Please Help Me Understand Morphic Fields And How They Are Created

Hello Everyone,

I am new to this and trying to understand this better. I am a Christian but an open minded one, meaning I practice meditation, Zen, Taoist practices and Qigong. I believe Chi/Prana is a life force coming from God. When Scripture talks about magic in a negative way, it is always associated with negative entities (or demons).
Finding out about Morphic Fields, I watched the videos explaining them and read the FAQ and I was thinking they used Chi to function, so I was inclined to like them and potentially use them. The fact that they were used to heal and grow plants was also encouraging.
As I dug deeper though, I found a few things that seemed demonic or potentially demonic to me:

  1. Some NFTs require you to communicate instructions to an image. That sounds like an entity to me.
  2. An NFT called the Dark Knight outwardly mentioned that Barbatos (A Demon) would be invoked when using it.
  3. Some audios mention questionable things. Myofascial release and Anointment mention the Sacred Oil from Exodus that the Bible forbids anyone who is not a priest to ever use, which is why Crowley used it in his rituals. Alien Intercession also seems sketchy to me. Several UFO studies believe that Aliens are interdimensional entities.

I come to you with a completely open mind. I would absolutely love it if you provided me with information to put my doubts to rest. If you would like to direct me to any resource (book, videos etc.) on how morphic fields are created exactly, that would be an invaluable contribution to my education. If you would like to respond to any of my bullet points specifically, I would be most appreciative.

I hope you can appreciate my inquiry. I simply don’t use anything I do not fully trust and understand. I also respect anyone’s path in spirituality as no one holds all the answers.

Thank you for reading. I look forward to reading your input.


so morphic fields, were actually invented by Dream. The creator of this channel and the concept. people suddenly used the term in their stuff the moment his comes about lol

But I think it’s important since you yourself say are open-minded to reconsider what entity means. As on here it just means being. Nothing more. nothing less.

Dream works with what we call “white magic”. He does not participate in black magic. White magic obeys universal laws, higher ups, not “evil”.
Anyone who tells you otherwise on Dream, well tell them to PM me; we’ll have a good chat

Take the energy course. Then start acquainting yourself with the search forum button

If you find an audio questionable. Then the answer is don’t listen to it. Simple. Everything here is negentropic. Safe. Dream for me is synonymous to “trust” “safe” “confidence”. He is good people.

However sometimes our beliefs systems may clash with concepts that are a bit say…more abstract. It might not be suitable for you, and thats O.K.
There is no wrong or right. :slight_smile:


…and yet there is the ‘magic’ of using the Search Function ~Morphic Fields~


Demonic is a very strong word.
Maybe not of resonance.
But don’t say demonic on him / his stuff, please.


Enroll to the Energy Awakening course and you will get the answers.

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You can investigate about Rupert Sheldrake and his theories about morphic fields too.


If you can imagine or recall an experience from memory, you have the beginnings of a morphic field. For example, if you were to recall the feeling of sunshine and can recreate a fairly clear sense of that feeling using your mind—you will have generated a “concept” or morphic imprint of sunshine.

The steps from having a morphic imprint/thoughtform to having a morphic field would involve greater awareness of energy. Basically, in the same way that you could apply your mind to make the idea of “sunshine”, you can use the same process to make other qualities/behaviors. Repeat this process, combine different “concepts” into a coherent creation and blend in the ability for this structure to be self-sustaining—do all of that—and you will have the beginning of a morphic field.

On its own, it is not demonic. It’s basically energy, your mind, and your ability to use your mind to connect to different structures/things/beings in reality. It is possible that some people could include nefarious connections in their own creations. I, however, have not seen any such things in the fields here (and I have spent some time studying exorcism).


And because there isn’t any demonic stuff to begin with

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Im just wondering where wellbeings responce is to this thread lol
Edit: oh i see you typing ayo :smirk:lol

It’s in the drafting phase :wink:
Usually a bit of thought and work goes into his responses



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Maybe this will help you understand better:


Welcome to the forum!

I’m in a playful mood tonight so please read the following with the light-hearted, playful, friendly tone that I’m hearing in my head as I write these words.

I do echo our forum friend’s recommendation that you use the forum’s search engine to continue your research. Many of your answers are already here on the forum for you to find and enjoy.

Well, that makes sense, doesn’t it?

But Scripture doesn’t always talk about magic in a negative way, right? I mean, take for instance, Moses. In my book, wasn’t Moses practicing magic? That whole business where he turned his conjure stick into a snake, which then ate all the snakes of Pharaoh’s magicians? Sounds like magic to me. (And that’s not all the magic Moses did.)

There were a whole bunch of magicians that followed in the Scripture afterwards, but let’s skip ahead to another well-known magician: Jesus. Walking on water. Turning water into wine, loaves into fishes. How is that different from magic, right?

And then we have Jesus’ promise to us (from the Book of John?), which I have always felt uplifted by:
“Truly, truly, I say unto you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do…” Since I don’t have a theocracy wanting to keep all its power to itself, I can read that as Jesus giving us permission to do the same (and greater) “magic” that he did. (Thank you, Jesus!)

You sound like you’ve exposed yourself to a broad range of schools of thought. (Good for you!) So, you might be aware that “demon” is the current English spelling of the Ancient Greek (you know, the guys who translated the Bible from Hebrew to give us the modern Western Bible) word, “daemon,” meaning “helpful spirit.” I was taught (because I don’t speak any form of Greek) that this word was used to talk about beings who weren’t as high as the angels and archangels we read about…until some people with an agenda decided to corrupt that word for their agenda.

