I think we can safely say that majority of Us have used or recommended this field for when we want to empower ourselves, to push forward, to believe in us, to dream big again, to overcome fears etc…
But this part here is an amazing addition to this field we might forget:
From the description:
I remembered i got help here and there from the beginning but after a while it was my “stand tall again or rise above hard situations that might try pushing me down here and there”
So after a while feeling this field integrated and semi permanent i stopped listening to it daily like before and would skip a lot of days etc
Ironically during the past month or so not listening to it much, i found myself working triple what i had to because instead of 4 people i should have in my team i was left with none, working like a chicken without head running all over, trying to meet my goals.
I could not find people to hire skilled enough for the job and had reached everywhere and every one i knew but i couldnt find any one for the job.
I started playing this again but just to feel empowered as to push through on my own again without wondering if i could take this long enough to wait, and having my bosses pressuring me hard in the mean time lol
And its when after 2 weeks listening this again daily x 3 sometimes more, its when i realized the part i mentioned above!
In only 2 weeks ive got 2 amazing people perfectly suitable for the job, in fact beyond my expectations, best part with minimum effort (i had already said f** it i guess its gonna be me alone for a while )
One of them literally came out of the blue asking for the position i was looking for
And the other one, was recommended by someone that works at a different department i barely talk to but i crossed paths at the parking lot.
Hi whats up?
-all good you?
Good. Btw i have this cousin that just moved here and he is looking for a job he is this and that maybe theres a spot for him in your dept?
That was it. Interviewed him, got him in 3 days working, and in like 4 days right before this month ending hes got half of the budget i have to make for the month hahah holy dang!!
So i went from having no one
My bosses on my case
Almost the one branch at the bottom of the budget to just 3 days before the month closes climbed up to second, and we have like 4 more meetings that are almost sure shot and can literally makes us win the month!!!
So theres that amigos…
Dont forget to use this field and loop it like is going out of business if you need that extra hand or push from others to build up and reach your goals as well!!