Point of No Return

Now that you know how powerful it is, you have choices. I started out only playing it once. I even only played a small bit of it also. Yes, bringing up stuff is good, but clearing and keeping up with the energy is also good - a manageable clearance. Of course, perhaps you prefer it the way you are already experiencing it. Still, choices . . . Enjoy! :slight_smile:


Press Emotional Alchemy while playing this
if this brings up stuff.
You may not need to use TLC fields after such as my personal and emotional supporter if you’re pressed for time

Emotional Alchemy (soundweave nft) (will post link later)


Accepting consciously is way more powerful when co-operating with the field.

When you get to 7:00, and hear the next element. Start accepting all that you lack and feel, trust me. This made the field way more efficient for me.

@SammyG correct me if I’m wrong but that’s when the acceptance and repattern happens? Or when do we start accepting what we lack with this field?


Its the whole track both repattern and cleansing.


My 5 year old son is utterly obsessed with moths and butterfly’s and their metomorphosis. Actually he loves all metomorphosis (butterfly’s, bettles, frogs etc etc etc forever) and he would thoroughly agree with you. His favourite is the puss moth and the Luna moth. He plays games where he makes cocoons out of socks and catterpillars out of sticks and the wings would be anything, he used his t-shirt the other day. :joy:
I think I need this audio soon. Just for those dark moments of terrifying transformation. Which seem to be many in this time.


Some members mention that cords are cut with this audio. I have some questions about this:

  • will only negative cords be cut? Or also positive ones?
  • will the cord be cut at the root, so that the root of the cord is also removed, along with sealing the “hole”?

Does anyone know this?

Thank you for your help!


You got your answer about “negative” cords in the other thread where you asked. That good answer applies to this field, too.

I wouldn’t worry so much about “positive” cords because the next time you think about that person with fondness or with love, you’ll be re-establishing those positive cords, you see?

I personally haven’t experienced a cord-cutting aspect to this field. If there is one, I’d say it’s due to the mindset changes this field produces allows us to use our innate cord-cutting abilities to sever ties which no longer serve us. IOW, we heal, we change, then we decide (consciously or otherwise) and then we cut.

In this regard, this field helps us to cut our unhelpful cords in ways we won’t re-establish them, which is (I guess) what you’re calling “cutting them at the root.”

Hope that helps.


I’ve been listening to this field for a few weeks and before I get into the benefits, I want to say that THIS FIELD IS NOT ONLY FOR THE PEOPLE AT THE LOWEST LOW IN LIFE. I don’t mean to toot my own horn but I believe I’m quite far from the lowest low in life and I have noticed serious benefits.

When your on your journey forward there are always gonna be moments where you take a step back. However since getting this field, I noticed there hasn’t been a single day that set me back. EVERY SINGLE DAY has been a day where I move forward. This field seems like a safety net that prevents you from going backwards. Furthermore if you do go backwards, it seems like this field can reduce the setback as much as possible and get you moving forward as quickly as possible.

A nice side benefit I was not expecting is that this helps me get quicker and deeper results from the fields I listen to!

Whenever I go into public now, there is ZERO FEAR. Before this, I did not have much social anxiety but now there is none. I just do not mind what others think of me now. I can just do what I want without caring! Although I sometimes need to be careful about this as sometimes my carefree attitude leads me to do stuff that is very bold and might be considered impolite by others lol.

This is one of the most liberating fields I have ever listened to. It helps free you from your ego, your limiting beliefs, your fears/trauma, your inner turmoil and so much more. Furthermore, it gives you the power and right state of mind to start accepting and loving yourself. You don’t have to be at the lowest low to get this field. Matter of fact even if you are doing great in life, this field can change your life.

Thank you for reading.
Thank you to Captian and Sammy.


Thanks for your detailed testimonials @hotdogduck. They’re interesting to read.


So while waiting to be able to buy this audio (hopefully at the end of this month!) I decided to try to do a free stack going off from the effects listed in this audio’s description. The stack is as follows:

Ego dissolution
Subc. Limit removal
Repel negative energy
Energy blockage removal
Exorcism rite
Amygdala healing
Probability alteration and luck
Etheric cord cutter
Higher self connection
Grand jealousy shield

Self love and acceptance
Outlook retrainer
Love gratitude appreciation
Hope and happiness
Extreme self confidence
Overcome addictions

I’m sure there are better alternatives for some of these audios, this is something I did fast (and a bit for fun), I’m no expert at all


Used this after using another creator and my head is hurting is that normal?

Is this an overload should i be worried or does mean that its reaching deeper levels?

How are we to answer that for you? We don’t know what “another creator” or what “another creation” (or what that does) or even how much you “used” either or both of them.

Possibly. It’s anyone’s guess.



It depends on what’s normal for you. I know that is not a satisfying response, but there are many different types of headaches that can happen for many different reasons

Have you ever gotten a headache after listening to a field and it was just an adjustment response?


I think so.
But this field i only listen 3 times and its was somone from the sapien vender store. Then i but on Point of no return head hurting and belly is too. So i think its a good sign


The fact that you say this leads me to believe that it might turn out just fine for you. Keep going, see what happens.



And might the fact that this “another creation(s)” might be brain field be important information for us to answer you?


The brain field i mentioned was after the experience i had.

1 Like

Since listening the PONR audio two weeks in my stacks, yesterday I noticed that all of the chakra audios feel extremely intense, heat, pain and other sensations related to the chakras. I’m satisfied :D social anxiety is far away from me and I overall feel more in peace with myself, after some more or less heavy clearing rides…


i will love to hear more about your expirince
it is can open abilty to more diffrent ways of thinking or view?

I´m running the upgraded PONR stack for a week now, it feels like it wipes out the connection I formed with my NFTs. Is it the Aura Cleanser? Anyone else experiencing somethin like that?