Official YouTube fields announcement

In theory it can only be of inferior quality if not downloading, streaming can drop packets if connection isn’t stable or servers overloaded.

i fulfill the conditions. and yep 4.5 $ one. thank you !

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Why are so many videos removed on youtube

It’s literally visible through Stats for Nerds on YouTube.

Do sapien’s videos on way back machine work? or they they lose the morphic energy?

Audio on odysee works the same as YouTube one?


It should (hopefully), although it’s best to wait for an official answer/reply.

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Youtube and other huge platforms clearly have an agenda.

Is it possible, in the future, for any brilliant mind or even a few great minds, to create an alternative platform or even more such platforms, to end their discrimination against Fields, Subs and other such Creations?

We can’t always remain at the mercy of big companies and their agendas.

I already know that some/certain such platforms/websites do exist, I’m asking if there is a possibility to create such things solely for “Alternative Healing” and other related purposes and needs?


That Legendary Good Luck field has legendary testimonials. Noooooo… :sob::sob::sob:


I’m sorry if it’s hard to read, I tried to regroup all the related post into one thread, it was getting chaotic.

I have no news for you as of now, I just logged in, I don’t know what happened.


Sapien medicine is the only reason why I use YouTube premium. Because I want to enjoy fields like I own all of it. And can listen with screen off. Now all of it are gone. I feel like YouTube is useless now.


I don’t even know what’s going on frankly. Looking into it…


It’s crazy and Shocking as it comes, hopeful for the best!


Joined patreon but it’s difficult already because I can’t find how to search what video I want it for what subject?? I can easily miss things, so if it have please let me know.
And can’t make playlists?
Also is there a download option there? Patreon newbie, sorry (but long time sapien medicine listener) x

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Checked on other Creators, they’re all Good, Just Sapien Stuff affected as it appears!


There was/is a purge on subliminal makers recently, I know SapienMed is not sub maker but just FYI


Patreon is just for content sharing really and supporting creators. Use player like VLC or Poweramp with playlists stored on some Google Drive or OneDrive.


YouTube: I’ve only been paying for their Premium to listen to these videos and some others without interruption and continued playing in the background. Damn YT. It’s so condescending to dictate to people what they can listen to. Dream adhered to their videos needing some kind of visual etc… They’re obviously popular. UNBELIEVABLE. Censorship never stops.


What is going on I’m literally crying :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Wait so YouTube took them down?? Where can I find them now​:sob::sob::sob: