Perceived as creepy by other people

Yeah. :sweat_smile:

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sorry guys english isnt my first language …


Interesting. The androistenol could have a creepy valley problem. Low vibrations and field spamming might read as unbalanced, but unless people were spamming some sort of attraction field, I don’t think they would be perceived as creepy from doing that.

Edit: I meant ‘uncanny valley’ — the revulsion generated by close but not quite human looking computer assisted/AI art or coming robotics. Not sure androistenol would read as creepy—false, perhaps, but not creepy.

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oh I see lol the simple act of looping a field is not going to lower your vibration bro, of course unless that field is designed to lower your vibration for some reason, there is everything out there. With Dream fields you can rest assured. Many people on this forum loop fields every day and have no problems, although it is not something I recommend. I think it is not necessary, once you absorb the information lasts a while taking effect.

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Same. Although a lot of people might be in dire circumstances or negative energetic state, I wouldn’t get the ‘creep’ vibes from most. But specifically with porn addiction / frustration, if taken to an extreme, it has seemed to me at times like a ‘parasitic infestation that has taken over the host’, which had not only a repulsive effect but also the ‘creep’ effect. It seemed like people in these situations might pose some of the highest risks for the well being of [whatever kind of person they are attracted to].
You can look into history to see the gifts sexual suppression has given people. I think in 1984 they had banned sex, no?

I had at some point wondered what the deal is with BDSM / some fetishes (‘punishment’, ‘sinning’).
Aaah they say ‘don’t look, don’t think, don’t wonder, don’t question, don’t touch’, or maybe even ‘the woman made me do it’, and then dangle the subjugating carrot of porn in front of you…

It’s interesting to wonder who/what that Devil represents…

Well if you’re doing it for the wrong reasons / are desperate / only looking for women as sexual objects – and don’t even have something attractive about yourself to back it up with, have no self awareness, but now are bolder approaching women and even expecting them to somehow to fall at your feet… Yeah, that can definitely be perceived as creep, dissonant (‘it doesn’t add up’), and dangerous (the sensation that they could misstep at any moment, even without them intending or being aware of it – moreso that they might not be ‘aware’ and that they might be deluded).


I´d generally avoid men (or women if you swing that way), that use porn. Entitys aside, it´s insane how much it warps ones perception of sexuality and the genders.


It’s true. It’s the radar that needs no justification. It knows and that’s that and there’s no explaining it.

I listened to some podcast and the guy goes “really when you get to the basics we are very animalistic” yada yada you know what I mean - in terms that we primitively intuitive. And he goes on to say “I always tell my clients who have been in abusive relationships to go back and think and remember the red flag you ignored, because I guarantee you felt off and ignored it” and well if that isn’t the truest thing I ever heard in my life. We alway know… always.


This is an interesting thread because it’s basically a concern for me. I meet a lot of people every day, and it seems that I feel weird and anxious, and people notice that I come across as creepy around them.

So first, I thought it was because of the large number of fields I used to play. I remember back in 2018 when I discovered Sapiens Med, I played fields while wearing tags without any consideration for my own health, thinking that the more I could wear and hear, the better it would be.

It took me a long time to realize that the fields actually stay in your aura, so they can affect people around you, and in fact, most of them are not ready for that or simply cannot handle your vibrations.

That’s not the only thing I noticed. I noticed that even if the fields are strong, strangely, if you come across as strange or creepy, well, the fields will just reinforce that impression sometimes. You cannot fight your own nature.

I say that because it’s been more than 1 year since I stopped watching any porn, I don’t masturbate, and I don’t feel like I have any entities feeding on me. I feel that my own nature is to be different. I’ve come to this conclusion because a few weeks ago, I tried to get back to the root cause of this concern, and I feel that since my childhood, I’ve always been like this. The fields just strengthen my aura. And you might think, “Wow, this guy must look like a real weirdo.” Well, honestly, I don’t think so; I consider myself as beautiful. It’s just that I’ve always been seen like this.

So, in conclusion, the fields will show others your own nature more than hiding it. If you don’t belong in this ‘earth,’ fields will not change anything.

As long as you develop yourself, you’ll appear different to the others.

Perhaps that’s why the castes dedicated to religion and the study of sacred and higher things have always lived in seclusion and among themselves.


Are you well grounded? The grounding field is a must when using a lot of fields in my opinion.


Btw, if you never sexually release either and if you are not proactively circulating that sexual energy around your energy body and meridians, then that energy gets stuck in certain points and this in almost all cases leads to social nervousness, neurotic behavior and basically a weak aura. This may be the reason why you feel anxious and ungrounded and why people may perceive you as weird (stuck energy and strange aura).

(There is a reason why Sigmud Freud gave his female patients wooden dildos to heal their neuroticistic behaviors, which is the result of stuck non-flowing sexual energy.)

An orgasm makes the energy flow again and clears the meridians and also distributes that sexual life force energy to all of the body’s cells. That clearing effect is one of the reasons one is shaking during an orgasm when a lot of energy is released and pushed through the meridian system. The body’s whole nervous system reacts to this flood of energy too.

Sexual energy must flow, either through orgasm or through proactive energy circulation excercises. Anything else, is super unhealthy and will lead to blockages in the energy body, which then makes one ungrounded and anxious.

If the energy is not flowing, then the aura is also inconsistent and not radiating properly.
An aura is a field around you and that field is created when energy flows.
If the energy does not flow properly, the aura field is very weak or created in a disproportional way (depending on where the energy blockages points are).

Fields that can help:

  • Acu-Automation
  • Mana Circuits Super Charged
  • Microcosmic Orbit
  • Smart Tapper

In my experience non of these fields are enough by themselves to circulate that powerful sexual energy properly. You need to either release from time to time or do daily energy work circulation excercises.


yea, as long as don’t use porn it’s ok to masturbate by only using your imagination

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And when using your imagination, actually creatively imagining your own things and not remembering stuff you have seen in porn movies in the past (because this would re-establish etheric cords with the actors).


would you say celebrities / pornstars get benefits from etheric cords coz they are connected to so many people? what would that do to them?

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I believe this is the main issue. I don’t ground myself enough.

the Fields have been incredibly helpful for me in overcoming such challenges. Also, i have a gf, so I don’t need porn in any case lol

Moreover, I view sex as a modern concern. I’ve never approached things from a sexual perspective; I find it distasteful. Don’t take offense.

On another note, I truly believe that we are not meant to be perceived equally. It’s not just about sexuality but about seeing the whole picture. Thoughtforms can be created and transmitted within families, and you can bonds with people who have bad intentions, or bonds with animals or places. Additionally, modern times have created individuals addicted to virtual stimuli, causing them to perceive souls differently. Their souls are absorbed and diminished by their black box.

So from my perspective, the more we dig into spirituality, the more we create a hole between us and the world.

well, since we’re going in the good direction, the direction that our hearts lead us to, then we just need some more confidence and to know that the problem is not with us, so we continue what we are doing good without worrying how other few different vibration people perceive us.
I always find that listening to ego dissolution fields help me so much to feel better in this world, and so much more at peace, in serenity and innocence of mind.


It’s not normal… it’s sick and very destructive.

I said it’s sad that people think it’s normal not that it should be normal…

Hi @SloaneB

Welcome Rose Teacup

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