New: Time Machine - Change your past and live your best future - Based On Neville Goddard's Revision

So, here we are, finally.

After half a year of development and refinement, The Time Machine is finally available on YouTube.
I am very excited to share this with you guys, since this profoundly changed my life for the better
and I hope it will do the same for you aswell.
If you need a short introduction into what Neville Goddard’s revision technique is, take a look at this topic: What if you could change your past? Happy birthday, Neville

If you are here for the fun ride, here you are: (Premiere)

In case you are wondering what to do or what X2 is and how this works, I have posted an explanation here:

List of (some of the) benefits:

1. Interactive technology
Every program adapts itself to you and fulfills its promise in a way that is unique to you.
The subliminal track and the subliminal in the hybird track both adapt to you. There is also a preparation sheet you can use before doing the meditation. You don’t need to use the sheet, but everything you write down will be noticed and considered by the subliminal working in the background.

2. Self-Empowerment
Become a true, conscious creator. You won’t even need the subliminals after a while. You can simply get back into the state and you will reactivate the effects.

3. Freedom of customization
If you want to, you can combine any program however you want and experience unique results. If you want to have fun, you can for example combine Voice of a Lion with The Spartan or a subliminal that is designed to improve your workspace experience.

4. ACTUALLY fulfill your desires.
We understand that the programs and subliminals are tools, not the desire.
Their only purpose is to help you manifest your desired experience. They are not designed to lose money and hours listening for nothing.
We don’t want that.

5. Immediately noticeable results
This is true for most programs

6. No “Hard work” “Take action”-BS ever again.
I am serious. X2 is a radical paradigm shift. You not only don’t need to take action, it is actually required of you to NOT take action (unless you have a burning desire to do so and are inspired).
“Don’t even raise a finger to make it happen.”
“Effort means that you don’t believe in it.”
-Neville Goddard.

Simply rest in the state and you will do what is natural for this state to do. No more pressure, pep-talk, shaming, strategies, mindmaps etc.

7. Manifest all and any teacher, mentor, book, tutorial, video etc. you need, tailor-made for you!
What if you listen to a program like “The Coding Genius” without having any idea how to code?
Or what if you use a business related program without having any idea when it comes to business?
Let me tell you, there will never ever again be guesswork and risk trying to find a valuable resource.
Any resource you need will be manifested into your life. You will be directly guided to it and it will be perfect for you and your purposes.

8. Having a hard time dropping your desire and your resistance against what you don’t want?
We got your back. The meditation hybrid is designed to do just that. Gently open your clenched fists so
the seed can fall onto fertile soil and grow.
You will see how easy it is to let go of resistance aswell. We built X2 to take care of all of that so you can just lie back and enjoy the show.

All of this is the fruit of half a year of intense development. It really is a huge day for me to share this.

tl;dr: Just listen, relax and accept the new you. You don’t need to do anything at all, just don’t dwell on the old anymore.

I’d love to hear your stories and experiences with this! I definitely hope you will like it and I look forward to read your comments, questions, feedback, hate, whatever it is you got for me.


The premiere starts in 10 minutes. Just in case you are wondering


This is looking real good despite me not being a fan of subliminal (just don’t dabble in them due to morphic fields)


I will definitely give it a try! born right after my thread! thanks for being an answer from the sister universe! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::grinning::grinning::grinning::hugs::hugs::hugs:


@GianLee Yeah I had quite a laugh when I saw your topic, I think it even showed up right above mine haha


Lol it is a great sincronization!!! Thank you so much my brother!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:


Listening to Time Machine on YouTube right now, already feel good after a few listens. Let’s see what this will do in the next days :slightly_smiling_face:

@SovereignSubliminals: I also found your recently published “Laid - Manifest The Perfect Sexual Encounter X2 Program” and this looks very interesting. Are you using it yourself? Or have any of your friends/customer already used it? Some testimonials would be awesome!
I love the fact that it is not just another “get laid with anyone” program, but one aiming at bringing perfectly suitable partners together and that it seems to take care of safety concerns (because getting laid is nice, but getting laid with gold diggers and sperm jackers is hell).

My friend, it is time for your own forum so that we can discuss all of this cool stuff :muscle:


This post is a goldmine of synchronicities haha

Here is the first one: Just yesterday I noticed that some people are confused when it comes to listening time. So just to make this clear: The lesser you listen, the better.
1-3 times a day is absolutely sufficient. In fact, you’d only hurt yourself and the progress if you listened for hours. I am just saying this because I understand that this might not be common practice out there and I want people to get fast and safe results.

Let me put it like this: These subliminals are based on the teachings of Neville Goddard, which means they utilize the principles of manifesting. And in manifesting lies all freedom to manifest whatever you want. I used the same principles the Laid-subliminal is based on in subliminals I created for myself for business success, health, improving relationships etc. So while I have not used this specific subliminal for myself yet, I know it works just as well as everything else, because it just manifests them and to the law of manifestation all things are possible and all things are equal (in value and desirability).

That’s the one that killed me haha.
I was thinking about this for the past couple weeks, but the truth is I have no idea how to setup a forum properly.


Thank you! These explanations are really helpful.


It seems that Sapien Forum and Maitreya Forum are based on the same tool, so there might be some free easy-to-setup forum tools out there? At some point, people will need a place to discuss your creations and post testimonials (which will also help you to sell more, because testimonials a key for people having trust in purchasing digital products).


Yes exactly, that is what I thought when I saw maitreya’s forum. So I guess I will just ask the community here if someone knows a way how to set up your own forum. I am sure many people would be interested in that in general, for all kinds of purposes.
AnthroTeacher also had a forum in this style, now that I remember

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This forum host program is called Discourse


Can you break down more of your experiences with this time machine, i just got it & currently listening… not sure what to expect… I’m hearing some squeaky sounds in the background


Are you referring to me?


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The best is to expect nothing and just observe what you experience.
But I will still gladly share my experience with you.
I used it to let it go of emotional upsets concerning the past, things that would make me feel angry, sad, anxious etc. It is gone now, my life is becoming better and better and I literally feel like I have been reborn and live a new life. I remember the first day I used this, I felt so light and happy that I couldn’t help but smile all day. Even my co-workers asked me what’s going on, why am I so content.
Well, it’s simply redeeming the past. It not only makes you free from the past but it actually changes it in a way that brings you more happiness in the present.
I thought at first that it is only me but there are so many comments on YouTube telling exactly the same and every day I see new ones. So it seems like this was a success, which I am very glad about and I hope you get to experience something similar or even better.


Do you think it works better with headphones or no difference in effectiveness between phone speaker and headphones?

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You can choose whatever you want. Whatever feels more comfortable for you.
I don’t think it makes a difference


Cool, I think it’s a great combo with hoponopono from Spirituality zone


Sure, try it out and let me know how it’s working. I always love when people experiment and try new things

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