Point of No Return

I am sorry I didn’t understand
You mean this audio is same as NFT and experiences from that one will be counted as same as this one?
So I can visit that thread to look for more testemonials for this audio?
Sorry for my confusion

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There is no Point of No Return NFT.
Only this audio that you can purchase.
Or the “Point of No Return” stack of audios that you can listen as a playlist.


@SammyG, maybe it’s a good idea to revise the title and the OP of the Point of No Return NFT Public Project to reflect the decision to make this field non-NFT? I know, for a moment, I too shared @Jeffrey’s confusion.


in that topic, it is clearly stated why it was decided to make an audio version instead of NFT. it is necessary to manage to get entangled in two pines

^ I mention this in the thead.

I’ll edit the name though. So my bad there.


I changed my mind based on the above reviews and purchased Point of no return first. Glad i did, i had a customer meeting today and felt total at ease and full of confidence, instead of selfdoubt. Crazy, just playing this for three days as first thing in my morning stack. This one is a diamond, and self development rocket on steroids. Just purchase this one, its worth every penny.


You see?

It is to be mentioned also this is a compilation of everything said about stacks,deffences, difficulties, belief issues and so on. Many members of this forum have an input in this creation…wonderful indeed. As Sammy said.

Somehing like a flower all of us contributed to grow.

And now it will will grow for and with us.

The reason we have this forum is this audio. Super!


:muscle: #BreakFree #BreakTheCycle #EscapeFalseFate #PointOfReturn #ThereIsAlwaysAWay #Freedom


At first I was gonna pass on this one, but after reading the testimonies, that’s it, I’m getting this. I know everyone’s experience will be different, but still I’m inspired to try this. I’ll probably purchase this in May, gotta put some other merchandise to the side once again lol.


I hope this field isn’t a limited NFT type and just stays on sale. I don’t have the money for it at the moment and would like to buy it later instead of a ridiculously hiked price from other users.


It will stay on sale, This is not an NFT bud. It’s here forever :smiley:

For anyone, Highly recommend you buy this as your first purchase.

Also, Keeping my review secret for now, but be prepared for a nice huge review next month.
@SammyG @Dreamweaver Thank you for what you do.


Im feeling tired after using this, anyone else feeling this too?

Not complaining lol but just wondering


Yup, Been fatigued last two days, and last night I slept with it on, had to play nerve inflammation twice.
I think it’s really removing those blocks, it will be worth it in the end.
Would recommend 2-3x only


Oh okay lol i was thinking man why am i so tired :joy::joy::joy:

I went shopping and my cousins thought i was high :roll_eyes:


no, in my opinion it would actually push them further and enhance them. so the man dancing while crossing to the new life is now launched far ahead while dancing haha, and confidence/luck boosted :)


u r gr8 boss … :D me and sisters love you
maybe one day we meet, I will hope
take care…


@Dreamweaver hi… is this true… please let me know boss tnx


No, I got it. Wasn’t an impulsive buy more like a simple knowing:

Two days prior I said I’ll pass, and now two days later I full heartedly take it back; this will do you no harm.
I do not want to contrast this to Shamanic Blend, as I do not want to away take from it considering it works on different layers, but… for those whom seek a healing that dwells far deep within, this is the instrument one should seek as its highly precise, highly refined.

I think all of us here are saying: we recommend!


Hi Soul,

please be aware of the context in which I wrote this.

It is “equivalent” in the sense of giving you something like a “Second Chance in Life” where it helps you on an energetic level to “get out of a dead-end”, while Conceptual Realizations helps you on a mental level to recognize such dead-ends.


This audio just sent me into something internally man…:heart:

I just gotta give a random statement of gratitude to @Dreamweaver

So damn lucky to know about your creations and yourself. We are living to witness a legend alive. Bravo, you great soul :clap: