Opnions on hanging out with "Low vibrational people"

Lol, best comment.


In your case I would let them go for now, but keep the door slightly open for individuals in case they change for the positive in regards to addictions.

U can be/are an example to your friends of someone who has sucessfully quit their addictions. :sparkles: :tada:

However because of your cravings while around them, best keep away for now.


When I first moved in with my family, any time I, or anyone else, tried to meditate… someone or something would happen just as it was getting deep.

It brought on an irrational level of rage for all parties involved. We developed rules to keep from interrupting each other and it happened less often, but wouldn’t you know it, a car would backfire, door would slam shut, someone would yell across the house. It was never ending…

Until I learned to meditate with chaos around me.

Now, I’m not saying I’m perfect or even great at it, but I can usually center myself with 5 people walking, talking, and laughing within 2-3 feet of me… occasionally calling my name out, realizing I’m meditating, and then whispering “sorry”. All very distracting.

I don’t think this is the way you HAVE to do it, but I think it was good that I learned and am continuing to learn how. Centering yourself after being pressed by a crowd is one experience, centering yourself in the crowd is quite another.


Why do I remember that. Some story about how it’s easy to meditate in the monastery but the real work is doing it in chaos

It might have been from Brother of the Third Degree lol, but no doubt a few other places.


i think neither of us would want to see the results of this experiment, if we encourage our friend to remain in that same excess-drinking, drug-using and heavy-compaining-about-life environment , even when he told us that he had those problems too and that he craves those addictions when he is with his “friends”.

I’ve read in his posts here, on forum, that he was interested a lot in making people laugh and being a good joke teller / story teller / having a likeable, social persona, and now he tells us that he stopped hanging out with his friends as much “half because of anxiety” .
This feels like those people aren’t just getting drunk and doing drugs and complaining “all the time” , but also, they might not be a friendly bunch… they may be somehow aggressive and pick on him repeatedly, they may be bullies that aggresively put down people with gentler souls and that lack or don’t like to have aggressive “skills”.
I know how that is, it happened to me all my life. When somebody realises that another person is not aggressive, he / she would subconsciously and automatically change into a dominant person.

Nice people are not really that hard to find, they exist in real life too, not only on spiritual forums, and we find them in our life journey. When we find them, we “see” them and they “see” us. They care about us and understand us and help us go towards our goals. Then we are friends for life.

You will definitely find such nice people and will keep them as friends and they will become your “tribe”.
No need to go in shitty places that you feel you don’t resonate with anymore, sorry.

About the idea that one can change other people, even a little bit… yeah, that is extremely hard and almost impossible, because they want to remain exactly the same and be loved for it. Every person evolves in his own rythm and through his own sorrows.
We always try to help them and insist and push and make compromises to remain in their life to “improve” them and drag them up by force, and take them with us and show them better horizons, but people are reluctant and preffer to not make any effort at all.
You can try to tell them about fields, improving, quitting addictions etc, but maybe you did it already and they just laughed and returned to getting drunk, having drugs and complaining (while getting aggressive, dismissing and insulting too … in a … “friendly way” ).




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So true. I irritate a lot of people with just my mere presence and serenity. They are always low vibe people.

And in regards to OP, in my experience it’s best to keep people who use at a distance but as @SilverZuzu said, keep the door open incase they change. You never know if maybe one day they actually want your help when something clicks for them.


Why tho?

I think every one of us had stages of development.

Have you forgiven them?


Yeah, I should add that I don’t enjoy it. But I agree with the observation that low vibe people are irritated by happy and high vibe people’s mere presence.


Definitely! I had only listened to Attract Your Soul Tribe a couple days and suddenly this guy started working at my job who was in the beginning of his spiritual journey. I introduced him to fields and even let him borrow my SLR tag. He’s been wearing it everyday for a couple months now and we are good friends. There are definitely great people out there that are spiritual, not spiritual and all in between. As we evolve, we attract people like us.


Yeah,… some things here remind me of this :D


And well, sort of this as well, but not exactly about “low-vibe people”:


Yeah, but there are also effective counter-measures for that.

