Point of No Return

Healing will be uncomfortable, and you either go through with it or quit it. If my end goal is higher vibration and better mental health, I will go through with it no matter what. Of course our resolve can be different, but it’s best you go through with it.


Thanks for the response. I appreciate your perspective on the importance of patience and perseverance when detoxing via fields, but I also believe it’s important to approach new experiences with a critical eye and to prioritize self-care throughout the process (something I, unfortunately, skipped this time).

While I don’t doubt that these are detox symptoms, they look like 5-HT2A overactivation to me.

What concerns me is that the source I cited says that “Medically speaking, there is no valid reason to want to increase 5HT2A activity in the body. There are no known health benefits to 5HT2A receptor activation in humans”.

Of course, it’s a materialistic view, but given this information, I have to ask myself if it’s worth the risk to continue listening to the field for a longer period in the hopes of achieving the desired state of clearance.

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Have you tried to reduce the listening amount to 0,5 times a day?

Or the nervous system fields as a supplement?

Do you ground yourself afterwards?

Like others said, clearing decades of crap isn´t always comfortable.

Maybe you just need to take it slower, some fields can be overwhelming in the beginning…


I have not but I’ll consider it.

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Many of the ways in which we find motivation is from a place of tension and lack rather than abundance and carefreeness.

By clearing all our tensions and holes it is possible that we stop feeling motivated to do certain things.

Because the lack and tension it is not there anymore.



Are you a healthcare professional ?



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It can replace subconscious limits removal too?


Does this replace the stack?

Sorry if this has been asked many times friends!


I’ve noticed that listening to Jindan + Ojas before PoNR field creates a huge synergetic effect


Is it okay to loop this field during the night?


These words keep me going when I feel hopeless about pulling through all this. I have been listening to ponr along with other audios to try and rid myself of chronic anhedonia and correct decades of negative experiences and bad thinking. I’m struggling heavily atm but have had brief periods where I feel abit more positive and better. I will endure and remind myself that all this crap won’t be fixed quickly. I picture it as my brain being covered in scaffolding and the audios are like workers fixing at it. It’s a heavily damaged building and it’s going to take the workers some time to fix it but they will get there eventually and then all this tough detox will have been all worth it.
Apologies for long and probably disjointed reply!


Back to this field as apart of my journey. You know how when you feel you are done with this field but then you return and listen to it after a long time and it surprises you. Haha that was me.

Listened to it 3 days ago because I felt energetically stuck once again and boom, felt all energy debris released and have a great mindset. I was wondering why my fields were not impacting me strongly as before until I paired PONR. Gotten too comfortable with thinking “nah I’m 100% clear”, what a big lie I told myself. Honestly I was just looking to escape from healing, now I’m back and recharged.

Thank you PONR and Dream. :heart:


And I must say the problems I was facing that felt huge from my perspective wasn’t so huge after all when I listened to PONR. The benefit from this, “accepting everything” is a game changer. Accept it and then move forward! Accept it is there, acknowledge it. My problem is not a problem, it is only a problem if I don’t accept it and then don’t plan on moving forward.

Blessings as always.




Wee! six month milestone of liberation from the shackles of my own deep sorrow, helplessness, layers of blockages with the help of this powerhouse field. :partying_face:

Ignoring or drifting is no longer an option.
HS says: It’s time!
Or alternatively: Time’s up.

Release and letting go is a key part of this process.
Accepting that some things simply can’t be argued with.
Or pushed or controlled.
I remember crying to no end on my first few weeks with this.

And the most amazing thing is, the moment we accept, proactive with change, we are granted the power to bring in the favourable transformation we seek that’s unlocking new levels, holistically.

Beyond a certain point there is no return.
This point has to be reached.



It released some of the tension and low self esteem qualities I had. I realized that I haven’t taken a single joke offensively or not even jokes just rude comments lol. Nothing anyone has said has bothered me in the last day or 2, even if it was meant to be offensive.


I believe I’ve just hit a major turning point in working with this field. I’ve been listening between 1-3x a day on most days for the past 2 months and it has always made me sad (in a heartache kind of way) and been at least mildly draining. I could sense that afterwards it was easier for me to be uplifted and energized by life and other fields due to its work, but it had never directly effected me this way.

Today, it was especially saddening for me but I had the feeling I needed to make it through at least 3 loops so I was pressing on. Midway through the 3rd loop I felt something shift or unblock near my heart, it was a little startling honestly. As I neared the end of that loop I really didn’t want to stop listening for some reason, so I let it go on to a fourth. This is where it got very interesting for me…

Shortly into my fourth loop everything shifted, and for the first time the field felt energizing and uplifting to me!

I’m sure that this is a sign of bigger and better things to come from it and I’m so grateful Dream for making this field, to the community here for your beautiful testimonies and indirect encouragement, and to my higher self for pushing me to continue listening this morning.

Just finished loop 5 and feeling much better about the future :grin:


Got the PONR today ! :smiley:
I played it twice and played shielding 3 after that.
The music is so soothing and meditative … I really liked it.

However now I am again feeling depressed so want to loop PONR again … but will it work after I have looped shielding already?

Also can I loop this field like overnight or for an hour?


Observation after first few plays… one thing this field does to me is to bring my focus to itself. It doesn’t let me listen to it passively… like I want to read this forum while it plays in the background but it will not let me focus there. I have to be with this field actively