Opus Manhattan

You could play Opus on a second device simultaneous to your wiring fields.


I Will do this too. Probably not daily but I already did it with superhuman genius.

can you please explain this a little more, are you saying that we can play 2 different brain fields on 2 different devices simultaneously?

100%. If you go through this thread playing during wiring fields is one of the recommended usages. if you go through the brain guild posts, there’s lots of multi-device usages. I use 3-4 fields at a time quite often whereas when i started in 2018, i could only handle one at a time.

PU’s Expanse field along with Dream’s energy expansion aspects of Your Energetic Being have opened up a lot of energy systems for more synergy.


understood, thank you for this information, can you give me some possible ideas as to which field pairs up best with another, when we speak about the brain fields? @spiralriver

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Lotta combos out there… but the general idea is… play boosters (Opus, Snapping Synapses, Brain Key, White Matter, Brain Game etc) with or before wiring fields (Manhattan Method, Cyber Brain, Conceptual Conglomerate, Drops of Memory, Mathematical Madness, etc) then protect the brain afterwards (Plasma Brain of Youth, Brain Antioxidant Complex, etc).

Here’s my general approach to simultaneous stacks:


Hi @MHAS, Did you end up buying White Matter after and if so do you recommend to purchase both Opus Manhattan and White Matter to compliment each other.
Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m just wondering, how close is ChatGPT’s breakdown of the benefits of this field do you feel?

*Certainly! Here’s the combined list of potential positive aspects of life resulting from using the Opus Manhattan brain field:

  • Enhanced memory retention and recall abilities

  • Improved learning capacity and cognitive flexibility

  • Increased synaptic plasticity, facilitating faster adaptation to new information

  • Optimized neural network formation for efficient information processing

  • Better focus and concentration, leading to increased productivity

  • Enhanced problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities

  • Improved mood regulation and emotional resilience

  • Enhanced overall cognitive function and mental sharpness

  • Reduced cognitive decline associated with ageing

  • Enhanced brain health and resilience against neurodegenerative diseases

  • Greater self-confidence and self-efficacy in intellectual pursuits

  • Improved quality of life through better cognitive performance in daily activities and professional endeavours

  • Enhanced creativity and innovation due to improved cognitive abilities and neural connectivity

  • Increased adaptability and resilience to stress, leading to better coping mechanisms in challenging situations

  • Heightened awareness and mindfulness, leading to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around them

  • Improved social skills and communication abilities, fostering better relationships and interpersonal connections

  • Enhanced decision-making skills and judgment, leading to more informed choices and outcomes in various aspects of life

  • Greater energy and vitality as a result of optimized brain function and overall well-being

  • Enhanced performance in academic, professional, and personal endeavours, leading to greater success and fulfilment

  • Reduced risk of developing mental health disorders or experiencing cognitive decline due to proactive brain health maintenance

  • Enhanced ability to multitask and manage complex tasks efficiently, leading to increased productivity and effectiveness

  • Improved sleep quality and cognitive processing during sleep, leading to better memory consolidation and overall brain health maintenance

This comprehensive list highlights the multifaceted benefits of utilizing the Opus Manhattan brain field for enhancing various aspects of cognitive function and overall quality of life.*


It just gave you some generic illustrations of what you can expect if you grow your brain, which is what this field does. That’s what building new brain connections does :slight_smile:


I would say that this would be beneficial


Perfect. Thank you :pray:t3:

This feels very nice on my brain and nervous system. Picked it up on Monday, and have been pairing it with BK and various wiring fields. The wiring is definitely more boosted, and I’m finding the need to spend more time with BK after. Thank you!


I see some mentions of playing multiple, complementary fields at the same time. It would seem that would entail playing them at a very low volume (I know for myself that I find hearing multiple melodies at the same time really disorienting). Is that how folks handle playing fields simultaneously? (BTW, I just purchased Opus Manhattan. I’ve only played it once so far, and really liked the smooth charge I got from it.)

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Yes I think everyone who works with a lot of audio fields ends up doing quite a bit of it at low volume. I know i do. Anything above zero works. The only fields that are volume specific to my knowledge are environmental fields like Ye Old Negentropic Harmonizer (more volume = bigger radius of effect).


Most likely it is a mix of everything and while I cannot precisely isolate and distribue the single effects among the single fields, I am confident to say that this field helped me achieving something I have always struggled to achieve.

While I will not go to much in the details of what I do, i can say that I’m able to process the 35% more of decisions with just maybe a 5% drop of accuracy, while in the past when I’ve attempted this increase of the volume, i was consistantly having around a 20% accuracy drop, which would have stabilised into better performances with time once the wiring was started organically, but the “training phase” was not profitable, hence I’ve always gave up on this after some short attempts.

Perhaps with time once the pathways which allow me this processing of decisions are robust enough I will attempt a further increase of the volume.


It’s generally more advantageous to increase speed beyond error margins during training, if errors aren’t significant during execution or are trivially corrected. For many kinds of mental dependent activities.
Multi-tasking is also positively trainable with such approach. Physical activities (relying on your strength, explosive power, etc.) one can also train in same way, but they require far more energy expenditure and mistakes can lead to physical injuries.


wait what? I want to confirm
if this field can heal autism
does that mean this field can heal my Asperger syndrome?

if this really can fully cure my Asperger
imma buy this instead of The Emotional Dampener and social Bonder
I lack emotion control and social ability bc of my Asperger

my brain is also damaged bc of PMO since puberty
this field also can fully heal my brain?

with this field I also don’t even need to worry about Alzehimer when I get old
gumroad fields also can share with family which means if one day my family have Alzheimer I can also cure them with this field


From the original description by Dreamweaver:
“This functions to introduce synapse trimming. So that there will not be an overloading of stimulation in specific areas. It will use Semaphorin ligands, the receptors neuropilins and plexins and some apoptosis to induce retraction of the axons. It only targets overgrowth that can be detrimental to everyday functioning.”

Autism is caused by overgrowth of the neurons’ axons which tend to have a deeper impact in early childhood. But in a similar way these brain fields cause enough growth to overwhelm the brain’s natural capacity leading to similar symptoms. So overgrowth protection/trimming are included in these recent brain fields from the manhattan series (made by Dreamweaver).

So yes, you will get the benefits as it will target all overgrowth be it from brain boosters or natural birth-autism.


While the autism field will lead to noticeable life quality improvements.

There is a difference between healing your brain and developing lackluster or atrophied neural networks.

I would recommend the social bonder field to actively wire those social skills.


Opus Manhattan vs The Manhattan Method?

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