In my opinion, the reason why people fap is because they feel the need to. Usually, it happens when people are bored, irritated, stressed, annoyed, etc. Never when they feel extremely happy or satisfied. In other words, seeking porn is literally ‘seeking fulfillment’.
From what I’ve experienced, the way I’ve been able to reach 3 years of zero porn or masturbation (prior to having an ex-partner) is through consistent deep meditation every day. Meditation allowed these afflictions (inner unrest) to stop arising. And this builds up over time. I would meditate for at least an hour everyday, and this would be more than sufficient.
But if you didn’t meditate properly or have sufficient practice/training, you can immediately tell because lust would only be suppressed temporarily and would resurface across the day. I think the meditation field can help with this tremendously.
Porn and masturbation are used as “band-aids”. They temporarily solve the pain, like alcohol or cigarettes or drugs, but they do not remove the pain. So we need to ask ourselves… Why do we feel the need to reach out for porn? Why do we feel incomplete in the first place?