Newly released item: Thor Redux

part of me wishes @Captain_Nemo still stocked the Thor Stein so I could pour my Pre-workout into it and go full Berserkir at the gym.

I swear I will not tell anyone if I end up in legal trouble from going too hard I promise Cap


Little story:

Today I went out to an axe-throwing range. And since throwing axes seem to be a tough manly thing that thor would be into, I decided to wear the tag.

I wasn’t really landing any of my throws, and my axe kept bouncing off the target and clattering to the ground. So as I held my axe, I focused on my thor tag, and asked it to put its power into my next strike.
Then…well, this was the result:


Way cool!

(That axe doesn’t look too different from Mjolnir. Nice.)


Damn I love Thor, so fkin cool man !


Have they started ship internationally?
I lost 4 orders made for tags in the way.
Teespring refunded it however it was not their fault

The tag IS still available to order ?

Yeah but the shop has just closed back!

But check the mandalas on instagram, a couple can offer what you can be looking for in Thor, and if it’s the man himself you’re looking for then that too is on instagram :)


Today is my first day using the mandala Mjolnir’s Power and wow! I can tell you I definitely feel the power of Thor today. I feel a powerful fiery energy inside, the way I speak today is very dominant and blunt although I can tell the candidness is appreciated. I can also sense some slight intimidation from my interactions.
I was speaking aloud to Thor earlier asking him to help me make muscle gains, become more masculine, and help with sexual cravings/energy, and I felt chills around my body while speaking. Felt like he truly was lending me his power lol. Can’t wait to see how my workout goes later with this!
I’ve been carrying the Michael mandala for two weeks but can’t say I noticed much. Maybe if I had asked St. Michael for help it would work better.
I’ll continue to carry this with me along with my tags. Next time the shop opens, I’m going to really consider getting the tag to gain more power, but lessen aggression :sweat_smile:


Off-topic, but thank you for reminding me of St. Michael’s mandala. Just what I need right now!


For anyone who loved this tag or missed out on it, take the chance to check this new collection out. Seems to be the strongest Thor field we have now and masterfully crafted by @metaphystwolf


Anyone willing to sell this Tag?

Selling one. Wanted to edit previous but but but…

You might then want to open a thread in the Classifieds category where our buyers and sellers tend to hang out. They’ll be more likely to see your announcement to buy or to sell (not sure which you’re doing) that way. That’s probably why your previous post went unnoticed.

Anyway, good luck.


Today after almost a year found my tag :pray:


So unfortunate. I lost the picture on my Thor Redux tag at an international airport. Maybe it was time for it to go and find someone else to help.


I have still been wearing the tag without the picture on it? Is that pointless to do or does it still work?

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Uhm wot?

You are wearing an empty tag?

Well yes. Pointless :slightly_smiling_face:

One wears a tag so the energy emanating from the Picture hooks to or torus field and its absorbed by our aura BY proximity.

Oh hmmm i just read your comment above the last one…

Well it depends how long you had the tag for before you lost the pic because the old tags grow from the pic to the holder becoming one or if like a corner would break it would regenerate the energy until whole (without the missing piece)

I thought you were talking about the Thor NFT that you had a tag for without the pic haha

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Thank you Luna.

I think I’m just going to go by intuition and say that its either back in the Universe or someone who needed it more than me has it so I’ll take off the empty tag. Now to find my other tags to replace it…

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Oh no, you know what id do?

Id print the thor tag from ig to fit the tag holder you have, i bet theyd become one :)

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Sorry for your tag loss :((
I agree to print out the mjolnir mandala