Point of No Return

I don’t think they contradict each other. Use PONR at the beginning of the day for “enabling change” and then follow up with all the other “installation” fields.

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I know and I do, my question was about

that I´ve read about in regards to subliminals. I´d like to go full force with the self love fields, but from your answer I assume I should keep at least one loop of ponr daily although I already got good effects from it?

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That’s hard to tell. I recommend you do what your inner guidance tells you as everyone’s subconscious mind setup is different.

I personally use PONR only on days when I feel like using it.


See how you do without PONR, if you feel the effects are fading, maybe the field hasn’t fully integrated yet, as JAAJ said, everybody’s subconscious mind requires different amount of times to integrate.


Having a hard time deciding between this one, Alchemical Revision of Past, and the mental self supporter for big life upheavals. Which would be best for sharing with a depressed family member?


depression begone


Good idea, I will try this first.


So i can use this field as a booster before my playlist?

Before a playlist is a good place for this field, sure, this field would have benefits.

As I use the word “booster,” I don’t really see this as a “booster.” But you might have a different meaning for that word and see it as such.


This field removes subconscious limits and negativity so that will boost the effects of fields thats why i used the term “booster”

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OK, great.

That’s why I talked about how I use the word because I was ready for you using that same word differently than I do.

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Ive just bought the blessed. Is it worth finishing off my 1 month using point of no return stack before listening to the audio? Or is it compatible?


Best field I’ve tried.

Felt a huge relaxation in my legs after 2nd loop.

A kind of relaxation that I was only able to get through drinking alcohol.


Why I Stopped Using Point of No Return After Just One Week :neutral_face:

Last week, I purchased Point of No Return field and listened it once/twice a day in the morning. At first, I felt lighter and more relaxed, and even noticed that my dreams were more vivid. However, after just one week of use, I had to stop using it.

Why? Well, while Point of No Return did have some positive effects, it also made me feel very tired, unmotivated, and distracted. I was bored (anhedonic) and even felt sad at times. In fact, it was the least productive week I’ve had in a while.

I think I know what caused these unpleasant side effects. I believe it has to do with Ego Dissolution being included in the field, as it modulates 5-HT2A receptors. I’ve used Ego Dissolution in the past and experienced similar effects, so I think it’s safe to say that this is the culprit.

If you’re curious, you can check out the Ego Dissolution’s description on Patreon or in this post, which mentions that it increases glutamate levels in areas of high density of 5-HT2A receptors. After doing some more research, I discovered that activating 5-HT2A receptors can lead to anxiety, neuroticism, fatigue, OCD, head twitches, and even depression.

Ultimately, I’ve decided to stop listening to Point of No Return for now due to these side effects. While it did have some benefits, the negative impact it had on my mood and productivity just wasn’t worth it.


You are going through detox on a physical, energetic and mental level.
Do not expect to be cleared of everything in just 1 week.
Especially after spending several decades in a low vibe environment (human society).

If you give up now just after one week, then how do you expect to things ever change? This is like spending your whole life living in a trash bin and then suddenly feeling uncomfortable if you have to sleep in fresh made beds and take showers every day and after one week go back living into the trash bin…

Your energy system needs time to adjust.
Your body needs time to get rid of the poisons.
Your dopamine receptors need to heal.
This all takes time and is not a one-week process.


Also, I do not think that the field will make your body increase glutamate levels beyond a healthy level. Sapien Medicine always makes sure that fields are as safe as possible.


Sometimes growing up can be relatively uncomfortable

It’s a process of transformation!

But it’s up to you whether you want to keep using it or not :slightly_smiling_face:


I think i noticed what u have tbh, and i have been using it for a while, i think i know what u mean

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I know what you think you noticed what he have.

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Healing will be uncomfortable, and you either go through with it or quit it. If my end goal is higher vibration and better mental health, I will go through with it no matter what. Of course our resolve can be different, but it’s best you go through with it.


Thanks for the response. I appreciate your perspective on the importance of patience and perseverance when detoxing via fields, but I also believe it’s important to approach new experiences with a critical eye and to prioritize self-care throughout the process (something I, unfortunately, skipped this time).

While I don’t doubt that these are detox symptoms, they look like 5-HT2A overactivation to me.

What concerns me is that the source I cited says that “Medically speaking, there is no valid reason to want to increase 5HT2A activity in the body. There are no known health benefits to 5HT2A receptor activation in humans”.

Of course, it’s a materialistic view, but given this information, I have to ask myself if it’s worth the risk to continue listening to the field for a longer period in the hopes of achieving the desired state of clearance.

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