Opus Manhattan

If you wish, it’ll boost things further.

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Is better right after BK?

They work in different manner to reach the sane ‘end goal’

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Unbelievable, this is my first brain booster.

I have been rocking with Superhuman Genius and thought “eh, that is enough” but I had to get this, I would be donut if I didn’t.

Compared to Superhuman Genius, I am finally starting to appreciate how amazing Manhattan Method and Conceptual Conglomerate are with Opus.

If you want a brain field to take you from 0 to 100 quickly, Opus would take you there.


For clarification, would it be recommended to listen to this 3 - 5x before each category in your playlist? As in 3x followed by Subconscious Limits Remover 3.0, Omega Love, etc. Then another round of Opus Manhattan 3-5x before Brain Key, The Manhattan Method, The Conceptual Conglomerate and so on and so forth for every other category thereafter?


Yes. I was having nervous system problems for years as I’ve posted on the forum about many times. I would get easily overloaded and even seizure like jerks around my mouth and liver area (at the same time, felt it was a nerve connection there), especially when using too many fields and while falling asleep. I would also get this tightness in my nervous system. All of these issues have been solved ever since I got this field and used it consistently.


Nice, man!

How long and how hav u been using it?

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I got it a few days after its release and have been using it almost daily since. It solved the problem about 2 weeks in though. I sometimes played it just 3-4x and other days I would loop it for a good hour.

Nowadays, i use it as a booster, for the brain/cognition/intelligence, and as maintenance for nervous system exhaustion.

This field is epic.


That’s great to hear!

I got it a few days after release too, and my issues have improved a lot as well. In combination with other fields, including PU ones, everything has improved, it’s much better than 1 month ago, just I’m not at the destination yet. But that may be also bcs I focus a lot on Expansion, as it’s not easy to accommodate a huge stack :smiley:

I put Opus at 16x per day and slowly increased to 20x in my automated playlist.


I’m currently experimenting with this in conjunction with my intelligence playlist to discover and reflect on reactions and results, though this may be dangerous:

Astrological Intelligence Buff 5x
Opus Manhattan 5x
The Brain Key 5x
Opus Manhattan 5x
The Manhattan Method 20x
Opus Manhattan 5x
The Conceptual Conglomerate 20x

Is this to be specifically used for re-wiring fields and anything regarding cognition or rather, in relation to the cerebrum and cerebellum to enhance and accelerate anything and everything in regards to learning and is not necessarily applicable to aesthetics, automated workouts and abundance fields?


dont worry bro it wont be dangerous just play plasma brain if u feel overwhelmed

im playing brain fields on 3 devices rn :skull:


For those of you who love and enjoy classic, nostalgic movies, there is The Forbidden Planet (1956). In it, there is featured a device called The Krell Machine (?) that can dramatically boost an individual’s I.Q. to allowing them to intellectually become meta-human, however, it is incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. The idea behind that playlist is inspired by that. (I need to watch that film again. It’s a good one.)


Nice stack.

Conglomerate 20x lol. How’s it been for u?

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I experienced vertigo and a blow to my equilibrium when I first began doing that.


From using cc ?

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That’s crazy I’m never know anyone to experience that before did you ever experience vertigo before

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No. Not like that. It was intense. I wondered if it was sleep deprivation instead. I bought a copy of The Conceptual Conglomerate in October of last year and during the week I began listening to it, I experienced a sort of falling effect that was happening while I was at work. It is or was probably coincidental.

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I’m happy to hear it! :grinning:

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Same issues solved :raised_hands::raised_hands: