Obsession of Sex and people in college

Sorry, a lot of guys think they need superpowers to have girls. I’ve read so many posts like that I jump to conclusions


It’s sad. Lot of dudes have really low testosterone in general and a lot of the time it’s due to porn and masturbation. So yeah they see women as unattainable Goddesses


Thank you, Luna.
There is absolutely nothing normal about lust. This humanity is fallen and abnormal. Sexual energy serves three purposes- for making LOVE, spiritual growth/worldly goals, maintaining health by not abusing it (mental, emotional, and physical health).

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Btw i meant here as in have all possible sex kind of extreme not about telling me your opinion is different :)

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LMAO, I don’t want to pick sides, but his point was that people have too many attachments and taboos about sex and that’s not natural.

It’s like a loop :repeat_one:

I have zero opinions


Look, anything else additional I add isn’t going to solve anything…goodnight

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This thread…


If you say your purpose is not to focus on sex with the girls at your college soul restoration core / knight mindset.

If you want to indulge in the act go for it, let the other person know your terms. Respect yourself and them.

So many beautiful woman around, doesn’t mean you have to sleep with all of them or any of them :slightly_smiling_face:. If you enjoy their company(without taking up your time for your own stuff) keep them around doesn’t have to be just for sex.


I didn’t mean to attack you :grimacing:



You didn’t attack me. I didn’t perceive it that way. I can just see it going in a loop lol


…just to add my 2 cents to entertain the popcorn fraction:

…and the reason many people turn to this in the first place is because of lack of self-love and/or to numb down deep seated traumas with constant dopamine hits. In my personal experience, the more self worth and traumas are healed, the more one seeks to experience lust and sex in its natural raw form (= an exchange of male and female energy) and the less appealing artificial replacements become.

So all that most need to do, as with every other issue on this planet, is to heal their traumas and love themselves deeply.
Then sexual energy and sexuality will express itself in healthy, joyful ways automatically.
Whether this expression then takes place with one partner, or with everyone and everything and/or a mix of it, is then the soul’s personal preference.

I view life as a game, so for me sexual energy and sexual expression are there to played and worked with. It can be used for lust and fun, for collecting physical body experiences, for manifestation and magick, for [insert your application here] etc.

Mate, we had this discussion in another thread on masturbation, maybe you remember. It was a big entertainment show for the popcorn fraction…
As you know I am totally pro-lust because lust is what drives life.
It is called “the lust to live” for a reason.
And I am sure the creator of all had a deep desire and lust to experience itself and that’s how creation happened in the first place.
LUST is just one of the many possible types of expression of LOVE.
Love has many dimensions and Lust is one of the most fun of it (pun intended).

Maximum Lust: hell yeah! Let’s live life!
Porn: hell no! Too many better alternatives.

:grin: :dancing_women:


You and me are always having a misunderstanding of context. Obviously, the “sexual impulse” is necessary for life. The primal sexual impulse is needed for the sexual act. Doesn’t mean it’s normal to use the sexual impulse with an “anything goes with anyone anytime type attitude.” I know people here like to reject religion and it’s hugely because they don’t understand religion. There is a reason that lust is a sin or whatever equivalent word for sin every religion has. I’m not sure what all y’all think the story of Adam and Eve was about. Sure, for someone who doesn’t care at all about spiritual growth then sure be as lustful as you want. Doesn’t matter at all to them. I’m always coming from a spiritual growth point of view. And from the angle, lust is not normal at all. Before what happened in Lemuria in the symbolic story of Adam and Eve, lust was not “normal.” I can give one of the hundreds of reasons and angles why lust is abnormal- but even one is enough

-The energetic exchange with a bunch of random people and everyone that person has been with- I don’t think I need to explain the harm in that.

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Well… these threads tend to go that route.

I personally think that It would be great to have a healthy, adult conversation about sex. This would help to expand perspectives and see sex and sexual energies in a different light. To unburden oneself from the religious, shame-induced, guilt etc views on sex. But as @_OM mentioned above, it’s not time yet. :woman_shrugging:


Here just one of hundreds metaphysical realities of lust :fu:
I’m sorry to burst your bubble that religions don’t promote having sex with only one person in your whole life and that you love just to control you


Boy… why ppl go edit a comment long after one has liked it and we cant dislike it anymore if we disagree with the edition lol :roll_eyes::laughing: (@Dr_Manhattan you good at this too :roll_eyes::face_with_hand_over_mouth: )

I dont see it to this other extreme either.

And one can give ones opinion but leave a bit of room for personal decision of whoever reads that opinion, without sounding super judgmental and like if what we think is the ultimate truth.


If you’re upset right now…WHOMEVER…take a minute AWAY from the keyboard.

SERIOUS… not joking.


Yeah, but that sexual impulse is not limited to the physical plane and physical bodies. The sexual impulse comes from an exchange of male and female energy, which you have on the astral and higher planes as well.

In deed, astral sex and energy exchange takes place all the time, even on the physical. When two auras meet it is already happening. That magnetism between a man and woman, even if they do not touch each other, sexual energy exchange is already taking place via their auras :slight_smile:

Lust can also be expressed in a totally loving way, e.g. Tantra


One minute after and before I even saw you liked it. And I really don’t care if you disagree. Just a bunch of people here who’s egos of lust are so triggered. As always when I talk about things that are well known in ever mystical esoteric tradition. But I guess y’all are smarter than the actual Masters

So you just proved my point- except it’s not lust. Well Tantra wit randoms is. That’s black Tantra. Tantra is this WHOLE TIME what I’ve been gettin at