And sometimes it can be even the person’s subconscious judgement projection onto them as well.

With the tools we have and self work, I’d say it can be highly probable to be able to eliminate those happenings, but can also vary from the situation to situation and the level of involvement…


Cant say anything else in addition to the amazing messages people posted, it warmed my heart tbh the support in this forum but i wanted to post this



In the very same way “brokies” are triggered by “the rich”, and vice versa… :laughing:

Also this here is key!

If low vibe people are still somehow part of one’s person reality bubble, then this means there must be a subconscious alignment between the parties involvement – otherwise one would not manifest them into one’s reality bubble and they would not manifest one into theirs.

As always, “shadow work” and “subconscious beliefs change” is the answer.


Some really good stuff, and they all seem quite valid. I think part of it depends on what kind of stage you’re in, along with goals/life directions. Like it really is a choice.

Personally I’ve been in healing for nearly the past year, which has led me to “resetting” and my current irl solitude. Seeing this message was a little hopeful and reassuring.


That doesn’t make sense unless these low vibe people are your friends. Wherever we go, there will always be low vibe strangers. That’s unavoidable regardless of your state of being. Also, low and high vibe are relative and there is a whole spectrum of vibrations in between. I am speaking about generally grouchy and discontent people who’s negative energy is palpable.


This will make sense to you once you understand what I actually mean by “personal reality bubble”.

Of course, when you are walking down a busy city street, you will encounter a lot of people with whom you are not aligned with. However they will not really enter your personal reality bubble as you will not interact with them on a deeper level than a short scanning of each other’s auras.

When you don’t interact with those people, they are just part of the background scenery in a sense and the only reason you encounter them at all is because you have decided, with your free will, to enter that busy city street.


No bro I know what you mean by personal reality bubble and what you’re saying doesn’t make sense. By your logic, as a paramedic I shouldn’t encounter any nurses or medical staff that I deal with daily at dozens of medical facilities that are low vibe if I’m of a high vibration. That’s absurd. These people are more than strangers to me but less than friends. I see the same people all the time but they are in no a way reflection of my vibration. That doesn’t make any sense.

Do you know how many enlightened beings were born into unconscious families? What about the enlightened bodhisattvas that are helping people trapped in samsara suffering to overcome their demons? Is that bodhisattva of a low vibration? We don’t stop encountering and even having intimate dealings with people just because we are vibrating higher than them.

Karma/cause and effect is much deeper and more complex than that.

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Look bro, of course it makes sense.

By having made the free will choice to become a paramedic, you very well knew in advance and all the time that you will encounter certain types of people. And you have committed yourself to the service of people in general, regardless of their vibration.

You literally gave yourself and your own Subconscious Mind the permission that it will be part of your commitment to encounter and help ALL types of people. And thus, your Subconscious Mind allows this to be part of your personal reality bubble. You haven given consent and decided that it is okay this way and as a part of playing your role as a paramedic who helps unconditionally.

The Free Will factor is a big factor in manifestation and often overlooked by people. It is overlooked because the ego often tricks us into believing that “we didn’t have a say in it” and that “external circumstances simply happened to us”, but as you know, this is simply the ego trying to play the victim card and work against you using more of your Free Will.

There are many choices and contracts in our lives that we have entered because of the assumptions that we have to do something a certain way.
But did we really had to enter those contracts?

If you agree to something, you in a way, become contractually binded with something. And through this contract, consciously or unconsciously, it becomes part of your personal reality bubble.

People enter all types of contracts on a daily basis because of various assumptions, limiting beliefs and because of simply not knowing any other way. But that’s why I again, quoted the “Making The Unconscious Conscious” thing, because it implies also us understanding all the contracts that we have entered without us even being aware of it.

This is simply stuff that is uncoscious.

Once you make it conscious, you have the power, with your Free Will, to decide otherwise.

Theoretically, if you manage to make your whole incarnational plan conscious to yourself while being here, you could very well hijack and completely change your whole incarnation into a different path.

“As you adequately put, the problem is choice.”
– The Architect, Matrix Reloaded