Ello there fellas. Today I want to talk about the size of your penis… Well actually, I don’t want to talk about that but receiving a dozen emails every day with subjects like ‘make a field that makes my penis 8 INCHES’ has driven me to make this thread lol. (this is an article length post so brace yourselves)
First thing’s first… porn can be quite poisonous to your self esteem. When you watch it, one of two things happen. You put yourself in the man’s shoes so it’s like you are the one in action. Or two, just watching the woman get it in turns you on enough. Something subconscious is happening here though. When you step into the man’s shoes, the man has a large penis that is usually bigger than yours. He is pleasing the woman (which she could be faking sometimes) on what seems like an extreme level and through years of watching porn, the idea in you forms that you need a huge penis like the ones in porn to give women that kind of pleasure. You’re stepping in shoes that you don’t fit in.
Same thing happens when you just watch the women get ‘astonished’ by these huge penises every single day. Naturally, the mind will compare your size to theirs and start to get the feeling that you won’t be able to please a woman in the same way.
Then what comes after is a lack of confidence in your sexuality. You don’t feel big enough and this lack of confidence exudes throughout your personality. When talking to women, they’ll feel that you feel you lack something and that in itself is a turn off. Women generally want men that feel sure of themselves… And that brings me to my next point…
Women do not care about size as much as men do.
Sure there are some women that do but the majority don’t ( as far I know). Confidence outweighs it all and even if you don’t have the largest package, being confident in what you have and your ability to please is far more important. Obviously knowing how to please is important too but you can learn to bring women to orgasm at any size. Just don’t learn from porn lol.
There are actually guys out there who are big but lack confidence and can’t get a girl to save their lives. Size isn’t a magnet. Confidence is. You can walk around with a peanut and feel like you have a rocket-ship and that level of confidence will make you magnetic.
At the end of the day, women are emotional beings. They are drawn to the energy you exude. To how you are within. They can literally feel how you feel about yourself. If you believe in yourself, then she may feel inclined to believe in you. And obviously, many are attracted to attractive/strong looking men … because they are generally very confident in themselves (looks grab the attention first of course). But even in being good looking, if you lack confidence, you can easily lose a woman’s grasp. I’ve seen this happen to so many men (me in high school lol).
(Side Note: There are also women who don’t care about confidence all that much. Your personality alone can be very attractive. Being able to make a woman laugh is a much more treasured quality than looks or size. I felt I had to mention this because it might seem like I am generalizing a lot here and women are all individuals with different preferences. There are many insecure guys with girlfriends. But the reason why I stress confidence so much is because the lack of it, often blocks your ability to show your personality! Lack of confidence will often stop you from approaching women or ever meeting them no matter how awesome you are. How can women get to know you if you don’t feel confident enough to fully express yourself? )
This is why I stress more than anything to work on who you are within. Work on accepting and embracing however you are right now and forever. Accept that your body may never change and embrace it. Fall in love with it. Because to truly love yourself is to love yourself without condition. And conditions would be size or bigger biceps or slimmer stomach. And here’s the thing…
Feeling abundant within creates abundance outside as well. And this is when bodily changes can more easily happen. If you feel you lack something, the subconscious will continuously project this as a reality. If you feel you have everything, naturally you’ll attract more of what you want. And your body will respond more easily to your intentions. And this directly ties to confidence.
Confidence is linked to your willpower. Willpower is linked to your virility/vitality. Your virility is linked to the blood flow that goes to your penis. Penis size can grow to be larger through increased blood flow. What this confidence also means is that when you feel you are big enough, the blood flow will compliment that. Your penis will look big in your perception and this will drive your belief further. Belief creates reality.
So how does this tie into the male enhancement field not working for you?
When you have a strong insecurity such as your penis not being big enough, that insecurity trickles down to your whole beingness. As said before, it affects your overall confidence. This belief that you are not big enough is solidified at this point and will constantly make your penis look small from your point of view and in many cases your subconscious will prevent further blood flow or things that could make it ‘look big.’ In this case, the belief is a blockage that prevents the field from doing its full job.
