Is the effect significantly reduced if I use 2 fields at the same time, from different devices or it is only slightly or somehow reduced or perhaps it’s not reduced, depending on the individual?
If I only listen (to) one field at a time, it takes forever…
But, I think Quality beats Quantity, yet not if the effect is not reduced or just slightly or somehow reduced (if I use two fields simultaneously).
Thank You, @WellBeing and @anon75179789.
I knew that it works, what I am asking is if it’s truly worth it and if you can answer from your own experience, also
Yes, for example when I wake up my ponr stack from one and Ancient arts, Ojas, devil reversed etc. from another.
Or Plasma brain from one and smart stem cells from another is a real treat for my body.
It does work well, but I´ve been using ponr for months now.
That’s really going to depend on you, because your energy system (and how it absorbs and integrates the information from your fields) is going to be individual to you.
I always find such questions interesting because, IME, this is a “solution” to a problem that can be better handled in other ways. What’s your intention behind wanting to simultaneously bombard your body with multiple fields?
Well, unfortunately I have quite A Lot of Issues that I need to fix, health related and other stuff, so I need hours, At Least 5-6 hours/day, if I go with one at a time.
That’s usually the answer that I get when I ask this question on this topic, so you’re in good company.
If you’ve read what the creators have recommended and you’re really concerned about your fields being diminished, then you can prioritize your issues. You may have quite A Lot of issues you’d like to fix, but you don’t need to fix every one of them at once. And when you prioritize correctly, you can discover that fixing some of your issues can have widespread results throughout the rest of your list.
I get it, been there. But trying to fix all at once probably won´t give you significant results and you (literally) burn out if you
Keep in mind that they work through your nervous system. Since you seem to use a lot of fields to fix your issues, I´d recommend to give them the best environment to work in.
(clearing, expanding energy system, beliefs, proper sleep,food, hydration, high vibration etc.)
Then I´d stick with the one subject that bothers me most and get to the bottom of it.
For everything that isn´t urgent (in terms of having to act NOW to survive) Self love/raising your vibration is the way to go.
So, in short, prioritizing = (mostly) 1 field at once is better…
Perhaps I will try it only this way for a while.
I don’t get the (after) but part, have you been using ponr for months Because of using 2 fields at once or it’s just that you observed results over time (regardless of number of fields used simultaneously)?
I’m saying prioritize your goals, so that you’re not tackling all your goals at once. Then, you’re not needing At Least 5-6 hours/day to play fields for your goals. When you prioritize your goals, you can play a stack for that goal maybe twice, three times a day, resolve that issue and move on to your next goal, without worrying about burnout, overload or even fields (or devices) interfering with one another.
I´ve noticed that my overall capacity to interact with energy has changed.
I am more energy sensitive in general.
I usually don´t have to spam them to feel/see effects and can interact with them more effective. (same for subs).
= more fields in a day while not having to spam them each 10 times + the subconscious belief that I can use 2 at a time. I wasn´t sure about it working, with the use of ponr I think I could even add a third device too.
(Used to spam way more fields at the same time with gamechanger from QI but it only burnt me out and gave 0 results)
Build your energy system, doesn´t only benefits you fieldwise. If you can´t do the practices rn use at least the energy expansion card daily
I´ll link biceps summary. (thanks again @IAmJonathan)
Thank you.
Yes, I planned to use the Energy Expansion card, plus Energy/Chakras Exercises/Work, daily, to strengthen my Energy Body/Aura, but that adds up and it takes even more time (the second part , not the cards), yet it’s a must, since building my Energy System helps me in many ways, not just with fields, as you said.
No worries. I recommended it because it will help with that intention of yours.
Maybe then, you might want to give this goal a higher priority?
Here’s something for you to ponder, if you like: What would it be like for you, when you allocate some of the time you spend here on this forum to tackling some of your to do list?
Well, right now I am listening to one field and a sub, so At Least I listen to fields, But I do spend a Huge Amount of Time on the Forum, perhaps I should focus More on myself, as I already planned in the first place.
Yes, that star exercise needs some free time/space on my part.
Plus, many other activities, not just health related.
Another Issue comes to the surface, I am Addicted to This Forum (you really can’t blame me, it’s Good Stuff here, and Good People, of course).
Add Addiction to the list of my issues, great.
Besides sugar/sweets, addiction to self importance, self obsession, etc.
As I said, I have a lot of stuff to heal.