The Unbreakable

@uial you’re back!! What an amazing week, first we get the great return of @_OM and now the great return of @uial!! Missed your extraordinary posts backed up with your research and related posts snippets!

Welcome back both of you!


:slightly_smiling_face: Fun fact?

@Captain_Nemo always uses the mechanical arm emoji instead of the normal one. Because the Captain Nemo charactar from the lore is an engineer and inventor?

“An innovative engineer, Nemo both designed and manufactured the Nautilus, including her electric propulsion units and navigational systems.” – Wikipedia

Nautilus, the ship itself:

“Nautilus is described by Verne as “a masterpiece containing masterpieces”. It is designed and commanded by Captain Nemo. Electricity provided by sodium/mercury batteries (with the sodium provided by extraction from seawater) is the craft’s primary power source for propulsion and other services.”

“Nautilus was a submarine first tested in 1800 and often considered to be the first practical submarine.”

The name itself, Nautilus, describes a marine mollusc that is often used in math lectures as an example for the occurence of spirals in nature.

Spirals occur everywhere in different form: golden ratio spirals, logarithmic spirals, vortexes, torus fields, flower of life, galaxy shapes, physics, energy flow, behavior patterns etc.

The spiral also describes the path out the earth matrix game and what you need to achieve in terms of escape velocity, as explained in Robert Monroe’s astral travel books and shown here in the logo of the Monroe Institute:

And at one point in time the Nautilus shell was even in the Monroe Institute’s logo:


Coincidence? :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:


The link is working now. I just bought it


Getting some great results from this one in terms of cooperation from clients and other people.


After some time of using it I have to say its kinda ‘‘experience success’’ field

‘‘Everybody deserves to experience success, and why not?’’

What I mean by this its giving You both ‘‘I am amazing’’ in an internal way, as in
‘‘unbreakable fearless and successful mindset’’
And ‘‘You are amazing’’ in an external way, its kinda ‘‘props magnet’’ for me.
The other day I was nagging in a venting thread how I hate the fact that certain kind of people might get more recognition and praise than genuinely hard working kind of people and well, thats not the case for me anymore.
Even this specific kind of people was like ‘‘Wow Mleirbag is so good at this’’ not to mention suprevisors and other coworkers.
And this is also true outside of workplace of course. This external confirmation that ‘‘You are amazing’’ that people are so eager to give You on a daily basis.
And not only this, but people just want to cooperate with You, start new projects, gym, learn new things etc.
All of this combined with this EPIC inner feeling, like You can tear the world apart and move mountains just by sheer fricking will. Not letting failure into Your head.
And all of this is just another way of saying ‘‘Field gives effects like those stated in its description’’
Recommended, 11/8, Great field


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Confidence, Dominance and Authority Sigil

is this audio permanentafter some time?


I believe so but I might be wrong.


I who thought I had an unbreakable mind, it just took three listening to show me that in fact I was a little coward (fearful) but it was before.


I would say yes my friend


What is SLR ?


Subconscious Limits Dissolver


:mechanical_arm: (Captain style)


thanks, new in the forum. I aint familiar yet with forum jargons .


Welcome ! :partying_face:


Just bought it … on a test drive now lol. How many times can you listen in a day?


as much as You want/need I believe


Welcome to the forum!

As with all fields, go slow, see how you personally are affected by your field. When all is okay with you, you can incrementally increase how much (and how) you use your field.


Great audio. Simplest way to put my experience, it give me the attitude of I can do it when going through challenges. :slightly_smiling_face:



I finally got it today.

Work was too busy to switch off of it so it stayed looped whether I wanted it to be or not for like 90% of my shift.

Can say for certain the confidence aspect was shockingly effective. Also people seemed generally more agreeable. Both things are HIGHLY appreciated and already justify having this in my life finally.

Anything worth sharing that comes up I’ll probably be sharing for now. Everything this field is about and is designed to cover involves areas of my life that have been in need quite badly the last few years, so the excitement is real <3


Also not sure if its this or what but the general “theres nothing I’ll be able to do about my life and things in it or involving it” feeling that’s formed the backdrop of my experience daily isnt really currently here, and I’m honestly processing what experiencing this for the first time in 4+ years actually even is lol