The Unbreakable

Everybody deserves to experience success, and why not?

We live in a world where people are often jealous of your successes.

How about instead of those kind of people, why don’t we inspire and attract those who are willing to help or to willing to start mutually beneficial successes together. Sometimes being aligned and having that help can take you levels beyond what you are normally capable off.

Another problem is mindset, often when time get tough, it is easy to fall into despair. But if instead of falling into despair, we instead started looking for solutions. In a despairing state it is harder to implement a solution because we will not feel confident enough.

So let’s grow and develop those confidence levels in a wholesome way. It goes without saying, somebody who believes in themselves or what they are trying to create is oftentimes a whole lot more successful and influential in the world.

This is the type of unbreakable fearless and successful mindset that will propel you far in your journey.

All conceptualized, translated and energy infused into the this violinic journey across the span of 9:41 secs.


Oh that is beautiful so this is like Knight Mindset + the whole Millionaire Album with added goodies for just 9 minutes :partying_face::partying_face:


I need. I buy. Okay.

(Later tonight though haha i can’t wait!!! :triumph:)

This will be awesome pre working out!


Oh its true! First thing that came to mind was success in business/money etc

But your idea is great too, any personal success i supposed!


Id try this first, because i feel this opens and unfolds the path in front of you and attracts the elements and or people that will help then enhanced glory will take you to your goal faster



Add stop procrastinating one as well and or chariot or unstoppable will.

But this one here is like combination of all of them plus SLR, Crucible etc in just 9 minutes and you know when its an audio that integrates different ones is more harmonious than you listening one after the other, plus being Captain these words:

"So let’s grow and develop those confidence levels in a wholesome way " tell me theres unconditional self love, acceptance and hope added to it.


unbreakable fearless and successful mindset :muscle: :1st_place_medal: :medal_sports: :trophy: :medal_military: ROARRR!!!


This + Shamanic medicine blend = yum



why don’t we inspire and attract those who are willing to help or to willing to start mutually beneficial successes together. Sometimes being aligned and having that help can take you levels beyond what you are normally capable off.

This so much. In many industries, it’s not what you know but who you know. And, if they have the right incentive, that by helping you it can benefit them too. Sounds like a little bit of Glory + Intercession. :blush:

I really like the confidence aspect too, and what sounds like emotional resilience. My dad was unemployed for decades because after his main business failed, he lost confidence and the will to try his hand at it again. Guess who had to take a leave from college to pay off his debts? :raising_hand_woman:t2: In the back of my mind I’ve always wondered if I’ve “inherited” that defeatist attitude too. Welp, another audio for the wish list. Thank you for creating this.


Hot damn…Antonio!



And i thought about those audios plus knight plus millionaire mindset plus so many others haha in 9 mins.

Im gonna loop it while meditating in my goals/dreams and see


Something just clicked in before even trying it.

When i went to check the price before even reading the description here my chest area got warm and i felt a cozy love energy. And just as i read comments plus my own thoughts trying to put in words what my intuition was telling me, i felt a concept:

All the audios we have mentioned that this audio sounds like are pretty much outside help/intercession or inside change in the mind, but i think this adds the element of the power our heart chakra has to manifest, you know like when we love love deeply something we want, like we really really want it and we feel warm in the heart dreaming about that something it manifests? And faster?

This is the plus in my humble opinion added here thats why i said unconditional self love earlier as i was trying to express the concept.

Nothing is more powerful than the energy of love we have inside of our hearts, but its usually immediately blocked by the mind blockages… ta dah…

Now i get the whole idea :two_hearts:


Whether it is fear, procrastination, lack of confidence etc. The root cause is the same. We have accepted a belief about ourselves that is out of alignment with our I AM presence. We need one field that addresses this effectively at the root level. If we didn’t hold any limiting beliefs about ourselves we would truly be limitless. You clear all those belief’s at the core level and all the secondary and tertiary effects of them would disappear. We need Subconscious Limit’s 3.0 : )



When Luna described it like that, I’m powerless. I’m getting it :running_man:


Omg, Ive never purchased so many audios in such a short time span.

Super excited to test this one out!


Reading the description I thought this was gonna be $300+ audio

But our sweet captain made it $77.

Thank you big bro.


I wasn’t going to buy any more for a while after everything I bought today, but this is exactly what I’ve been looking for. worth it


I am going to buy this audio now.