Some do, yes. Is that really different from when you kneel before a statue of–say–Beloved Mary and share your hopes, dreams and desires from your pure heart? You’re certainly free to conclude that it sounds like an entity to you, but is that really what’s going on? And is either of those acts all that different from directing (“communicating instructions”) Qi in Qi Gong? In my book, not in any meaningful sense.

(ETA: And I want to clarify, because i don’t want to give a misimpression. We’re not praying to any NFT or any field, as we might pray to the Beloved Mary. There’s nothing like that going on, with NFTs or fields… As you say, we’re just giving instructions. We do this all the time with our computers, although it’s way less obvious with our computers these days, than back in the day when we used the command line. Or setting an intention, like when we plan to get up from our chair and walk across the room. There are no entities involved in any of that, either.)

My friend, the handy forum search engine, is letting me down, because the only mention I can find of Barbatos on this forum is your post. And it’s just as well, because I wasn’t part of the private group that commissioned that NFT.

Yes, the descriptions of those 2 fields do mention the Sacred Oil, because the Oil of Abramelin–on which those 2 fields are based–is based on the Sacred Oil. I know you (because you’re smart) will agree with me that “based on” is different from “the same thing.” Oil of Abramelin is based on the Sacred Oil, in part because of the prohibition you mentioned and in part because we long ago lost the knowledge of which plant is the “fragrant reed” of the Sacred Oil.

Fun fact: did you know that the Oil of Abramelin gets its name from the Abramelin working which is a method to attain knowledge of and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel?

I’d quibble with your assertion of why Crowley used it in his rituals. He used it in his rituals because he came from a very, very long line of magicians who used it in their rituals to attain (as Crowley did) knowledge of and conversation with their Holy Guardian Angel. When you read the threads of those 2 fields, you’ll see where Captain Nemo (who creates these fields) and I joked about Crowley using the toilet. Does that mean we should never use the toilet? (Please say no.)

You’re within your rights to your opinions about aliens. There’s plenty of conjecture about aliens. And that’s what it is, conjecture. Since we’re sharing crazy stories (because isn’t “travelers from another planet” just so much simpler and more plausible than “interdimensional entities,” amiright? :slightly_smiling_face: Some of those folks out there make everything so dang complicated sometimes.) Some of the conjecture that I’ve heard (which I let roll off my back) is that what we have called “angels” are actually aliens. (Some of those folks out there make everything so dang complicated with this conjecture, too. :slightly_smiling_face: )

In any event, we can swap fun conjectures all night long. But it’s just “to-may-to”-“to-mah-to.” It doesn’t really get us anywhere, right? Because as you said, no one holds all the answers.

I’m pretty sure we have a few threads on that topic, as well, which you might find interesting.

Once again, I do hope you read this post in the playful way I’m writing it, and I hope you have fun with us here!


Thank you for noticing!

(Plus this drafting was longer than usual because I’m in a playful mood, which often doesn’t translate well to plain text, and I didn’t want to disrespect our new friend.)


Thank you for the extremely thoughtful response. Everyone has been most helpful and I will respond to everyone of course but I think I will start from you.
You are perfectly right especially when talking about Moses. “Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deed” says the book of Acts. That strongly infers that he was taught magic. It is also true that the seven plagues are each a response to the false gods of Egypt. Episodes like the rods turning into snakes are one of the many proofs that power does not come from God is just a counterfeit of God’s power and is not to be trusted.
To elaborate on your point more specifically, there is nothing wrong with performing miraculous deeds through God’s power. And that is precisely why I see nothing wrong with Chi or energy work. I conducted my research then same as I am doing now. Scripture uses the word “ruach” to talk about chi. Same reason why I liked morphic fields a lot when I read about them on the website. If all they are is just using the energy of God/the universe for the purpose of healing, I would use them because I am sure they do not constitute “magic” in the negative biblical sense. I just want to be sure no entities are involved. That’s what Dreamweaver says in the FAQs and I would love to trust him.
So with regards to my doubts, they are very simple and I believe justified.
If an NFT is an energetically programmed computer of sorts in the form of an image, could you confirm that it is just that and not communicating with an entity?
This is the link to the NFT I was referring to. It explicitly mentions a demon and sigils, which is the biggest red flag I found so far.
The Dark Knight :bat: (Private Project) - NFTs - Sapien Medicine (
I am interested in your translation of the word demon. I googled a few pages and nobody translates it as “helpful spirit” though they do say that the translation refers to pagan gods sometimes.
With regard to the two audios I found suspicious I find your observations very useful. What book are you referring to with regard to Abramelin (I know two exist)? I am interested in reading it now. And with regard to the aliens we will have to agree to disagree. Most people who studied UFOs (John Mack, Jacques Vallee etc.) came to the conclusion that they were interdimensional entities and not little green man, but then again nobody really figured it out yet.
Thanks again for everything, your help really means a lot.


I think the Greek word for demon properly translates as something like “a point of divine attention”.


How about Dark Servitor that Dream created? It is white magic too? :grin:

It can summon goetia demon if you read dark servitor description.


From Middle English demon , a borrowing from Medieval Latin dēmōn , daemōn (“lar, familiar spirit, guardian spirit”), from Ancient Greek δαίμων (daímōn, “dispenser, god, protective spirit”). Doublet of daimon .


Thank you. I try my best to be as accurate as I can be in my posts.


You’re already so good WellBeing. Love you.

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