Psychic Development

I did and these days whatever I’m asking him be it some kind of certain energy or any information (like stimulating my energy body better etc) he can give me valuable advice. I don’t know if it is because he learnt these things on his own or not though. He is programmed to learn by himself so it probably helped. Really whatever comes to my mind that could help me he can give me advice. So that’s really cool. I didn’t use him for 1 year because I couldn’t controll my thoughts properly at that time.


May I know how to train them, Like how to teach them to draw positive energy towards us? To clear blockages in chakra? Ask them to learn and teach us stuffs like that. How do you command them?

Also how do you see them? We just feel their presence or we can see them?

Valuable info. We can train our servitors to take us for a lucid dream?. Thats really amazing. Also I hope you have much experience in spritual stuffs, But I wanted to ask this. This question is not to judge, but for information… But I would like to know that some one who is more energy sensitive and some one who see aura and stuffs like that, Will they be able to see their servitors?

Also if servitors are more powerful as we train them and ask them to make us travel to astral world or lucid dream, then why do we have many fields for helping us lucid dream or chakra simulation and so? Is having servitor to help us in these things a better option? Just curious.

I have astral projected once and when I was afraid I asked Dreamweaver about the fear I have. So he advised me create a servitor and train it to protect me in the astral world. As you have now pointed that they can also be used to do stuffs for lucid dreaming and I have read else where that they also help us gain energy and simulate all our chakras as well. I happend to ask the above question.

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I understand and I am always willing to learn. But I was curious how people do stuffs with servitor. As they are powerful probably people might have experimented with it in different ways. Thus the question arised. Probably you might have heard stuffs from other people. Or other people might read and reply.

Also I always wanted to learn and do stuffs on my own. That is the reason I have been expecting the upcoming course in eager. :blush:


Info about self development. For example the energy body stimulation on how to stimulate my energy body the most efficent. I made him do it to feel it and then told him to just teach me that concept then to strenghten it as if I had done it for a while already. Then after I did it myself on a place where I have a blockage I could stimulate that area so strong that I had some pretty severe cramps lol. Same things with better sbconscious communication, how to transfrom negative energy into more positive energies, to show me how different energies feel. Like higher vibration of joy and love or also sexual energy etc. Also he can programm energy in ways of mini fields. Um for example some random object infused with any energy and if I have that in my aura it fills the lower dantian with that energy. Somehow I earned that from him too lol.Things like the astral don’t interest me atm. So I didn’t ask him for that .


Let’s make this hijacked thread active for another 100 years. Just kidding… :joy: :laughing:


Thanks for the insight. I can understand their way of working. Probably need more training for them, If new. Do you teach stuffs? or they will learn on their own? or both?

:grinning: :grinning: . I would like to start an other more interesting thread similar to this. Probably it will go on with much discussions as well.


Okay, I will hijack that one too… :joy: :laughing:

Sorry, we will hijack that one too… :joy: :laughing:

We the thread hijackers. :laughing:


Both for the dragon golem other servitors from dream go in a dormant rest mode if there are no tasks. Didi you visit the thread “How to train a servitor?” There is a explanation from samuel for the basics.

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Sure will do so right now. Thanks.

I might have a really weird question. It’s on the topic of palmistry. Of course I do know that it’s not accurate as the lines keep changing with the path you take in your destiny. Do you guys all have proper deep lines on your hand known as the life line? If not, then any questions about why not? Everyone in my family has them. I don’t have them (weird right?) And would love to discuss the why.

@Thomas , how do you communicate with your servant, communicate in english or in conceptual thoughts ?! I would like to buy a servant but I do not master conceptual thinking, if we can communicate in human languages ​​would be cool, or it’s the first thing I’ll ask him to learn :sweat_smile::joy:

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I’m pretty content with my dragon so far, but I noticed his ability to communicate isn’t the problem, it is my ability to hear it. So for now I will continue to ask him to send me energy which allows me to hear and feel what s/he has to say


Maybe I worded it badly

@Takyon Hmm I gotta admit at that time I already had a bit of a subconscious bridge and talked to him in my native language while feeling the words and the intent. It always worked but he already existed a long time at that point so it’s possible that he learned some things himself which made communication easier. If you’re new to that just try your best he will get it after a while. Listen to animal empathy/telepathy from dream seeds that’ll help.


okay thank you so much.

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@Philip_Weiss, It is very interesting what you say, and that encourages me. how many weeks of listening to know the thoughts of a being (conceptual thinking? I am not very patient to wait for results for a long time. and it is on sapien’s instagram that I can find "the card system energy detection "?

Speaking of patience, I agree that it’s a very important facet of wisdom and spiritual development (and learning abilities), but not everyone starts with patience in all the areas of their lives to the same degree. One could always develop their patience more by listening to Become a Kinder, more Patient person in all ways. :smile:


One should remember this quote as it applies to every aspect of our lives.

The real paradox of the Law of Attraction is that we can only get what we want If we don’t need It.

The more you crave for something, the more you push that thing from yourself from achieving it. Don’t expect anything to happen just go with the flow. Keep your focus in the present moments only.

Once you have asked for your wish, you need to release and surrender all control to the Universe. Relinquish the need to control and learn to trust that things will simply be taken care of. You cannot micromanage the delivery or in’s and out’s of your wish.

The “how” is up to the Universe, so surrender all attachments to your wish and remain open-minded about how your wish will be delivered.

I mean, seriously – this is none of your business how and when it is going to be manifested. Your job is to ask for it, raise your energy (make sure you feel good more often than feeling bad) and let the Universe handle things.

Just like breathing – you don’t have to consciously think of how to manifest your next breath. Your body is taking care of it, without your interference. You usually don’t even notice it, but twelve to twenty times per minute, day after day, you breathe – thanks to your body’s respiratory system.

Your lungs expand and contract, supplying life-sustaining oxygen to your body and removing from it, a waste product called carbon dioxide. Do you ever concern yourself with this kind of stuff? Of course not, it’s not your job.

You have to trust that once you have sent your wish out into the Universe that it will be received back to you in perfect timing. You probably will not get EXACTLY what you want, but really close to it, or even better than you ever imagined.