Woven Worlds - The Journey of The Chosen One


This audio is designed to bring that auto manifested end goal of, well in a sense ‘famous’ or more so recognized.

The push is positive and backed with gratitude, you will deeply be inspired to reach this end goal, and the world will seem to shift as changes and opportunities present themselves.

Quite versatile and will work with you and change to suit as your goals change, nothing really required on your end, except engagement.

Be propelled forward and be ready to meet this new world.

This version of ‘Weaved Worlds’ provides the physical and energetic push to becoming popular (as whatever profession, (IG, YouTube, stock trader, insurance agent, whatever) via positive channels and connections to experiencing the end product of being recognized.

Just like ‘Weaved Worlds: Contentment,’ the background build-up of this uses the active physical push of the need to create a completed action. This action is this ‘auto manifestor’ with a heavy power pushing behind it. Pushing, powering and empowering through the physical, psychic, subconscious and extra dimensional; a brute force energy creation but ever so elegantly done. So with that powered push, attaining that magical existence starts to become your very real reality. This means attracting the right set of circumstances and getting exactly the things you need to get there, the realizations, the right people or even being led down different rabbit holes.

‘Radical Positive Change’ and elements of the ‘Cone of Power’ work synergistically towards the goal here as well.

and when you reach this level, remember we have the Financial Protector to keep your money energetically clean and well appreciated.



How many wovens worlds editions coming… Re re re



hoping for 6 cuz 3 6 9
Just my guess since previous two series came in 3 so hoping this to be 6 since the concept of this field can be applied for many things


im guessing this will help too with handling fame and attention right? @Captain_Nemo


No he didn’t…!
I was just about to createe this field myself

Truly incredible, all jokes aside




I hope there’s one for creating a social circle /life coming


Thanks for another great audio


Noooo. No he did not. Damn. This place is on fire lately.




Would this replace the fame mandala?


Actually, let me rephrase that.

I have been using the fame mandala for a while now. It’s working its magic quite well.

Now this field intrigues me. But from the description, and the lack of reviews, I struggle to understand what this would provide next to what the fame field already does.

Could someone please try to help me out here? :innocent:


I think what this field does is to manifest that reality where you are become that person who is famous. To some degree like that I think. And manifesting circumstances that attract opportunities that lead you to become recognizable person.

It definitely help you out to stand out more.

And also if you are active on social media like maybe Instagram. Or YouTube. This field will attract those people to you. Like the opportunity to find your channel by coincidence I think. And help you grow from it.

Of course the chances are higher. You might also end up meeting the right people that might help you to built your presence. Perhaps when you visit a mall. Then suddenly there is like modeling gigs. Or whatever that may be the case to make you recognize by the people.

This is example though :joy: but yea. The universe works in many ways to manifest that reality to you.

Just do whatever you always do. If you are a singer maybe. Using this field while working on yourself might end up resulting in chances that. The right people there for you find it’s way to you. And might get some big music contract that makes you famous. The universe works mysteriously you know lol


I know it’s still very new, but has anyone had any experiences with this audio so far?

Contemplating purchasing this to help my partner and I with our business in the entertainment/carnival industry but not sure if it would be of benefit for us


I’m going to try and see what this field does, I have the other 3 in my playlist as well but I feel a certain pull towards this one and will give it more play time.


I mean personally haven’t felt inclined for it yet but considering where your field sector lays,
I have no clue why you would not lol. I have a strong feeling it will do wonders for you.


Can the Woven Worlds fields be used all together? I mean in the same daily stack?

Would the different Woven Worlds and their objectives be in conflict with each other when manifesting the outcomes?

Do we need to focus on the goal of one Woven Worlds field at a time or can we, like in “normal life”, focus on manifesting different stuff at the same time?

Are the Woven Worlds fields an “either or” or “both and” type of fields?

Thank you.


I found this previously in the Woven Worlds - Contentment thread. They should work well together.


Thank you :relaxed:


its an auto manifester, all you need to do is listen, so it will probably make you focus on the goal of the audio. I don’t see any problem manifesting something else unless it clash with the fields