Ojas Marrowed and Shaken not Stirred

ima loop this all night i just relapsed twice ffs, hopefully nothing bad happens from loopin


would u guys say this 1 is better or the original ojas? im tryna shorten my stack


Whether it is better or not depends entirely on your goals. They each have a different focus.


Nah thats straight facts tho man. swear attraction goes through the roof with this field also my skin has just a smooth honey like look to it.

defo works better when im retaining tho im suprised u get benefits without


I loop this after 11th power everyone before I go to gym, and let me tell you it’s surreal the amount of female attraction I receive when listening to this whole at the gym, especially on longer streaks of retention.

The most noticeable moment, is women choosing to come right next to me on the treadmill, then glancing/looking at me at least 2-3 times throughout the duration of their run. This happened earlier and this girl I’ve never seen before glanced at me 4 times in a row, before I finally looked at her and acknowledged she was looking at me, immediately she looked down…then when I looked away again, she glanced at me again a few seconds after.

This is far from the first time this has happened. This has happened many times now, with many different women at my gym. I’m not 1000 percent sure whether it’s pheromones from retaining + High T, but this field seems to boost this female attraction significantly on top of what already is.

Something about this form of energy is highly attractive to the opposite sex… I believe it would be the same for women, it would make them highly attractive to men. It’s a very polarising energy.


I just got this, teespring hasn’t sent me any link to download though, can someone send me it? I can show proof that I bought it


An intermediate overview of the common benefits mentioned in the thread:

  1. Increased Attractiveness: Users have reported heightened levels of attraction from the opposite sex. This often includes experiences such as more frequent eye contact and glances from others, particularly at the gym. This perceived increase in attraction is sometimes linked to retaining semen and elevated testosterone levels.
  2. Improved Skin Quality: Users have described their skin as having a smoother, more youthful appearance, akin to a “honey-like” look. This benefit is noted as being particularly prominent when using the product alongside other skincare practices.
  3. Enhanced Energy and Vitality: Users have felt increased energy and vitality, which is noticeable, especially when using the product in combination with other energy-boosting practices. This energy is often described as being invigorating and revitalizing.
  4. Physical Improvements: Some users have reported physical changes such as a deeper voice, increased body hair growth, improved hair and skin quality, and a more defined facial structure. These changes may be attributed to the audios effects on overall vitality.
  5. Reduced Anxiety and Increased Confidence: The audio has been linked to a reduction in anxiety and an increase in self-confidence. Users note feeling less anxious and more self-assured, which can have a positive impact on social interactions.
  6. Improved Relationships: Users have described improved relationships with family and friends, suggesting that the increased vitality and positive energy from using the product contribute to better social connections.
  7. Mental Clarity: Users have reported enhanced mental clarity and mental well-being. They often describe a sense of being more focused and optimistic.
  8. Energizing and Revitalizing Effect: Many users note that using the audio leaves them feeling energized and revitalized. This sensation is akin to a physical and mental rejuvenation, with increased physical and mental alertness.
  9. Youthfulness: Although not detailed, some users have suggested that the product may contribute to a sense of youthfulness, likely due to the improved physical and mental well-being.
  10. Enhanced Wakefulness: Some users have found it easier to stay awake or pull all-nighters when using this audio. It’s important to note that this benefit might not be the primary intention of using the product but is still a notable observation.

Please remember that these benefits are based on subjective experiences, and individual results may vary.


It’s a process. It can take a day or so sometimes.


Look up in the thread, someone mentioned the same as you? Maybe contact Teespring, so that you have the URL at least?

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@Infinitecreators Their customer service is good when they are open, so an email is always a good idea. Include your order number.


what’s their customer support email? My email got rejected saying the address doesn’t exist

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I ended up getting it a couple hours after, thanks


Glad to hear it - gratz! :slight_smile:


Can anyone do AI generated images of this field, visually explained? Just seen something like this in the Plasma Flaunt thread, where it seems AI is fed the description, and creates interesting art encapsulating the ‘effect’ of the field visually, from the description.


Im sure someone else could do far better, this is what I got though! :sweat_smile:



Has anyone done this?


does any1 play this during the day and experience tiredness? apparently playing it after jing makes you tired which I’ve read somewhere on the forum

I usually play it in my night time stack but yeah thoughts ?