Patreon Discussion

I honestly wouldn’t know about paying directly since Patreon is delivering the service.

Have you tried contacting Patreon support?

I think Cap’n is busy sorting out the tiers on Patreon. (There was an issue with how the new tier had been set up and he’s in the process of fixing that.) So, he may be preoccupied with that right now.

I will try to contact Patreon and Paypal too. This is so strange. Thank you

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If I stopped with the Patreon for some reason the fields will still working?

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Welcome back to be forum!

There some specific, subscription-based fields (of the higher tier). With these fields, it is known that they will stop working when we stop paying that subscription.

With the entry level Patreon tier (the bulk of the fields) I don’t know if that’s been officially clarified. I have seen some of our forum friends say, “yes, they too will stop working,” but I’ve not seen that officially stated. (It may have been stated and missed it.)


this one directly says so.

yes thats fine as well.

Dunno how to do it different that’s the copied answer from captain.
It’s in the environment transformer servitor thread his answer was the 48th post.
From this answer I assume they’ll still work

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I think this means, new merch just got added! Right? lol

So we got the financial protector poster, i wonder what’s next!


in fact i usually tell people if they want they can pay for one month download what they want and stop.
people do it anyways.

the subscription ones are for the people who stay longer.
a lot of the fields are even made as public access without even needing subscriptions,
like some that may be useful for the larger public,
but i am sure they are buried in the posts as there are hundreds


Thank you for officially clarifying that!


I have been trying to search for something in particular on Sapien Medicine’s Patreon site and I can’t seem to find a way to do it. Does anyone know how to search Sapien Medicine on Patreon?

If it’s in an album, you’d need to type the albums name in the search bar. If it’s something for a body part/organ then you can type that in the search bar as well.

You need to click on “Sapien medicine” when you open patreon home page.
Heres the profile.


Patreon List


I guess they have not loaded eye regeneration…


I just use Google
Just type sapien medicine patreon + whatever you are looking for


I think yours is the one that I will be able to do on my phone thanks a lot.

Easiest way as Blacktheemperor said, its by typing “patreon” in the searching bar here, then it takes you to the thread with all direct links to the audios on Patreon, that list is always updated when new ones are added.


@AkiraTheWild could we please get the Patreon Uploads List pinned to the top of the forum? Easy access for anyone who needs it


Looks like you may already have your answer but I’ll add mine anyways."sapien+medicine"+eye+regeneration&oq=patreon+"sapien+medicine"+eye+regeneration&aqs=chrome..69i57.8907j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

If you click on that you will see the technique I use with google to find things within Sapien’s patreon.

Putting the quotation marks where I do gives me better results.

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Did anyone else get overcharged by Patreon this month?

I got charged €43.05 and its always €35 for Sapien Medicine and Psychic University. €24 Sapien/€11 Psychic University.

I emailed them a few days ago about it but I still haven’t heard anything back.