Official YouTube fields announcement

Odysee’s loop function sucks. But grateful the lost YT ones are there after all :pray:

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Can anyone explain the membership function and donation aspect of Odysee please? Just a thought but if we donate there then SM can book another holiday as I imagine this has buggered up the vibes… as it’s not the greatest for a business when it can be un monetized at a whim and then deleted/hacked especially whilst you’re away. We’re very lucky he hasn’t just said f you all, pay for it.

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thank you so much for the warm welcome. :hugs:


Hi all!

I couldn’t find Trauma Release and Healing video on Odysee. Any ideas if I am missing something or it’s not uploaded there?

Wish you best!

Is this the one?


It’s still on Youtube though, the album and another version on Patreon.

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Ah ok yes those have the same name he wrote thank you

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Thanks! I know it’s still on Youtube, but I am listening it together with Alchemical Revision of Trauma which is currently available only on Odysee and I preffer to have them both in one playlist :).

Hi, Mach_Mila!
Cropped rose welcome


Thank you for reminding me that important field! Just saying, all is not lost :)

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how long it take to YouTube to restore deleted uploads ?

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am really stuck now as as of two days ago, I switched to this


I presume it heals receptors at least and my god, it has been helpful, in the absence of Sapiens, Overcome Any Addiction- Dopamine Repair and Brain Regeneration but have now found them on Odessey

and despite the recent FAQ, about fields, over 10 minutes, should only be used once, for avoidance of draining, i have been using 6 and had to drop others, (since, I quit weed as I had a bit of a mid life crisis, in the last year) in order to restore and the two above plus Dopamine Redux, have been working wonders.

I listened to Jing 4 times 2 days ago at work, when feeling drained and my god, it worked wonders and even my colleagues noticed it: you could hear the power in my voice again

great there is a back up, Sapien has changed my life for the better, what an amazing bunch of old souls they are

any advice, about whether to stick with the monks chant as that is also very helpful and had only been on Brain Regeneration, Dopamine Redux and Overcome Any Addiction for 10 days, and as I understand it, it needs 3 months

I have had to drop, sacral and solar plexus seal, ojas and soul restoration (heart centre) so currently have been using

Dopamine Redux once or twice
Brain Regeneration once or twice
Overcome any addiction- Dopamine Repair
Soul Restoraton Base- once or twice
Negotropic Jing-once or twice
Ojass on some days but mostly not

Anyone, experienced and have any advice

Do you think the monk, chants, would heal the receptors and would they drain
undecided what to do

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Thank You. I love your creativity :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Thank You my friend. You are nit only beutiful but also so wise and sharp😎.

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The website is not working right. Everything is very slow and whenever I press play, the loading wheel continues spinning until an error shows up after five minutes or so.

Honestly don’t worry about it but thanks anyways. I’ll just have to wait until the channel is restored again unfortunately.

I have the original video rip from this source and it plays, if you need me to send it to you i can

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I tried playing it on the snapshot, first time loading i got the error message but I resolved it by loading it again and it was playing fine, i suggest you that try also, cheers

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lol… honestly it’s fine man, don’t worry about it. I don’t need it but wouldn’t of minded it because it was part of my night playlist before. It wont be long before the channel is back up or it might be uploaded on to Patreon.

Although thank you again Mr T :wink: :+1:

cheers, but do we have full confirmation from anyone the channel will be back up, i was doubting it but still using Odysee

I honestly do not have clue but I assume they’re working on solving the problem as fast as they can.

It’s just the SM channel that’s having problems but you can use Odysee like you said. There’s still Dreamseeds and Energetic Alchemy available on YT since they’ve not been affected.