Psychic University Patreon

Hey @Mucc, there’s anything at the PU Patreon that could clean / remove the blockages from the aura and retrieve it.


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@WasheYoursSins Sorry, i am not awared of a field for Aura.

I think the closest one would be “Energy Body Repair”:

Energy Body Repair

The physical body that we can touch and see is only one aspect of our being. In addition to the physical body, we also have an energy body, sometimes also referred to as the “subtle body” or “etheric body”. This is an energetic layer or field that surrounds and permeates our physical body.

The energy body contains energy centers and chakras, which are points where energy flows into or out of the body. There are also energy channels, which are pathways through which energy flows within the body.

In a healthy, balanced state, life force flows freely through the energy body, providing vitality and well-being. Imbalances or blockages in the energy body, on the other hand, are thought to result in physical or psychological illness. Many ‘alternative’ healing practices, such as acupuncture, reiki, and crystal healing aim to restore balance to the energy body, thereby promoting health and well-being.

This field offers an energetic repair approach instead. Start slow, up to 2 times is my suggestion.


Breaking the 3X Tab Habit

Something everyone was requesting, finally made.

Contains stuff like Higher self revision, reverse the negative effects (mental and physical), healing of obsessions, harmful created patterns, energetic support and treatment and of course cord cutting with the whole thing and actresses & actors

Recover your energy and vitality.

This is the only time I’m talking about this file

3 to 5 times is my recommendation.


thanks! I will definitely give a check on this one!

Psychic University’s fields help me a lot lately, so i feel like doing something in return.

I will post all 2022 Aug patreon tracks today. By posting here, these fields will show in the search engine at this forum.


Pluto Healing and Development

In astrology, Pluto is associated with deep transformation, mysteries, secrets, things hidden under the surface, investigation. It also rules pain, trauma, violence.

Pluto can manifest in brutal ways, but its higher manifestation is healing and regeneration.

The programmings on this audio will work on healing, developing and transcending challenging aspects of your Pluto. You can expect a deep and significant ‘changing energy’. It’s a great idea to use this energy to break homeostasis and develop the areas of you life you want to work on.

use how many times you want


Transcend all Cognitive Biases

This file will make you eventually transcend all cognitive biases listed here:

Keep in mind it doesn’t mean you won’t have them anymore, just that you will be much more aware of the grip they have in your logic and thoughts

Results wise you can expect a higher quality in your thought patterns and insights, and a better judgment about everything.

up to 4 times a day


Develop and Transcend the Romantic Relationship Aspects of your Natal Chart

This file will help you develop and eventually transcend the difficult aspects of your natal chart related to romantic relationships. It will use the 3 main aspects (sun, rising and moon) plus Venus, Juno and Eros as a base, but it’s not limited to only them.

You can expect becoming a better lover as well as having less toxic patterns related to idealization or glorification of a specific archetype.

a.k.a “your ideal man / woman”

Maybe an interesting tool to break out from some old romantic cycles you might be stuck in, and finally meet the someone special you deserve

This one you can listen how many times you want


The Loved Body

This is an energetic showing directed towards your entire body showing how much you love and care for it

naturally the effects will be a bit subjective, but will help with healing in all levels and also with development of a stronger body-mind connection

It’s a good idea to meditate this while you talk to your own body

use how many times you want


Chinese Red Quartz

Chinese Red Quartz is a very good grounding crystal. It will calm and quiet your mind, giving you the time to properly process things and sort them out.

It’s a crystal that will dissolve the imbalances and negativities in your life and allow you to enjoy a more balanced energy. It will inspire creative and original thinking, and it will boost your focus and concentration.

It will also help you find simple but effective ways to solve your problems. It’s an ideal stone for those who deal with complex subjects and technical matters on a regular basis.

It will also enhance your willpower and boost your self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. It will help soften your words during heated moments, and helps you keep your composure when the only thing you want to do is just explode.

Chinese Red Quartz will also guide you in accepting your shadow self. It will work with you in stimulating your desire for peace and genuine happiness. It will help you realize that you can learn from your past mistakes, and that you should not be defined or crippled by them.

Source: Crystals and Jewelry

Usage recommendation: 2 times


Perfect Facial Skin

Experimenting with some templates. Final file later, perhaps.


Adamite + Hackmanite (Skin Healing Alchemy)

This is an alchemy I designed for a friend that is currently experiencing major skin issues

Crystals are one of the best healing tools we have at our disposal, and this combination here is one of the best ones to treat skin-related problems

You can expect a better skin quality across all your body

3 to 5 times a day, depending on how fast you want results


Beautiful Cheekbones Symmetrical with the Face

This field will change the dimensions, proportions and the placement of your cheekbones to their ideal form

Your subconscious will guide the changes and decide what is ‘Ideal’


Collagen Booster + Wrinkle Removal

One of the building blocks of a facial skin file I’m creating


The below threads are from 2022 September Psychic University Patreon

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Ammolite is a stone of perfection.

Perfection, wisdom, and knowledge are the three traits that are best associated with Ammolite. This stone is believed to hold the energies and vibrations of the universe!

This stone is usually used by crystal healers and Fengshui teachers to bring about personal awakening. It will show you how you can harmonize with your environment on a physical and spiritual level.

The energies of this stone will help you have a better understanding of the cycles of creation and the necessary evolutionary shifts.

Ammolite is a very protective stone. It works with the root chakra, and it will channel your energies and help you perfectly tune them.

It will bring you prosperity, fortune, and luck. It’s also a stone that will help you reach deep meditative states. When you use this stone often enough, it will also enhance your dreams and give you prophetic dreams.

This stone will give you very strong protective energies that will help you survive any kind of challenge, problem, trauma, or even catastrophe.

Source: Crystals and Jewelry


Crystalline Mind and Brain

A file designed to give your brain and mind an invigorating range of effects. Great against brainfog, headaches, mental sluggishness, overthinking, bureaucratic thinking etc.

The effects can go beyond that, but more on the subjective side

(you may feel the need to eat something after using it)

Not designed to loop or listen too much in a row


Goethite + Phantom Quartz (Throat Infection and Allergy Alchemy)

A crystal alchemy created with the puporse of treating allergies and throat problems.

Naturally you will also get all the benefits from both crystals

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The Ultimate Eye Protocol

This is a file I worked in for many months and I’m happy to finally share it here

This is a combination of the following effects, all in one audio:

Improvement of peripheral awareness, color vision, eye coordination, and depth perception
20/15 vision (better than 20/20)
Better ability to focus with the eyes
Reversion of signs of aging and tiredeness in the eyes
White and health sclera
Stronger ciliary muscles
Enhanced and healed eye nerves
Strong and beautiful limbal rings that will follow what you subconsciously desire

and a glow to make your eyes look divine

Don’t use it too much in a row. Maybe up to 4 times, but give your eyes a rest after this


Healing your Chiron

'In the natal chart, Chiron shows where you were wounded and how you can heal yourself. Understanding your Chiron shows how you can become whole again.The position of Chiron reveals where you were wounded. Badly. It’s the inner pain that tortures over and over, taking decades to heal, if ever.

Often, Chiron shows injustice and pain that was caused by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This purposelessness makes it even worse.

Often, there is no pre-made remedy, you have to come up with your own solution and synthetize your own cure through experience. However, when you heal yourself, you can heal others suffering from the same pain.’’

text by

This audio will help you heal the wounds of your Chiron placement, past and present. It will also helps you understand the lessons of such scars, and integrate them in the best way possible. You should experience higher motivation to work on areas you were blocked before, as well as a sense of completion and peace that should last for a while.

Use how many times you feel you need