Point of No Return

What you guys would advice, is it okay to listen in the evening or better in the morning? Because my morning stack is already quiet long. In the evening i still have some time left.


Morning first thing!


Alright :slightly_smiling_face:


I just got it and i feel like im about to go on a 1st date with my all time crush.

With butterflies in my stomach :)

Butterfly is one of my Totem Animals, and ive looked up to them all my life, because despite being so fragile, so small (majority of them) they still manage to go through a really painful and dark period to grow knowing its all worth it, and when they finally taste freedom and open their wings into the world they spread magic and a subtle joyful energy wherever they go, thats what they come for, thats what they want to give in every flight, but then they face from day one a different reality, a harsh world that tests their resilience, and determination, over and over again and against all odds they adapt to the circumstances and have learned to fly away as soon as they spot danger, so their flight spreading beauty and light is not cut off by external circumstances.

I love that a butterfly was chosen for this audio… because it’ll bring the protection we need for that harsh world, we have to face every day, so we can still be free, go on our adventures, fly away, and remain beautiful, light, subtle and while we maybe be at times still fragile on the inside, we will be able to enjoy and bring about what we came here for. :heart:

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. This means the world to me. 🧚‍♀️

Edit: its a Moth. But they are from the same family as butterflies, go through the same process and face the same harsh conditions. Thank you @VMMS :blush:


Moth is the perfect symbol for this field! (Cousin to the butterfly for sure!) Most people don’t realize how beautiful moths actually are and what they symbolize. A moth represents tremendous change, but it also seeks the light. Thus, moth spiritual meaning is to trust the changes that are happening and that freedom and liberation are around the corner.

Absolutely beautiful and so needed in times such as these. :sparkles:


I am puzzled by this statement, especially if the description is written by @Dreamweaver. Why wouldnt he know for sure if those are part of this field?


I think it is included there

I copied the description sammy gave me.
didnt recheck, asked him for it and pasted it in.


Got it. So can you please confirm that ego dissolution, amygdala healing and brain reset are indeed part of Point Of No Return?


oh yes,
not quite the same as the separate specialized fields,
as this has to work with all the rest, in the way that it is made.
but yes, its there.


awesome! :slight_smile:


:+1: as always, thanks for everything!


Yes, it’s an absolutely amazing field. I feel clear after listening, almost in an altered state, more stable, and more positive. Almost like feeling what I feel like is the same as seeing myself from the outside - I feel that different. It’s kinesthetic and visual at the same time. Experimenting with this long-term will be life-changing, I am sure. :pray: :sparkling_heart: :partying_face: :hugs: to Captain and SammyG!


Does this field clear out prior fields that have been listened to throughout the day?




Thank you :)

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You’re welcome! :slight_smile:

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I am going to buy in this field in the next hour, but I can already tell from what my Higher Self told me about this:

Imagine this field like a Second Chance in Life !

And also like an Energetic Equivalent to Conceptual Realizations.


Because it often happens that we get stuck in life and/or are working towards a dead-end.

Either because we are too blind by our beliefs and ego and cannot see that we are we stuck in a dead-end.

Or because we are energetically so messed up and traumatized and blocked that our conscious efforts to change something become futile.

In an extreme case of being stuck in a dead-end situation, a Higher Self can decide to end the incarnation for that particular incarnational self – or, it creates a drastic and harsh experience for the incarnational self to wake it up from its situation.

Such a harsh experinece can be for example the experience of a Near Death Experience with a half-life life review or a similar experience with a strong impact.

Now why does this field give you a 2nd Chance in life?

While Conceptual Realizations helps you to recognize potential dead-ends mentally, this field helps you to get unstuck and escape dead-ends on an energetic level.

…and because of this, you can save youself from having to restart your incarnation again without all the acquired bagage and/or skip more painful wake-up calls.

It is a true 2nd Chance to make the best out of your current incarnation and skip any potential harsh experiences or forcing the Higher Self to restart the whole level :muscle:


Wow, a review even before the purchase! That’s next level.


This made me think, Rite of Passages would be really really good to listen to right after this field!