The Torsion Field (æther)

I did get it… As suggested by Mr. Biceps and OM, glad I took it off before going to sleep. Even then, I still had a hard time sleeping yesterday lol… So much energy.

I think even passive wearing has a pretty strong effect (which is what I have also done so far)…

Also, my neck was hurting a bit, so intended that the energy from the pendant is being used to heal the pain and in about 10-min, the pain went away…


I’ve decided to stubbornly not take it off for sleep so I can simulate other fields better and have energy for them and for recovery as well

Yesterday i fell asleep for 3 hours and woke up feeling ready to go! Haha but i forced myself to sleep again and i ended up sleeping a lot thankfully

To me, its kind of like trying falling asleep in the day time, when you’re not tired at all… You can still do it, but its gonna take a while, I’m sure I’ll get used to it


Just wanted to add, i thought I slept 8 hours when I woke up from 3 hours lol i was like alright, time to get up!


YES!! I will do that today then too haha!! Certainly seems to “feed” other tags and fields very well.


Haha awesome! Maybe one day you can experiment going to sleep with all of your tags on, might balance things out lol

Every field has been working better for me since I got the tag, and i even feel my servitors doing things more


@Maoshan_Wanderer and @GoddessesAndGod not to get too too off topic, but what are the other tags you guys are wearing with your Magi Pendant and how is it powering the others?


Hi @wonderwandering, I wrote about my little experiment here:

At the time of this experiment, I had 22 tags on, 4 of Dream’s servitors, two that I’ve created on my own, some of Dale’s fields near by, and a few Dream and Dale fields that are permanently embedded in me - lol, so yeah it was indeed a “Christmas Tree Experience”…


And matchmaker

I’m sure it affects it a lot but I’ve been sick since I got it lol haven’t even gone to the gym to see how it affects that, I’ve only had it since Saturday


If you don’t mind sharing, what fields are permanently embedded in you?

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I can share some of them - Ascension, Energy Expansion, connection to some deities/archetypes, etc. Back in the days when DW had the luxury of time, I certainly benefited a LOT by participating in some exciting endeavors with this genius called Dreamweaver (and to a lesser extent with Dale and GT).


How do you know om bro . Is he your friend

yes they are friends. Nemo knows of OM for years


Is taht real photo of om

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probably a meme or a joke I think

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Okay, Thank you

Still trying to understand the practical point of the field… basically you can warp time and space, also with servitors?


For those wondering what are the practical uses of this field…

First, understand that this field is literally a Consciousness Phase Conjugation field.

"What the hell does that mean?"

You’ll have to spend a little bit on Dan Winter’s work. ( or

The main things to understand are Phase Conjugation, Non-Destructive Charge Compression, Negentropy, and Centripetal Forces he talks about.

That said, the Torsion field puts you in a state of consciousness/being where phase conjugation is taking place.

With the Torsion field, you’re already surrounded by the energy/momentum that creates the phase conjugation to convert energy (for example if you have some sort of emotional/energetic baggage and you’re creating the conditions to let it go) so the process is shortened by half.

To do my usual releasing practice, all I had to do is think or feel the issue for a few seconds and the release happened because the phase conjugation is already in place.

In any normal setting, I would have to FOCUS deeply to create the conditions where I can let go of any energy, which by the way they are mental structures (gravity) and through releasing (Gravity sent into a phase conjugation field) convert it to light.

Simply put, the Torsion field is FOCUS (A mental toroidal field) done for you.

Now go get creative on how many cool things you can do with that. I spent three hours with it today and found three applications.

Edit: Use this as your guideline to navigate the usual “Space/Time… Time/Space…” you see around. It’s very important you begin to wrap your head around it. I’m still studying it hard.


How do I know all this?

Let’s just say I have the obsessive tenacity to decipher the code our favorite cryptic wizard drops on us.


Wow … Thank you ! :pray:


My pleasure bro. Hope it is useful for you.


When the website looks like this…

Your best bet is to sit down for the next couple hours.


Yes :rofl: :rofl: I know that feeling. Perhaps his videos will make it easier