Vibration of Divine Love

So, I bought the Divine Love audio yesterday.
Listened several times last night. Felt sadness, peace and surrounded by love , all at the same time.
Made me cry. Excellent.
Went to bed with my usual nightstack and slept like a baby. This morning I listened twice and the day has been filled with a feeling of calmness, being in the right place, at the right time and excitement.

Got me thinking though on the energetic clearing aspect of it. Do I have to wait a few hours before I listen to it after other audios, like with the Energy body/Aura deep clearing one?

It is really nice to start the day with Divine Love but I don´t want my nightly work to be erased.


Nope!! I don’t think you need to wait …


That sounds great! Thank you!


Sammy g when will detachment accrue with ascension tag

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I wanna know the answer to this too^^^^


When? When is subjective to the person. We’re all at different points of development, some with more attachment than others… also some with more willingness to let go.

Something this field does is that it forces you to meet face to face with what is keeping you from moving forward. The weight that is keeping you attached. That is different for everyone… might be some bad habits. Might be some some pent up energies you have within deriving from trauma. These lower vibrational things within you that keep you low don’t just disappear without a trace. Higher vibrational energy causes lower vibrational energy to rise to the surface and scramble to remain within.

One thing with detachment is that if you don’t meditate and try to remain conscious, your ego will find ways to get the best of you. Even if it gets weaker and lighter, which it will so as long as you listen to the audios or have the field, your conscious mind habitually associates with the ego and will continue to hold onto it…

But even then, you will get to a point, where your ego is so light, that your beingness becomes very light. So you will still get some of the benefits of a high vibration and become very detached in general. It’s possible that the further you go, the more it will just detach anyways.

I wore this for about a year and a half without putting in much spiritual practice when I first discovered this stuff. I had gotten to this point where I felt pretty detached from life and so light, that I felt like a floating feather. It was interesting too how certain life events forced me to make certain decisions I did not want to make like at that time, I became vegetarian which… was because of a stomach issue I had. Anyways, I also became super sensitive but I was never in control. I was just a passenger in this body. I began to realize I wouldn’t be able to go further unless I learned to remain conscious in the present. There are some things I don’t think fields could ever do for you.

Becoming conscious in the present is something you have to consciously do because it requires your conscious willpower to accomplish. You have to try to do it. Be conscious of your breath, of what’s happening right now. Pay attention to the now. The ego will keep trying to pull you out but the more you choose to go back to the present, the more the ego will lose its grip and then slip away from having control. Having ascension will actually make this process easier because your mind is already naturally becoming more slippery due to it becoming more light so remaining present will get easier.


Geez, I really ought to learn how to condense all these paragraphs into one lol. I stay hitting you guys with walls of text :man_facepalming:


They’re always well-written walls of text. :smiley: Like a mini blog post, perhaps. I always appreciate and enjoy reading them. Each sentence is worthwhile and much appreciated.


When You elaborate and exemplify, the concepts are actually easier to assimilate.
You write well, so keep 'em coming! :blush: :+1:


Thank u I loveeeee the reply and u anyway thx for reply


Would u say u have ascended?..

…with love

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passenger in the body that is how a master sees things.


Thanks for this… you answered my question about Vibration of Creation… yes, that‘s how I feel, feeling abundant and enough.


This is still by far the strongest audio I’ve listened to from Sapien.

This one still leaves me breathless.


Don’t you tempt us @KingMerc! I already need huge willpower to not succumb and buy all of the vibes series at once lol (I currently go with VoC only… lots of stuff to process for me with that one).

No, seriously, VoL must be a gem too. I’ll also definitely go for it someday.


I totally agree with you. If I had to choose only one audio to listen to for the rest of my life… It would be this one: VoDL


In which way does it differ from VoC? If you’ve tried both of course :slight_smile:


It’s definitely worth it.

I would describe the feeling as “pure joy” or simply “bliss”

The first couple times I listened to it I was in awe. It was an overwhelming feeling. Felt a variety of emotions. VOC doesn’t give me the same feeling as VOL

VOC however still being incredibly essential.


I started to experiment…on one app is playing alchemy of love album and on another app is playing VoDL in same time, and feeling is very nice, it even vanished from me sadness or feeling of some nostalgia for past which I felt before playing them…so it’s good I must say as combination.
I feel as completed… satisfaction


How many time you listen to it daily?