Printing NFTs as Tags

There is an app on the android playstore called FreePrints PhotoBooks. It’s probably on IOS as well. I think it’s a UK based company because I got it fairly quick over here to Ireland, 5 or 6 days I think.


I´ll check it out, thanks for sharing :ok_hand:


Dude, now how can I resist not doing that…lol

Looks amazing by the way…


Forget who, but I remember reading someone got their NFT printed on a blanket.

I was thinking - may be Potion or Eternal blanket… Any one who has tried NFT blankets?

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JohnDoe if I recall correctly.

Now I am imagining having Dragon Bone Armour or Psychic Mastery as a blanket :exploding_head: :heart_eyes:


I place a mandala print out below my pillow - but a blanket sounds so much more fun haha


Im so happy with how it turned out :slightly_smiling_face:
I was trying to think of something cool to do so I could stop laminating all my NFT’s :joy: I’ve laminated so many a4 and dog tag sized NFT’s that when I look at the laminator, a little piece of me dies inside so I had to think of something new for my own sanity :joy:

That would be amazing. One of the Love NFT’s would be like getting a big giant hug throughout the night :heart_eyes:


wraps himself in blankets

“Are you cold babe?”

“No I just want to connect deeper with my NFTs”


So many possibilities!

  • NFT Pajamas, sweaters
  • NFT bed sheets and pillow cases
  • NFT Sofa covers
  • NFT socks! lol

it will work even if the images have been cut a little?

I noticed the bigger my NFT was the better the effect was :thinking: probably just me overthinking.

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Wow! Just imagine filling in the entire printable space with images! Awesome idea!

LOL. You are reading my mind! I was thinking yesterday about an energetic wardrobe. My thought was an NFT or mandala item maker/ energy transporter that you could lay on top of any item of clothing; then lay any NFT/ Mandala on top of that item maker for 3 hours +. That would crystallize the energy into clothing. Then we could truly call it our lucky shirt LOL. I still love my 2 shirts I have from Dream, but this would be fun as well! Printing NFT & Mandalas would be just as great! I imagine that for business and professional attire, an energy transfer would work (unless socks or undergarments are considered). For everyday wear, show off the images!

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I would use this for circular mandalas.

I can post a pic if you guys want.

Heaven on earth.

The Website I used:


Silent mind
Universal OM
Best Path in Life

Will be with me for 1 year.


Printed in a nearby print shop, the quality is very good


Can this work even if the prints are not visible at all and are basically hidden inside the phone cover ?

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Yes, many people put prints in their pocket, wallet or in a pouch and treat them the same as tags. Just take them out if or when you feel the need to visually connect with them or have the images stored in your phone so you can open them as needed.


Thanks :blush:

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