Point of No Return

I miss having those super vivid dreams lol. I really do.

This field always makes me return to this profile picture.

Idky, it just feels like it fits.

Love this field man, the sound, the clearance, the calmness it gives, etc.

Months later and I still use it almost everyday.


I use it everyday

I wish it had a soothing music. Sleeping with it is hard


thought its a morning field.
What are the effects when playing it at night? How do you feel it serves you?

If I have this, do I need Energy body/Aura Deep clearing

I listen to SLD and ego dissolution every day (Although I haven’t got many results from fields so far)

If I have the recent ‘Your Energetic Being’ , would I still need this ‘Point of No Return’ or would it be overkill? (I’m on a tight budget )

EDIT: or maybe I can wait for the new upcoming project Limits Eraser by @veh

Wow once you get past the detox phase with this field…

i feel like I can do anything and manifest anything, my thoughts are so positive, im filled with self love and results are streaming in effortesly

took a hell of a lot of work to get to this point though but this field i feel like has accelerated it ten fold

quick tip aswell play this field on a mp3 player then your fields on your phone, fast fast results


Key idea breakdown:

1. Identifying the Point of No Return : PONR refers to a state where individuals feel they’ve reached the lowest point in their lives, and no matter how hard they try to improve their situation, they face continuous setbacks and negativity. It’s a point where they might feel stuck or that their efforts are futile.
2. Clearing Negative Energy and Blockages: The field is designed to address and clear the aura of negativity that surrounds individuals during their lowest points. It focuses on removing a wide range of blockages and negative energy patterns, including bad luck, energy blockages, external negative influences, psychic attacks, and emotional baggage.
3. Repattern and Reset: PONR not only clears the negative aspects but also aims to repattern and reset an individual’s energy and consciousness. This repatterning process involves reconnecting to a higher source, such as the divine or higher self, to create a temporary neutral state that is ideal for change.
4. Acceptance and Positive Patterning: The field encourages acceptance of one’s problems, limitations, and negative emotions. It promotes embracing these aspects and shifting one’s perspective from negativity to positivity. It includes patterns of self-love, gratitude, appreciation, hope, and pure positive energy.
5. Dopamine Stabilization: PONR works on stabilizing dopamine levels in the brain and neutralizing excessive desire feedback loops. It may help reprogram the individual’s desires to focus on appreciating and wanting more of what they currently have.
6. Empath Shield: The field acts as an empath shield, allowing individuals to absorb energies from their surroundings while filtering out negative or lower-vibrational energies.
7. Clearing and Repatterning: PONR is described as an all-in-one clearing field that also repatterns an individual with the necessary energy to feel positive, overcome their challenges, and move forward in life.

The Point of No Return field combines clearing and repatterning elements to help individuals release negative energy, overcome life’s obstacles, shift their perspective, and embrace positivity. It aims to create a temporary state of neutrality, ideal for initiating positive changes and personal growth.

Intermediate report of reported reviews/benefits:

