Point of No Return

Beautiful post @JAAJ.

I agree, I feel free of many things that were holding me down for years.


I am also feeling much lighter after listening to this field. The emotional burden is getting removed gradually. The most important feeling it gives is a positive thinking and sometime ‘good’ to look forward to.


so a further feedback.

This audio is super aggressive cleaner and protector, it is painful and rewarding, felt alot of cords being cut. This said it doesnt mean atleast for me apart from the mentioned audios that it replaces anything else from your stacks, please consider it.

Today i started with it. wanted to replace my other primer audios with it.

First loop: the world of pain (Head,Chest, Back) and sadness this thing brought me were imense.
Second loop: alittle less pain, very unstable feeling, fear, i didnt wanted to leave home (impossible because work).
and then i decided not matter what happens simply to do two more loops. Every of the symptomes subsided, but on the end of it i felt like a naked crushed cockroach.

Then used my KQ for one loop, and become sabler. then Blueprint of life for one loop and the one loop from the smart etheric cord cutter and 15-20 mins of the grounding audio.
When i started the grounding Audio then the things got better…was on the way to work and now i am okay.

As said above this Audio is super complex. i fathom every day with every use there will be different things to experience.

As i see it now the use of this is to disallow any disruption of your healing (spiritual, body etc) from your self, the enviroment and the people arround you, also your close connected ones.

That said pleace use your stacks as before after listening to it because the experience from the sapien audios after this audio is something completely new and dare i say uninhibited…

take care all!


use it with the printed moth. i feel there is a difference. see for yourselves.


I just bought and I play it now, it is a beautiful music exotic of relax and peace…


Is the picture a mandal can someone confirm this. I read 2 comments and they both suggested that.


Nope, this is an audio. Previous plan was to have it as an NFT, but SammyG thought it should be accessible to all


Maybe the “r” is meant to be trilled? :woman_shrugging:t2:


What’s the recommended times to listen to?


Start slow and build up from there as your experience guides you.


i totally agree. maybe it works in layers after each listen i dont know, but the need and the reasons to use it blossom everyday.


I could get it.
Awesome, it came to my rescue
I felt light and free to face the world, a lot of pressure taken off my back.
this + Shamanic + My personal supporter = complete healing.


No more need for deinhavitor and spell and curse removal ?? Everyone saying lighter feel so i wonder ???:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:


I guess it depends on what you’re meaning when you ask about “need.” It sounds like there are components of this field which will do some of what those fields did.

So, my suggestion to you would be to try this by itself at first, secure in your knowing that you have (or can have) those tools to supplement this field if you “need” to.


This field is amazing! It really helps clear out other people’s junk on you and as well as yours. I can feel it clear energy that I find pretty hard to find. I highly recommend this. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


the field is also smart and tests you while healing you. the lot of you should be prepaired to face challenges that trigger deep damaged sides of you to be healed by this same field. it will trigger your weaknesses but unnoticed by the other people, then will repair them. very complex stuff this field :no_mouth:


I’ve listened to it 3 times today, and I have to tell the truth, I don’t feel very good … weird … very sad


@ferdinandoloverso It could be due to an emotional/mental detox or purgue


can this be a good helper for suicide ideation? (Not asking for me, but i remember a thread where someone was asking for help on that, so yup- it would be useful to know for the annons out there and those struggling with that if it just might) :slight_smile:


My GF had some major bouts of sadness and turmoil after listening to this audio as this field is very complex, and does some radical, potentially life-changing things.

I paired it with Emotional Release, Emotional Mastery, Internal Alchemical Crucible and New Perspectives and that really helped her get over the emotional turmoil in a day.