Newbie: Is my playlist alright?

listening these one time Morning and one time evening:
1# Sapien Medicine’s androstenol - jake blake
1# Oxytocin + Neuropeptide Y - sapien
2# Androgen Receptors - THE SENSITIVITY OF THE GODS - maitreya
1# Induced Follistatin to Muscle - sapien

What I want to achieve from fields:

I can say from my own experience that androstenol and oxytocin are working, not sure about androgen and follistatin. Don’t really need oxytocin if androstenol basically does similar thing and better. So I could drop it if its too many fields.

My free test is garbage compared to my total test: total test 690 ng/dl and free 17.71 pg/ml.
Got some mental issues like cptsd, anxiety, too active sympathetic system. Androstenol has been a godsend at this aspect.
I am not sure why I included follistatin, if my free test gets better, might as well get some muscles. Could drop this one too if necessary.

It feels like my thoughts are being restricted by me, probably due to childhood. Like I usually don’t have any thoughts just feeling pressure in the brain. Is there any field that helped your mind to wander and be free? I could replace that with follistatin

Edit: I listen to all of them on headphones

Welcome to the forum!

What’s “jake blake”?

And I’m asking b cause I’m wondering if this is a pirated version of a field, that’s been deactivated by Sapien Med, that someone has posted to YouTube.

Of course, you’re free to listen to whatever you’d like and I’m not going to get into a whole debate about piracy. But a deactivated field might not be “alright” according to the definition of your post, you see?

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Yes, its pirated version. What do you mean deactivated? the sound is the same, no?

Man, its not binaurals beats, its morphic fields and energetically programmed audios, read the blogs and read through this forum. You will soon find out that its not rly based just on what sound is there. He can disable any of his fields.

Btw this version might even gone through not losslessly compressed, so even if it wasnt disabled, it might not have worked fully.

Just go on his Patreon, he has an edited version of it, you can download it there.

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I’m quoting this good advice because there are plenty of people out there who are willing to take advantage of people who want to use these tools but are too lazy to educate themselves.

You’re lucky. You’re asking before someone tried to slip their hand deep into your wallet or sell you a pretty picture (at an exorbitantly high price) that was simply a pretty picture. Good for you!

Wait does that mean that the jing and shen audios are deactivated? It doesn’t feel like it though.

Some other thoughts about your post:

You never really filled this in. You went right into what you were doing, without telling us what your goals are and how you’ll know if you’re achieving your goals, how you’ll know if your fields are working. (This is why, at first, I only addressed that one part of your post.)

What are you doing to heal these? Because these’ll impact a whole range of your experiences (including probably your test production and the other things you may be looking at). Fortunately, Sapien has a wide variety of fields for these types of issues. So, continue to do your research on this forum (including the Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated), How to Create Great Stacks and the Ultimate List of Morphic Field Stacks).

Don’t feel bad. Most people have some of that going on for them. Look for our discussions about the Point of No Return (PONR) stacks and field. (The search tool–that magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of every page of this forum–will help you find those.) Those discussions will help you clarify your own goals and help you to set your priorities.

That’s great. You can also listen to them without headphones, too. Whatever works for you.

You might also be interested in this thread: How to Better Connect with Servitors/Audios/Items/Mandalas.

Have fun!

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I’m missing something somewhere.

AFAIK, the jing and shen fields (both the “regular” and the Negentropic versions) are fine. I’m not sure what’s prompting your question.

The “OG Androstenol” field has been famously deactivated (and has been the subject of much discussion).

Any recording on a channel that’s not official, regardless of labeling, is suspect because we don’t know how that field has been processed. This will be a shame if the medical fields are removed from the official channels or if the official channels are shut down (both of which have recently been discussed on this forum), but those unofficial clips are ineffective.

Did I answer your question?


I got worried because someone re-uploaded them on their channel. Thought it got deactivated like the androstenol one.

Oof. No wonder the shen audio felt weird.

Pretty much yeah. Thanks for clearing it up :heart::ok_hand:t5:.

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