Spirituality and Sex - Respectful and Insightful Discussions Please

Sexuality is personal. There isn’t some objective truth about sex as it is subjective to everyone.


I had to have several discussions with my son (who is now almost 18) about porn Vs real life sexual encounters.

What was more damaging for him was attempting to do a no fap at the age of 15 coz some dude on YouTube had said he would get ‘superpowers’. The results of that were absolutely the most destructive thing that’s ever happened to my family and I won’t go into them here. But your last point there is the most important to me and something I’ve always stuck to with vigor.

So to answer one of the questions for now; I have no problem with porn persay, but it’s absolutely vital for parents to be open with their children, specifically males but females too, they are not in the least immune. If a parent is not open and willing to discuss the issue, they do share at least a little of the blame for things going sideways in that respect.


Thanks for sharing that! Interesting to hear this perspective from a parent. Openness as a parent is going to be interesting for me. Not having kids yet but when I do, I definitely want to be able to talk to my kids about topics like these comftorably. I definitely never got that and ended up getting all my info from… untrustworthy sources lol. Such as… porn. Most people’s introduction to sex is porn and porn is not a good starting point lol.


Nope, it isn’t. Me too with the non existent talk about sex though I was fortunate to grow up in the before times when no-one had internet at home and social media didn’t exist yet, but still we used to sneak porn found in the back of this or that dad’s wardrobe. Anyway, it doesn’t need to be chat about even porn specifically. Some talk about sex would have helped, I was promiscuous as all hell and it damaged me greatly. But I have learned from this and like you, vowed my children would be free to discuss ANYTHING with me that they feel they need to. Fact is they don’t always want to, but they have to know they can. We cannot choose for them but we can be there to support them in their choices and learn them a little of the potential consequences of what they choose. :heart::sparkles::heart:

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I reached this post and I like this part; I never had enthusiasm when it comes to marriage, nor do I know if I truly want to be with a woman for many many years, so long term relationships might be or it might not be the answer for me, I just don’t think that much ahead, I enjoy the moment! :smiley:

While for the other questions, here are my answers …

I try not to, the most I have abstained was for close to three months and that was when I was a teen (although it might have been my religious beliefs back then), nowadays I want to focus on real things, real women, real relationships (not right now, but in the near future), so I want to detach from this thing, from masturbation and I want to focus my energy on doing useful stuff. :joy:

I’m not against, since it may still help people to relieve their stress, to relax, etc., but i found out recently that bad entities might be behind or attached to the industry/images/actresses, so I’m not for the industry either.
It can create unreal expectations, for both genders.

Here is an interesting link regarding porn:

Regarding your other questions:
I am heterosexual (at least I think I am :joy: anyway, I’m quite happy with my sexual identity), although Pansexuality sounds fun (no dirsrespect to anyone), I mean you have all the options :joy:!

What challenges (did) I overcome? Well, I used to be a virgin many years ago, then I wasn’t, challenge overcomed! :joy:

Let’s just hope everyone has a sense of humor and no one flags my comment! :dizzy_face: :joy: I like to bring a little bit of happiness around!


Yeah, well, my views on these topics have changed a lot in the last 30 days haha

I’m not going to defend anything I said earlier


That;s fine! :joy: I just found your answer useful!


If all is one, when you have sex you’re really just having sex with yourself :no_mouth:

Same thing goes for eating and breathing, you’re eating and breathing yourself

You’re always inside yourself man, this is all the same one thing


I don’t know if that comment was a reply or not, anyway, So, all there is it’s just self-fuc*ery! :joy:
Now, this whole life, this makes sense now! :dizzy_face::joy:
Mods, please don’t delete this joke!


Does anyone please know what the exact energetic mechanism in the body is of how sexual energy acquires the female charge in women and the male charge in men?

How does Jing or Life Force take on the Yin-side in women and the Yang-side in men?

When the universal energy enters the body, it somehow takes “a side” of the male/female polarity.

What mechanism in the energy body is responsible for this and how does it work different in women and men?

It cannot be a physical mechanism because genders and sexual attraction also exist on the etheric and astral planes.

Maybe @Maoshan_Wanderer or @Gnosticmedic27 know?

Thank you in advance.


there is a file from sigh energy its deactivated of prefrontal cortex , is that normal ? anyone have idea .

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If your prefrontal cortex would have been deactivated, you would not be able to type this in the first place.

You need your prefrontal cortex to think.
If a creater promises to deactivate it, this is the same as trying to kill you.
Stay away from these scammers.


yes you are right , i lost my trust on him :pinching_hand:

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Thank you very much for sharing knowlege, @JAAJ, very helpful all around!


Is sexuality mostly entropic?

Negentropic sexuality is kind of hard to obtain…

At Least, from the individual perspective, it seems to be mostly entropic.


pretty big phylosophical discussion will be opened here.

will try to shorten it as i can.

entropy is chaos. or the matter and space turning into chaos.

if you fathom sexuality turns thungs into chaos when we are talking not the one medled from external influences then perhaps you may be right to assume so.

it is a heavy topic from this perspective especially if one observes sexuality and doesnot see his own or axcept hus own sexuality.

id understand why you would think it is chaotic.

in short all in the human world of influences and politic wants to turn it chaotic.

i do not think natural sexuality brings entropy though.

also a healthy sexual act us made to btung contentment, pleasure, feekungs if gratitute and love and in some spiritual traditions in utself brungs a lot of protectiob from negativity for the parties involved in it.


sexual energy = creative manifestational energy

= can be used for both, entropic and and negentropic purposes, depends all on how this energy is utilized (just like with “normal” energy)


pfff that was shorter and more correct than mine. could you elaborate for sake my curiosity?