1. Positive Transformations: Users have reported experiencing positive changes and emotional clearing when listening to PONR. They mention smiling more, gaining insights they previously neglected, and having increased manifestations in their lives.
2. Overcoming Panic Attacks and Anxiety: PONR is credited with helping users overcome social anxiety and panic attacks. It instills a sense of confidence and safety in social situations, even after just a short time of use.
3. Clearing Acquired Energy Garbage: Some users describe PONR as a powerful cleaner that helps free individuals from accumulated emotional baggage and acquired energy from their past. It is said to clear energy that is difficult to address with other methods.
4. Challenging First Experiences: Initial experiences with PONR can be challenging, with users feeling sadness, fear, and instability. However, these feelings tend to subside with continued use, and users recommend persevering through the initial discomfort.
5. Temporary Measure: While some users view PONR as a temporary measure for specific life phases, they see it as a crucial tool for moving beyond points of no return and facilitating personal growth.
6. Physical and Emotional Effects: Users note both positive effects (e.g., stomach pain relief, feeling lighter) and challenging effects (e.g., chest pressure, sadness, surfacing of old habits and traumas).
7. Detox Phase: Some users mention going through a detox phase where they experience intense emotions, confront deep-rooted fears and beliefs, and even face challenging situations. This phase is often described as a necessary step toward personal growth.
8. Side Effects: Some users report side effects like fatigue, lack of motivation, and distraction, which they attribute to the field’s influence on their mood. It’s suggested that these side effects may be related to the inclusion of Ego Dissolution in the field.
9. Consistency: Consistent usage is believed to enhance the benefits of the PONR field and reduce the need for detox. Users report clearer thinking and a sense of well-being after using it regularly.
10. Field Enhancer/Booster: PONR is reported to enhance the effectiveness of other fields, making them produce quicker and deeper results.
11. Safety Net and Progress: One user mentions that PONR acts as a safety net that prevents setbacks and helps them move forward consistently. Even individuals who are not in the lowest lows of life have noticed significant benefits.
12. Long-Term Effects: Several users note the long-term effects of PONR, even after discontinuing regular use. They report ongoing positive changes, mood swings, and a significant reduction in blockages.
13.Multi-Faceted Approach: The PONR field is seen as a versatile tool for addressing various challenges in one’s life, including trauma, self-love, limiting beliefs, and perspective shifts. Users also emphasize the importance of active self-work and meditation.
14. Shifts and Turning Points: Extended use may lead to significant shifts in emotional state and mindset after weeks or months of consistent listening.
15. Acceptance and Transformation: Users emphasize the importance of accepting and acknowledging issues and actively working on personal growth and healing.
16. Gradual Usage: Many recommend starting with a low number of loops (plays) per day, typically 2 to 3 times, and gradually increasing the frequency as one becomes more accustomed to the field’s effects. Starting slowly and listening to your intuition is advised.

These reviews collectively highlight the profound and diverse effects that users have experienced with the PONR field, making it a valuable tool for emotional healing and personal development. Experiences may vary from person to person.


You mean both at the same time?

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Yes sir

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Dream advises against playing more than 1 field at a time. Also, a maximum of 4 “physical” fields per day.

Some other creators state you can listen to multiple tracks simultaneously with their creations, but not with any of the Sapien / Dreamseeds / Energetic Alchemy creations. I would be weary of most outside creators, however.

It is best to focus on the track being played where possible to achieve optimal effectiveness.

when dream said this? can you quote his words?

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Original recommendation is to start slow to avoid getting headaches and dehydration at the very least until one builds up to some experience. The practice of playing multiple fields from multiple devices is common and actually even some people do fine using many fields on same audio output, but latter is still rather niche (although real reviews aren’t contraindicative to such way of playing fields, some creators say it’s totally fine if it’s just multiple tabs/windows with players). There’s no maximum for types of fields to run daily, recommendations are just based on simple numbers to put users into a habit of using fields consistently and without overload.


just a remind to everyone that listens to this, it works on such little steps, make sure to keep listening.

For me the results of this works in the background of your subconsciously its so easy to dismiss the results of this.


@SammyG @Dr_Manhattan Do you know whether he’s said play this before or after Conceptual Conglomerate and Malleable Ego?
I know conceptual realizations was like
advised to be played first (ie: that then blueprint then so on)
But that was said like way before he dropped PONR single and Conceptual
Conglomerate & Malleable Ego you see
So now everyday I keep wondering for the life of me :confused: rip

Edit: BAM SCORE 444th comment. We outchyea :sunglasses::tired_face::triumph::weary::100:


I think that’s what happened to me too although I can’t know for sure. I do so many things to transform my ego.

Has anyone had “big revelations” around the time of using this field? I think the higher Self connection part may have nudged me. I’m glad that it did.

I’m not them, but I’d guess the Malleable Ego one should go before everything else… to set a base?




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Same for me :joy:

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Lol 4s are out to get us

:slight_smile: sounds like uhm… PONR !


O that’s good

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