Not only that but your penis may have gotten all the stem cells and growth necessary to be big but lacks the blood flow to reach the bigger length and girth. If you’ve ever looked in to P.E. exercises, growth is done through manipulating the blood flow to engorge the penis. So blood flow is necessary for growth and blood flow is often linked to your mind in this case. So in essence, penis size is mental. In a sense, your penis can stretch and grow to be much larger than it is right now but that requires belief.
This all sounds far fetched but it’s the only real solution to the mental trap of ‘wanting to be big enough.’ I would even say forget the field and focus on your confidence. Size is subjective and all that matters is that you are happy with what you have and who you are at the end of the day.
It’s the same as wanting to be pretty enough to fit in with society’s standards. I tell women the same thing… that is a mental trap that you may not fully ever escape from. Even if you attain ‘society’s standard of beauty,’ it will fade with time as all physical things do. So you’ll just be endlessly chasing after the feeling of validation the world gives you for your beauty even when time begins to crack the shell. Validation from the outside is fleeting.
What doesn’t fade though is the way you feel about yourself. The stuff of the soul. Start there and beauty, growth and all good things will blossom outward.
Now you might have a question though…. ‘so do I stop watching porn? Are you saying I should practice ‘no fap’?’
I’m personally not against masturbation. I think doing it excessively is a bit much but every so often to relieve yourself isn’t a bad thing. Not to porn though… I think it’s healthy when you get back to the roots of masturbation… when you would imagine yourself having sex and it being amazing. It’s basically a positive visualization exercise built up with sexual energy! Doing that in itself builds confidence and puts you in the picture rather than some pornstar.
And something more you can even do…. is build your confidence too through exploring and amplifying your sexuality. Kegel every single day so gain more control over your ejaculations. Do breathwork exercises (wil hof) and then afterwards, breathe in and out your sexual energy so that you become one with the sexual flow. We also have a pranayama exercise program in our android app that you can follow or even our youtube video on it. Breathing exercises help you connect to your inner flow of energy and at the same time the sexual flow of energy if you focus and breath it in and out as if it is the breath (which it is in essence). If you do this consistently, you can also begin to control your ejaculations with your breath (need to do kegelling for several weeks at least first) and amplify your sexual pleasure.
(That’s another issue that porn brings about and it’s that it trains your mind to finish quickly. Porn sites are also feeding grounds for entities so they leech there in a way that makes you rush to finish)
Being more in touch with your sexual energy, able to last considerably long and able to feel more pleasure will grant you a high level of sexual confidence. Another thing is that as I’ve said before, the energy you exude is felt strongly by a woman. And during intercourse, that is on a whole other level. Sex in itself is a fusion of energies; connecting and exchanging. So the more pleasure you feel, the more she will feel as well.
So in conclusion, let’s get rid of those limiting beliefs. You can listen to ‘Ego Dissolution’ then ‘Subconscious Limits’ on a daily basis to clear them out. But it REALLY helps if while you listen to these audios, you feel confident of your size and how you are as a whole. Feel it and believe it 100%. Ego dissolution promotes neuroplasticity so, you always have the opportunity to create new neural patterns while listening. Beyond those two audios, I would recommend Confidence and Self Love. (I’m sure there are others too)
As for kegeling, you can follow the link to learn how and also here is an audio we have that strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. I still recommend kegelling because that action has to be done consciously to control the ejaculatory flow. Here’s the Wil Hof Breathwork exercise in case you missed it.
I know many of your minds will still find ways to rationalize that ‘you are small’ and not big enough because you have believed this for years. It might be doing it right now and perhaps projecting thoughts like ‘THIS IS BS. If you’ve seen my tiny paperclip, you’d understand ’ or ‘ Society has changed. Women are more picky because of social media and they go for the biggest guys’ and so on. Your ego will sound and feel very convincing but ignore it. Follow through with this and I can promise that you will grow in a fulfilling way that penis growth could never fulfil