Point of No Return

It’s safe to say after nearly 5-6 months of playing this consistently everyday that I am done with this field. It has done a wonderful job of bringing me to homeostasis and the effect is still with me everyday. I moved onto listening to Blueprint of Life, Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limit Remover.

You might say wait, ego dissolution and limit remover is also included in PONR so why? The thing is both field are separately specialized to produce full effects. Mixing these two help in the PONR really helped into bringing me to a calm and peaceful state but I want to get the full effects of the the separate field. Blueprint of Life is obviously going to be listened to forever, it always brings me into harmony.


Blueprint of life is a nonend /infinite possiblities field


I bought this field about a month ago and it feels like i have more acceptance in me for my inner world. I used to fight the unwanted feelings in me but now i have more understanding for myself and it’s easier to accept that the good and the bad are both here and they have a right to it. It is a process but there is progress for sure.


Would like to know what fields are in this…

There was, before this new field was created, a long discussion of what could be included in this. You could look there for some guidance.

This field’s description is quite detailed. Was there something specific that wasn’t covered by the description that you’re wanting to know?

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Nvm i think j found names of all fields in it in this thread:


That’s the discussion that I had mentioned. Good for you for finding it!


Im trying to make up my mind about buying the ponr field.

But I want to know 100% what fields are in it

So I found in the ponr thread that these were in it:

Energy Clearing
Subconscious Limits Clearing
Love Gratitude & Appreciation
(several audios depending on your situation such as trauma release, forgiveness release, emotional release)

but I was wondering if theres even more…

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One of the rules of thumb about decision-making that’s been helpful to me is “If it’s not a ‘Hell, yes!’, then it’s a ‘Hell, no!’.”

Feel free to try that one on for yourself.

I offer it here because it seems apt for your comment. Your post has me wondering if you’re trying to talk yourself out of buying it (which is fine) because:

there really isn’t any field that we know 100% what fields are in it. And didn’t Dream recently pull a field because he was tired of people using knowledge of what was in that field in order to reverse engineer copycats?

So, you’re free to set your criterion for your decision-making. Maybe you’d find it more helpful to you if you set a more reasonable criterion–such as “Does this field do what it says on the tin?” (It does), etc.–for your decision-making?


It is a field i would need i believe yes, but i also need others hmm, decisions decisions…

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OK, that’s a different situation from what you had presented.

So, it sounds like this is a good opportunity for you to practice that prioritization stuff you and I had discussed. You can do it!


Because money is the issue here maybe i should listen to JAAJs wealth stack to attract some money to get the fields i need :hear_no_evil:

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Sounds like a plan!

And since money is the issue, aren’t you glad that there are several free versions of the PNOR stack available to you, so you can have your cake (or whatever is your SIBO-approved treat list) and eat it, too.


Sibo/gut issues/candida is going away aswell btw thanks to info and fields found in this forum with some research and supplements/diet of my own.

But I wont be eating no more cake in my life Well, had enough of those :sweat_smile:


yo dream and sammy

is [ The Mana Circuits (Super Charged) included in this

This field from my experience get stronger and stronger the more you loop. Its smart and tackles each concept one by one. I fall asleep with this and wake up feeling all the fields embedded had done their job…such clear mind/ head early mornings


This fields makes me really tired. lol

Only if you’re not consistent, that means its clearing out the junk you may have picked up…its a good sign but with consistency there won’t be much to clear


Very true, i dont understand why its hard to listen to these things daily, maybe its the mind putting some kinda of resisting

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Lol they fun for me, i don’t think you can see me without a field playing in background…are you using headphones? Id say this why you get board…just play on speaker, not as effective but less bother some

right now im working with Hades, dire wolf from crypto and silver moon audio…hades kicks my butt though, to get these shadows transmuted