Pendant of the Magi

Its possible there’s some friction between the two, but. its a natural process ive found. Maybe you’re not quite ready to receive help from people, in the way its being drawn in and the shielding tag is protecting you from that in this stage of your journey. Some more surrender (into gentleness, acceptance and other people) could be something to feel into, to try on for size and see if it helps things

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The magi tag would just collect energy. it works when you wear, meaning that it will collect energy once on you all the time

I dunno but I think the Shielding Protection tag is blocking it because when I use them both, they don’t work well. What do you think of Eternity tag combined with Schumann Resonance tag and Shielding Protection tag. Also instead of getting the Magi tag, couldn’t I just listen to energy accumulator on Dream Seeds channel instead for the same results or are they both different fields?

Cant I just listen to Energy Accumulator on Dream Seeds channel if I need more energy instead of getting the Magi tag?

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sure, but the Magi is far better for accumulating energy.


It just seems to be out of my price range just to gather energy and store it. I don’t like the idea of wearing to many fields on me 24-7 and apparently there’s a person on here on this forum who’s said there nervous system and aura has been damaged from having too much energy fields on themselves.

What do you think of the Eternity tag… it’s expensive but is it any good?

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Yes it is very good!!

it will extended your lifespan by many decades and will make you more youthful.

I would also suggest getting the Plasma Protocol field from Gumroad because it is also very good for de-aging and keeping you healthy


What about the other stuff I mentioned, can these fields damage your nervous system and aura if you have too many fields on you?

I don’t really think that would happen.

If it does, just take a break for a week and using the plasma audio as it will heal it.

However that mostly likely won’t happen


Why would you say the tags are not working to their full effectiveness? I’m just curious as to what you’re comparing it to or how you are gauging the performance.


I definitely said this to myself when looking at my tags the other day. I was like "even if i’m homeless…with my tags I’m still rich and I’ll really never ever be poor. Even if the circumstances are poor I have the power to change everything. I’m like a baby Thanos with these…but not trying to destroy everything lol


What a great attitude you have my brother! Thank you very much for showing that courage and that bravery manifested through words! I usually delight in this type of demonstration! a big hug my brother and I wish you have all the SM labels definitely !!! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :fire: :fire: :fire:


tbh sometimes i don’t even know what to do with all the love and encouragement i’m shown on here. thank you brother for your words and motivation. let’s continue to discover together until more of us can be free!


My Magi pendant got lost/stolen in transit so I’m dying here. It was the one I was really waiting for (was going to use eternity later).

I’m doing some “energy work” stuff that would have been progressing a lot better if I had the Magi pendant here. It is what it is.


Sorry. That sucks…

Free methods still include Environmental Energy Accumulator > Torsion > Plasma


Thanks for the head up :slightly_smiling_face:


Just got mine! Chyeaaa! Only have had it on for 5 mins and feel more energized!!


Can someone please give me a verbal example of how I would direct energy to be stored in the pendant? What do you say and do?


:joy:real talk that’s how I feel! I’m just pacing/dancing around my house and put on a couple tags I haven’t worn in a while.