Point of No Return



For people who experience mental detox symptoms from using this, there are fields that can help you to bridge those few moments or days. The most common symptoms are probably anger, fear and feeling down…

If feeling low:

If feeling angry and irritable:

If feeling anxious:


Wow! This is something. First few listens and I feel so calm knowing everything will be ok from now on. :slightly_smiling_face:
Music is just brilliant.
Thank you everyone for making this possible :brown_heart:


Curious if people are continuing to feel so good like originally? Is it lasting for you?
I missed the sale and am waiting till next one. But can’t wait to hear how this continues for everyone !!


For me personally during the first listenings i feel the sheer potency of a field, a glimpse then after a couple of days comes an integration and a transformation period.

For me to completely integrate a field i count 40 to 48 days the same as the time to integrate a mantra and have the full benefits. :white_heart:


I had a tough night, detox. First half of today wasnt sunny at all. But this evening I enjoyed I went out with my friends and had a great time. I was funny, free and enjoying myself and the company. I was the center of fun, relaxed and amusing. I think this field has great potential. :brown_heart:


Don’t forget that it was ‘Full Moon’ :full_moon: Time to let stuff go :yawning_face:


Thanks for sharing your experiences and insight !


I hope i can use the blueprint of life after using this for few weeks. I crave that mind peace with mental abilities and strength.


Sure, why wouldn’t you be able to use BoL?


Point of no return makes anxiety flow to surface, blueprint of life feeds me more energy in which sometimes make this emotions takes a hard leaving process after using Point of no return. Im having all kind of symptoms right now. Detox is hard when too much energy in the brain but this depends on person himself i have strong sexual drive in which bring more energy… Its cycle not blaming the BOL, it is just me and how i works. I had this even before knowing sapien medicine. I loved the BOL the sleep time it gave me fall sleep easily for 9 to 10 hours the mind peace. It lowered my mental activity from higher alpha wave to lighter alpha wave. In which lowered my capacity to visualize but it gave me more manifestation ability.


Higher self have told me 4 days ago that i have to trust the process, its been my 4th day listening to 3 times days usually in morning so give it all day to process and be able to sleep at night for 6 hours at least.


OK, thanks for clarifying for us that this is more of a personal experience. And thank you for reminding us that both of these fields are clearing fields, to which we can have uncomfortable responses.

To talk more directly to your personal experience, I can (and I hope you can, too) envision a time when you’ve done enough detoxing that there will be not much left in your system to detox. At that time, you mayn’t need PONR (or, at least, way, way less of it) so that you can re-add your (and my) beloved BoL back into your playing.

And I’m glad to hear that you’re listening to the wonderful guidance of your higher self who always knows what’s best for you and that you’re able to sleep at night.


This field helps me in living with the ‘future uncertainties’ at ease and gives me an optimistic outlook for the future.


Thanks that’s was question actually if point of no return can complete the BOL. Then seems like win win.


I’m not sure what you’re meaning when you ask about “…can complete…,” so I might miss the point.

Me, personally, I experience it the other way around, where BoL assists (and, perhaps, builds upon?) the PONR field. For that reason, I put the two of them together in the same stack for me (but then I don’t have quite the same detox experience as you are sharing).

You may have recognized that I’ve been a long-time fan of the PONR idea (recommending the various stacks, this field, etc. to anyone who’ll listen :rofl: ). In spite of my enthusiasm, I always view our PONR solutions as temporary measures because, when they do their work, they are moving us beyond our points of no return. Eventually, we will no longer be at a “point of no return.”

To me and to this way of my thinking, I think of these PONR solutions as things we use at certain points in our lives and then move on from there, unlike something like LVG (or even BoL, for me) which is an ongoing listen, for me.


Haha you actually reading my mind i was questioning what’s the meaning of Point of No Return the same as you described lol anyway its seems like space in brain start being available to have some questioning lol

The blueprint clearing was slow couldn’t been able to spot it.

So i thought of BOL as building process which can comes after PONR.

Once im done with PONR i’ll switch to BOL


First off, yay this :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: !

And to me, that makes perfect sense because the way I understand it (and experience it) is clearing isn’t really the main thrust of BoL. I mean, I think of BoL as a “reset button” (on many levels) for us and then a reinstallation of our blueprint so that we can move on from there.

Sure, there can be “clearing” as part of my “reset,” but (to me) the main event of BoL is that reinstallation of our original blueprint.

I suspect that a reason why some of us have stronger clearing experiences with BoL than others is that, perhaps, those others (without the clearing/detox) had a pretty clean slate to begin with.

I like my practical metaphors and the practical metaphor that’s coming to my mind right now is working with real, physical blueprints. When you spread physical blueprints out onto a clear table, they’re easy to work with. When you spread those same real, physical blueprints out onto a table that’s cluttered with a whole bunch of stuff, then they’re not so easy to work with, or we have to go through of lot of (perhaps, uncomfortable) work in order to be able to use our new blueprints.

I’m with you right there on that thought!

And you have your conversation with your higher self to tell you when that is!


Thank you @WellBeing for sharing your experience


This field is so unique for everyone in way of working and it has a various benefits