Plasma soaked Teeth and Gums

Oh, really? :open_mouth: I had assumed Plasma Flaunt was a replacement for Plasma Light.

I don’t think anything really replaces Plasma light, many suggests it belongs in pretty much every stack


What kind of plasma is in the protocol then?

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(Plasma) Flaunt is a replacement for (Plasma) Protocol.

@Pinnacle, New release : The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach is a pure form of the Plasma energy that’s in all the various “Plasma” fields. There are lengthy (and meaty) discussions about what that Plasma is.


Right, so if Plasma is in all the Plasma videos, then Plasma Light should be in Plasma Flaunt?

When one field is in another, we say we can drop the former in favor of the later, which is a superset, no?

(By replacement, “you replace the free one with the paid one when you buy it”.)

The energy (and the principles of that energy) of Plasma Light is directed towards the intentions of Plasma Flaunt, so yes. But Plasma Light is a much more generally-intentioned field, which is why many forum friends use Plasma Light for many different purposes.

It depends on your desired outcomes really.

If your intention for both PL and PF (I’m getting lazy here :laughing: ) is for general healing (as was recently suggested), then I would agree with your decision to drop PL in favor for PF.

But some people use the PL energy to boost or prime the fields that follow in the stack. In that case, you wouldn’t decide to drop PL, you see?

Here’s what I say about this topic of “replacing:”

I just bought Plasma Teeth from Gumroad :grin:
As I understand it this field contains the Teeth Regeneration and Gum Regeneration from Patreon? I can therefore remove these fields from my stack and listen to Plasma Teeth instead?

(Scroll up, just one post above yours, to see my take on subfields.)

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I wonder if this theory/concept applies to every field though - as some are more straight forward in terms of expected outcome, not even individual - just very straight forward. Either regrow teeth, or do not regrow teeth. There is nothin inbetween there.

In most cases, like advanced one where Plasma light would be included in something, it’s obviously much more complicated in it’s use and not possible to “replace” it in that sense, or well it’s possible, but you don’t get the exact same outcome as Plasma light plus bonus outcomes from the other fields in a combined field. Same would apply for something like BoL

I have a hard time understanding how Regrow teeth free version should not be replaced with this though. I rather listen to this two times than this one time and regrow teeth free version one time, for example - by all logical definitions, it should be more effective, at least for this particular field

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Me too. Plasma Teeth’s field description is copied from
Teeth Regeneration and Gum Regeneration. So Plasma Teeth should have the same effect as or be stronger than those two fields. It is also a lot shorter which is great.

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Today day 146 from the beginning of listening, for a few days or maybe a week, when I eat every now and then I feel that there is something sharp pressing on the food I am chewing, in the place where it should be empty, because it is missing. Yes, slowly, the regrowth of the tooth has just begun, for now it is still tiny, however the small part is very hard and already helps in chewing.
Just as someone wrote some time ago, this takes a long time to notice the effects, but it works well, and it also filled a small cavity, almost without me realizing it, which is why I’ll go on listening to it, maybe in the stack with the Integration Tool, even if I need to know which elements to take to support the work of that field of PU.
Last note, I listen it on average 8 times on loop every day.

Thank you Sapien and all your team for creating it.


Congrats for sticking with it for almost 5 months!
And for your results!


Thank you, but above all I thank those who had recommended listening to it for a long time, therefore
I will continue to listen to it even when I have stopped listening to Flaunt, in the hope that others will listen to it, so as to grow the field.


Welp, you’re making me pick it up again after giving it up, so here’s +1. Thank you for your testimonial!

Do you find the Integration Tool is a must?

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Absolutely yes! 2 months ago I too was about to quit, having found results only for gums and plaque elimination, then reading a message in this topic which said that teeth regeneration needed many months, I wanted to try and see, so now I had to to see that the tooth is growing back, but I almost didn’t think it was possible.
Another note, if it helps, I always listen to physical fields not exceeding 3, to be able to obtain results in a reasonable time.

I think so although I haven’t tried it yet, but listening to fields like Manhattan, and knowing that PU can have a strong impact, I put off listening until I’m done listening to that.

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Congratulations :tada:

How many time a day ?

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I listen on loop 8 times a day usually, 4 times when I’m in a rush. I also tried 12 times, but then I found very strong tension in my teeth and gums, this just to understand that the field works and is effective and it would be even more so if more people listened to it regularly as happens for example for Flaunt.


What is name of product/ brend for Red light therapy .

It’s so many on market.

This might be a silly question but do you get faster and better results if you put the speaker right next to your mouth? Or be across the room and still be just as effective?

I put it too my mouth as I feel the most activity on the area that way. But I believe it’s preferences and varies from person. @johnscov1026

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