Nofap field suggestion

I don’t really understand the reaction of some …

Be a little more specific guys, I didn’t understand your humor.

and also that it is traumatic what I do …it’s just my own body fluid that I consume when I ejaculate … you find that shocking ??

I was not expecting this kind of reaction but hey …


Energetic support servitor

Now that I have had time to think about this while trying to reduce my confirmation bias (as much as possible), I’ve heard some people say that accumulating this Ojas Shakti has a number of benefits: namely that it is the source of personal magnetism. And that it can also be used to excel in whatever area one desires to excel in such as academics, arts, building your physique, etc.

How much of this is true?


In my opinion, the reason why people fap is because they feel the need to. Usually, it happens when people are bored, irritated, stressed, annoyed, etc. Never when they feel extremely happy or satisfied. In other words, seeking porn is literally ‘seeking fulfillment’.

From what I’ve experienced, the way I’ve been able to reach 3 years of zero porn or masturbation (prior to having an ex-partner) is through consistent deep meditation every day. Meditation allowed these afflictions (inner unrest) to stop arising. And this builds up over time. I would meditate for at least an hour everyday, and this would be more than sufficient.

But if you didn’t meditate properly or have sufficient practice/training, you can immediately tell because lust would only be suppressed temporarily and would resurface across the day. I think the meditation field can help with this tremendously.

Porn and masturbation are used as “band-aids”. They temporarily solve the pain, like alcohol or cigarettes or drugs, but they do not remove the pain. So we need to ask ourselves… Why do we feel the need to reach out for porn? Why do we feel incomplete in the first place? :slight_smile:


In your argument you have already written that the lack of happiness pushes you in that direction, but then you soon realize you are worse off than before once the physiological function is completed. Meditation can be one of the solutions but not the only solution, also because you should know which meditations are used, not all of them are excellent and very few are excellent for any situation.

Happiness (“sensory bliss”) definitely comes along with physiological function. But that is not the kind of happiness I am talking about. I mean a sense of completion, profound peace where bliss arises without any dependence on sense objects… Being one with the universe :slight_smile: When our energies are abundant, our bodily systems can work optimally.


I mean that kind of happiness, being happy for no apparent reason, so bliss.
Happiness is also the highest vibration.

The truth is “we as humans on earth are to become ONE with God through deep meditation”. And this truth can’t be changed by us. How much we try we cant become WHOLE with these temporary things such as porn and masturbation. This is lust and it is bad. I myself is suffering from this thing. And the only cure is to become one with god/universe/allah/waheguru/ram/and other names you call god.

I’m going to start a 1-year nofap challenge, I want to know who’s with me on this, I don’t try to talk about benefits, it’s just a challenge to show willpower.

:man_facepalming: :man_shrugging:

This is where you will fail big time :100:, you see it as a challenge, a goal with a date etc…

Change your thinking and intention than go back to the posts about this subject, than perhaps you will understand why you will fail.

If you decide to go ahead than I will be expecting a post from you about the relapse, once the emotion to fight dissipates, they return to their old habits etc… sadly fooling their Self’s, then guilt takes over and then the cycle repeats. I rest my case :sweat_smile:


oula … !!! 1 year !!! I’m going to have the balls that will hang down :laughing:.

lol not for me … one purge per month feels good :blush:.

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I don’t intend to do this all my life, so I don’t need to make it a habit, I know the risks of considering this type of thing a challenge, I’m not so attached to dates, it may seem contradictory but it is, so much so that I don’t even know how many days I started, maybe about 1 month, but I’m not sure, I’m not going to be remorse if I lose too, I tried Nofap in different periods, I’m not the type to regret it when I lose.

my motivation is absolute tumblr_pqubphhcqX1qhfxqk_400

Not without a receiving egg, though…



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Which audios

Soul/Core series
Jing, ch’i


Thanks boss


Don’t call me, “boss”, Chief! :wink: