Official YouTube fields announcement

Venus retrograde in Leo.
You can lose whats precious.
Today I lost my list on YouTube
Yesterday my StoreHouse was robbed…
Happy I am on Patreon,but it’s always easier and quicker of YouTube.
As said above,Take a deep breath♥️


Few ideas; using justice for all to help aid the situation. People setting their solidifiers to help aid it (despite what people think you can put multiple things into the solidifier as it all merges into one big thing of intent, albeit more focused on a specific goal is better, I have tested this a lot since owning it since December.) Maybe once dream gets back a public field could be made and released to help aid the situation. Although I’m unsure how that’d work, it might be better through mass meditation-type stuff.

Idk just some ideas to maybe help the situation.


I kinda thought of that, but didnt check it till i saw your post here. Odysee has become a kind of haven, we’ll have to see what its policies and guidelines are. But its a good option as it has a backup/port function from YT.

I think a part of this ongoing problem has been the fact the subliminal community has been growing too much, i remember a post about some creator possibly having a spot on the news…its always been about trying to keep it small so something like this doesnt happen.

There have been small turf wars as well over the years, not to mention there was someone who purposefully target channels with weight loss subs and kept reporting them. I think all of this brought too much attention to things like subs, frequencies and fields. Now YT is paying attention(instead of the tons of automation) to these communities and taking action with what they feel is the right choice.


For those who are into astrology stuff, try Dreams Nullify Negative Planetary and Astrological Effects on the Dreamseeds channel.


Pretty much anything related to Google or the Big 5 tech companies is compromised as a platform.

Fortunately, at least for now, those who need it have alternatives like Odyssey:


Hi there, @lemon!
group welcome 7


Youtube is not a trustworthy website. They purged a lot of channels in 2017/2018 for “conspiracy” topics. They are not open to free thought and especially not free healing. The argument they’re making is that the subliminal weightloss fields are dangerous for kids and teenagers, and even though youtube will never admit to their effectiveness, they argue that it promotes body dysmorphia and is therefore harmful. At least, that’s what I’ve gathered. It’s a good excuse to ban anything remotely close to “medical” due to legality and advertising, but it’s all a guise for more control. I just saw the Dr.Virtual7 dreamtime hack video is gone as well, which is nowhere close to medical, but maybe it worked too well.

Stop supporting youtube. Use an adblocker (ublock origin) if you have to get at some information Youtube is only interested these days in the business of wasting your time, programming young impressionable minds, and skimming advertising revenue off of the top. If you can afford to support the patreon and are in a region where you are allowed to do so, what the fuck are you waiting for? If you are not able to do so for one reason or another, I’m sure a solution will come along.

This is the world we live in. Do not expect these corps to have your best interest at heart. Download the audios from patreon, make backups all over the place (for your personal use, of course).

In the meantime, go down to the Winchester, have a pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


Just saw this. A sign of the times, for sure. The culture is going wide on aliens disclosure and narrow on health, though I wouldn’t be surprised if Arcturian Infusion got axed with any disclosure.


I was listening to skin scar repair and facelift and suddenly poof, disappeared.

UPDATE: now I was listening to stem cells to scalp, face and neck. It’s gone too. maybe I should stop listening to audios today lol.


All “medicine” audios are removed from YouTube approx. 100
Use Sapien Medicine on Odysee


by yt or cap?

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By uploader as it listed officially.


alright, thanks!

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Maybe someone from @admins can shed a light?

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for real?


yup, i just started playing my skin stack and within a minute, both were gone :upside_down_face:


Oh dear…

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