I‘m looking for some feedback on dog tag or Advanced field about nullify/amplify planetary alignment. Is there anyone who can give an insight on how the advanced field impacted you. I‘m really exhausted about the emotions this planetary alignments that brings me in my life. Thank you so much
Holy , i mean wow, Wow!
Of course, Nullify planetary alignments would act as a “karmic” nullifier as well. as astrological signs are just one’s “karmic influences” written in the stars.
Just wow, Wow! Thanks for this post.
@El_Capitan_Nemo Need a v2 of these field, methinks.
Extend the nullifying as far out into the “astrological world” as possible?
I was just thinking yesterday of how complex it must be to make a field like this since every ones sign is different and how the field has to recognize every ones sign lol but a V2 would be really cool! Maybe for gumroad since how complex it must be, but what do I know lol
Did he actually say that over time the results of this field would become permanent?? Are you sure? In description he says 24 hours
“Wow” and thanks from me as well. I don’t have the tag, just daily listening to the field for now. An astrologer had analyzed my chart and pointed out many clashing/explosive things lol. I feel a sort of readjustment for some dimensions in my life, since using the field. Would probably consider buying the tag someday, once familiarized a little more with the ones I have already.
On a lighter note, my GF talked to an online psychic/astrologer who does 1 sample question free - He/she said “next 3 to 4 months of your life will be restricted and constrained”… I was like DUH!!! Lol My experience with astrologers has been terrible haha
Cold-reading .
Slightly off-topic. But I’ve been watching Penn and Teller’s Fool Me
and of course there are magicians and “mentalists”.
I’m somewhat familiar with elementary magic tricks but
i don’t know what fields or spiritual growth are causing this, but 9 out of 10 acts, i just “know” how they are doing the trick.
As “accustomed” to spiritual “phenomena” as I am, knowing how a magician does a trick that fools everyone (except Penn and Teller) is a one of those simple joys.
To bring back on topic. “Mentalists” and street “astrologers/psychics” will use basic cold reading to “amaze and astound”.
But a truly thorough astrological reading will basically explain the first 18-21 years of your life to a tee and perhaps beyond that if one’s been “resistant” in learning one’s karmic lessons
I like the association that you’ve made
I agree, street astrologers have this talent to put you down but I was lucky to find one who was not like, you know, the kind with whom you feel eternally condemned or cursed lol. He didn’t restrict his karmic insights to classical Rahu/Ketu or North/South node analyses either. It was a 2-hour session where I really felt his statements resonating with what I truly experience(d). Plus, the guy was humble (not pretending to own the keys of my destiny or what lol) and supportive of free will etc.
INteresting, I want to know this as well. What if some thing really has to change according to your destiny? Well I assume one will be in a bliss state taking the life path.
@El_Capitan_Nemo Greetings and Good Morning,
A question that has been in the back of my mind for a long time, if you don’t mind:
When you formed the Amplify and Nullify Astrological Effects fields,
What was your guiding idea as to what was considered Positive or Negative?
I will elaborate on what I mean if you desire.
Would you mind addressing this a little?
@El_Capitan_Nemo best looking tags combo
I didnt use any of my guiding ideas, I used generally what the collective thinks is bad effects that reduce the quality of life without any real reason.
Glad you like,
strange thing is, i am usually satisfied with an image or even track, but then after a while, i feel like i could of done better on them.
The Arcturian tag, I bet you didn’t feel that way with. I dare to suspect the design they insisted upon from you had this as a partial motive.
You original luck audio I feel like you did good job I feel it the most from all fields
I feels really good with the nullify and amplify tags
pretty specific with it,
In fact I had to remake the first version.
(The unreleased first version)