center and psychic abilities :)

Would be impressive mixed up with the Kundalini Vibration project as well (maybe too powerful though)


Weird, I see triple nines :man_shrugging: Amazon is just two. Still a good deal :sweat_smile: :blush:


And today I know why I haven’t been driven all the way to their headquarter. You always deliver :pray: :joy:


btw it is a sapien medicine release, which means, it shall be in patreon.


How long does it take to see results with 20/20 vision field @Captain_Nemo

What are the uses of this particular field newly sapien medicine releaed

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Beautiful user experiences here:


I don’t think so, it’s just some weird apple pricing on Music app. I think all albums are 9.99$.


Thank you @Captain_Nemo , I spent 6 hours trying to buy damn thing. :grinning:


Just did a listen (or two? Can’t recall) and my hands and feet feel like they are electrons charged up. A pleasant peace with myself while laying down listening.


Found some interesting testimonials on the things this audio might does, if it’s the same as theraphi.

So it may manifest you things. Be careful with what you think as it might come true in a really short time.


So what happens if you loop this 24/7 and broadcast it to yourself with multiple software radionics avenues at the same time?


Now that’s something I wouldn’t try. You might go back to Ice age.