Nofap field suggestion


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Please see my original comments

Are you personally studying with a Master of Neikung?

I have.
@Maoshan_Wanderer has.

Sure, like I said, they will teach you a whole lot about seminal retention and when to do it and how…
ANDDDDDD most of that is not going to be found on the internet…on a youtube video,…by some “dude” that read it on the internet …from another youtube video.

There’s a whole bunch of stuff that can be talked about with sex, and sexual alchemy and semen and using it for a WHOLE bunch of neat “secret” stuff…

Guarantee 0-20% of it is going to be shared on a public forum/youtube/internet “anything” where a whole host of other issues have to be addressed, in person, by that teacher, about one’s ego, and life path, and strengths and weaknesses on their spiritual path that needs to be taken into account.

(Please see my many, MANY other comments on this forum on the value of finding a real-life, in the person, teacher.)

So yeah, back to my original post.
Got a teacher who’s evaluated your entire spiritual essence and telling you to abstain for a while??
Again, cause the self-discipline and ego-control aspects are the REAL super powers…but there are better ways of achieving this even.
Then, yeah, listen to them

Doing it yourself cause you “heard” it was going to do blah, blah, blah?
Yeah, no. There are better methods out there than no-fap to obtain whatever it is you think you’re going to obtain.


Imagine having a no fap tag…it should be awesome…you will never thing it again. I can’t do it my self I am addicted …

we already have audios to stop

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I sure hope nobody from this community is doing of the such… :rofl:

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Not sure why things like this get posted.

I say my piece, predict a backlash, get a backlash, and then continue to educate…

There’s no “fight” from me.
It appears that way cause others are “fighting” something I said.

Like I said, I’ve spent my entire time here biting my tongue on this “no fap” misinformation.
It’s just bad information.
Bad information is worse than no information.
Figured it was time to “fix” it.
Don’t expect anyone to agree honestly, except those that already agree.

But there’s no fight or “drama”… at least on my end.


Lol I’m only kidding. Your cool. I agree with you. I’ll delete it though.

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no…leave it up otherwise others don’t understand what i’m talking about


I’ll leave it. I’m just in one of those moods today. Never mind me. The guy that bursts up laughing at the most inappropriate times. Gosh what am i on :flushed:. Oh it’s Friday for me that’s why.

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You on that wacky tabacky?
That ice pony?
That woop chicken?


Lol :joy:

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What you stated above in this thread makes a lot of sense and I am glad I came across your post. I think there are definitely benefits to abstaining from PMO but the more you read about the NoFap community the more it seems culty and just stupid.

This is the ultimate wisdom (except I think after 2 weeks away from porn, I will not be going back into that rabbit hole). I think the people that treat NoFap like a religion are the ones who were really addicted to the point it was ruining their lives.

Kind of like how most ex-alcoholics just dont drink at all because they dont have any self control to limit themselves. Damn near anything can be addicting and when you free yourself from that addiction it does feel like you get super powers. But its less about the absence of the activity and more about the gained self control


It all depend on personal path. As @_OM said there is bunch of bs on yt on this topic(on every topic there is missinformation) but i can tell from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that it can be useful. There is also porn that usualy come with masturbation. It screw androgen receptors in brain and also cause dopamine inballance its scinetific fact. Also if you just don’t fap and believe you gonna get some super power or enlightement and what not by simply not masturbating you are wrong. You still need to put in work. Its like fields and other tools, it helps but if you depend solely on them you won’t experience full benefits…


Look man, I don’t intend to become a god with nofap, it’s just a help, I don’t know what point you’re trying to get to, yes I do things because I heard, we all do, if I never knew about biokinesis in a video random youtube and had the curiosity to have researched probably would not be chatting on this forum today. Yes I don’t have a master or special content about it, why shouldn’t I try? This is not how things work, yes there are other methods of obtaining the same “super powers” and that is exactly the purpose of this post, I know the benefits of all the audios that the colleague sent above, but still they do not cover ALL the benefits, and are separate audios, my suggestion is a super formula.

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Pun intended? :joy:


It is I who do not understand how things got this way, is defending your point being fanatic? I admit that yes many who do nofap are, in the beginning I was going this way, but then I saw that it was not right, nor was I really serious about nofap in the last few months, including the authorship of this post IS NOT ABOUT NOFAP, it is about theorizing and possibly create a formula that gives you the benefits, seriously these discussions don’t even make sense.

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Isn’t the ability to masturbate basically a flaw in our evolution? The reward pathways were only meant to be activated when you successfully mated with someone but we’ve found a loophole and exploited/cheated it. Also I remember reading somewhere that other apes only tend to masturbate in captivity (in an unnatural environment).

Although, I must admit I am a beginner at this stuff. It’s just that I’m disappointed at the fact that something I’ve worked so hard to gain control over is suddenly useless…
All that Ojas Shakti I have accumulated for 60 days… :slightly_frowning_face:


I can guarantee that it is not useless, but go for your expensive experience, do not stop believing in something that benefited you just because suddenly someone said that you are not going, you who know whether or not it is worth continuing.