Prestige and Grandeur

To me as well, lol.


Sending to both of you


i never okayed any copies or rip-offs or said your copies were the same

so dont tell your friends that
what you made isnt my stuff.

and has very little in common

Prove me wrong


What are you now talking about and what does it have in common with Prestige and Grandeur?

1 Like

Maybe this?..

@Desiree me too please :pray:

Sent you a PM


one of you
cambrian or poweren
I dunno which

has some group with @anon32464289 and @Premintarsia etc where he tells people i okayed something or where they pass around rip-offs that I apparently okayed or something
(not this but eternal and some other fields)

Nor is he in contact with Dale,
I talk to Dale often, and Dale cannot make a few that I make nor are our methods anything close anymore.

so it isnā€™t true
I am just stating the fact

I mean I donā€™t really care
I just want it to be known

People can make their own choices
donā€™t put my name on your stuff
cause its not mine


@Desiree Thanks Milady!

I am at work , if I was at home, I would want to cheer LOUDLY hahaā€¦ 2 awesome audios todayā€¦


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing for the past 30 minutes!! Haha. This audio is soo awesome!

Youā€™re so welcome! :tophat:


Eternal has literally gotten me on a high lolā€¦


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: How does it compare with Eternal? How is it different?


I suggest we talk about that more in private.

But I seriously donā€™t remember having a group where I would be sending some sort of copies of your work to other forum friends.

That groups might be many, but I donā€™t recall anything like that. Gonna check all of them that have them in group, lol.

Well, Iā€™m Powren, why would you make a public claim about me without being sure itā€™s me? Since there everything is available to a-team, can be checked, even deleted stuff, etc. Not criticizing, just asking.


cause i dont know which one
i said you or him
I dont know which

I already said all i needed to say

You will clearly know if it is you or not.
If its not, then we have nothing to talk about.

If it is, I already said what i wanted to say.
I have nothing more to say.

If it is reputation you are worried about
I am sure the ego of the offender will undoubtly have a rebuttal



I only meant that u hadnā€™t said that from the start, but okay, I understand you. Not a problem.

I am not worried about my reputation, nor an ego to defend here, I am not worried from whatever u say about me, it was just that at least in my country, we tend to be careful with things like that in a way that I mentioned. I donā€™t have really anything against you, nor do I want to argue, here I was just explaining myself.


:mechanical_arm: Solid

the proper response :100:


I responded privately to Jimmy but just in case the first impressions make a difference for others :heartpulse:

My first impression was an instant giggle! It is this first recognition that this audio is gonna go somewhere so good!
Iā€™ll tell you what it does, but it is totally different from the Eternal! They work on different things, but I feel like they deliver their own purpose in the same potency and strength! It certainly doesnā€™t feel like other ā€˜woven worldsā€™ audios, but even then, this part of it is so enunciated!

Here with Prestige, It is the self-related activities that are enhanced, the determination and your willpower, the focus, and the rewards that come with it. It is the general concept ā€“ but the audio pronounces all of these so differently! It is the uplifted mood, the enhanced work, the feelings of being rewarded or of being secured in these rewards. Yes, the ā€˜prestigeā€™ aspect is also enhanced! You just feel so good about yourself! My first listens I was there shaking my hair, dancing, and just this jovial mood has been turned on! Because the reality feels like that of Prestige and Grandeur also-- So the present moment carries to it. My first round I also had while working on something and I noticed an enhanced capability on the spot! Things just became ā€˜easyā€™ for the moment. Instantly, I had a few things turning around while I was listening to the audio, and on the first listen!


So, the stack then!

  • Golden Glow
  • Prestige & Grandeur
  • Attract Love (Special Edition)!!

Talk about a Glow Up!


Can amyone send me the audio please?
I bought it a long time ago and donā€™t have the claim email anymore.
Thank you! :pray:
Wow, turns out I still do have the email!!!
Good day! :grin:


Dear @Desiree please send me the audio! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::heart::heart::heart: