Path of Infinite Echoes

The “Path of Infinite Echoes” is a deeply enriching journey inspired from Ngondro and Vajrayana Buddhism, designed to cultivate a profound connection with the essence of spiritual practice. It integrates the essential Outer Preliminaries—deep reflections on the preciousness of human life, the transient nature of existence, the laws of karma, and the inherent suffering of samsara—with the transformative Inner Preliminaries. These include seeking refuge, awakening the heart of compassion through bodhicitta, cleansing oneself of negative karma, gathering spiritual merit, and practicing Guru Yoga to forge a deep bond with the lineage’s wisdom and blessings. This path meticulously prepares the practitioner’s mind and heart for the profound journey of advanced tantric practices, setting a robust foundation for achieving enlightenment within this very lifetime. Embarking on this transformative path not only purifies and enriches one’s spiritual merit but also deepens the understanding and embodiment of Buddhism’s core teachings, offering a complete spiritual voyage.

For me I particularly enjoyed its iconography, rituals, and ceremonial elements… I had a calling for exploring it. This is just the beginning of a path, that captain has mapped out for all you seekers.

To put it simply it’s like an RPG game, where you have already acquired the base level stats as a monk on the path. You can begin your journey from Day 1.

We have created a Guild to explore this path in further details with deeper insights and practices. Please check other posts for more details.

The five fields are the highly recommended base fields, however only one is needed enter the Dharma guild.

If anyone is aware of the Vajrayana or Tantric paths, it takes many months or years to complete the preliminary training, depending on each individual and their circumstances. The most serious of students undergo a 3 year retreat.


Welcome @Amitabha :slight_smile:

Amazing series and looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Do you know if Guru Yoga only deepens our connections to the Vajrayana lineage? Or does it also apply to other lineage we have been attuned to?


Is there a specific order to follow. Is it recommended to get guru yoga first? @Amitabha


It will support all paths of course. It will deepen your connections undoubtedly.


No specific order. All together it encompasses the preliminary requirements which takes years for most people to complete. Only then are people allowed to study the higher tantras.


Hello @Amitabha

Welcome to the forum!

I hope we will have an introduction from you soon to learn more about you. Thank you.


All the fields in these series are meant to mentally and psychically guide you internally to achieve the mental realizations and achievements of these concepts.

I have read the descriptions of these 5 new fields and I feel like I have already realized 90% of all the mentioned realizations that are written in there.
In fact, I have written about a lot of these realizations here on the forum myself.

For that reason, at the moment, I do not intend on getting those fields.
Does this then mean that I cannot enter the Monk Guild?

And how would someone else know whether someone has incorporated those lessons in the first place?

This is why I don’t like religions, especially human made religions.

Sometimes, you have to give yourself the permission first in order to enable yourself to learn the advanced lesson.
Otherwise, one is at risk at of learning the basic lessons forever without moving on.
I have seen this many many times where people do not feel worthy of moving on to the advanced lesson because of the belief that “they are not ready and allowed yet”.
It is a form of self-sabotage.

As we are manifesting our own realities, in my experience, the causalic belief that “I have first learn X before I can learn Y” is more often than not a limiting belief and a road block than a helpful sequence.
Sometimes, you can simply give yourself the permission to realize and learn the advanced lesson first, and by this actually learn simply it. You giving permission to yourself, manifests you learning the lesson.

In my opinion, the right mindset to learn advanced lessons is to give yourself the permission that you are “ready for those” and that “you can do it” and that “it will be easy”.
Because any belief counter to these, will just be a self-sabotaging road block.
That’s why it makes no sense to me when some religious teaching tries to decide for me whether I am ready or not. I give myself the permission when I feel that I am ready, that’s it. Allowing for something to happen = manifesting it.

To proof my point:
In very same sense, you could stay on the astral planes and learn lessons there at a slow pace and their recommended order.
BUT, we all here didn’t want to do that and that’s why we are here now in the physical: jumping blindly into the chaos and the challenges, to learn those very same advanced lessons right in our faces and without mercy.
Because we know, once we have realized the advanced lesson through the physical training-camp, all the basic lessons automatically become obvious and realized as well.


I’ve got some commitments to take care of, but I’m very excited at the idea of joining the guild in the nearish future.

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Where is the “realitycheck”?

If you understand this properly you will know what the purpose of an authentic teacher/lineage and guidance is and why there are different levels.

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Your desire for direct access to advanced teachings is understandable and reflects a genuine yearning for spiritual growth. However, the Buddhist path, particularly the practice of Ngondro, offers a profound and systematic approach to spiritual development that prepares the mind and heart for the deepest realizations. It’s a journey that encompasses both the foundational and the advanced, leading to a comprehensive understanding and transformation. The path is open to all who are willing to embark on it with an open mind and a committed heart.
Anybody is free to purchase the audios or not.


Thanks for your reply. I will re-reflect on this again after my experiences at the coming up Sapien retreat and the excercises that we are going to do there. Will you also come to the retreat?


The “reality check” and “the feedback” is, as usual, the personal outer reality that you are manifesting around you. As within, so without.

Additionally, it is also an inner knowing. When you have done “the right thing / made the right decision” there is an inner knowing that feels like the whole universe is applauding you for your choice.

It is very different from when the ego believes it has the made the right choice.
In fact, the ego will always rationalize to itself why it had to make the decision this way and not the other way. It will be involved in an internal dialogue with itself.

Versus, when the universe is applauding you, it feels right and there is no need to explain the choice to yourself or to anyone. The ego is speechless and at the same time you feel deep down that it was the right choice, a choice of high vibration. It feels right without and independent from rational arguments or reasons.

Sorry, I don’t understand what this means. Is this related to how the Ngondro Buddhist path is organized?

And what do you mean by “levels”? Do you mean like Compassion Level 1, Compassion Level 2, Compassion Level 3 etc. where your realization and understanding is deeper and more profound with every single iteration?


It’s an established and closed system. As in any system there is an order. Beginner, advance is a kind of sequence with checkpoints.

But as you said, directly/indirectly, there are many ways to realize, understand, learn what is needed. Any religion or system is not necessary.

But it could be fun going together…following/leading one another.

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I think I will choose this guild, I just want to know if this will be the only guild that will have prerequisite fields

So far the new The Major Elixir of Alchemical Effect is said to be one of the ways to get into the esoteric guild but it implies that it’s not needed.

I believe that’s all the knowledge that is publicly known so far

Also look here if you haven’t already
New elite brain guild coming

This is all I know so far exciting I must say and a great voyage lies ahead :relieved:


Every guild leader will tailor their program to their own unique vision.

I am releasing a whole promo about the Monk Guild. “Stay Tuned” it will answer a lot of questions i’m getting.


Thanks Amitabha! :pray:t2:


I would like to know if the monk’s path also includes Taoist practices


I’d like to know this also… I’d rather not get “locked in” to a path or lineage that I haven’t chosen (or even better, that hasn’t chosen me). I say this loosely and gently, noticing a natural pull towards the monk guild at first glance :relaxed:

The path to being a monk includes many paths…


Please await the official press release and promotional materials. Given the numerous inquiries regarding this project, I will be compiling an FAQ. You are all welcome to submit your questions in the comments below, and I will address them to the best of my ability.

This initiative will differ significantly from what the other moderators are doing. I am considering a rebranding from “monk guild” to better align with the project’s objectives, addressing any preconceived notions or biases that may exist.

Hint: Dreamweaver + RPG Universe


Amazing! Thanks for your answer, I think I’ll go for this one