Psychics? Experienced spiritual people? Need advice

Right now I’m just focused on my heart to guide and guarding it at all cost cause that’s what’s being attacked until someone can give me a solution

Fight back?

You cant rely on to be saved every time.

Firstly… Make sure you are not interpreting your symptoms wrongly.
Work on identifying and examining your thoughts and beliefs related to witchcraft and the associated symptoms. Vhallenge any irrational or unhelpful thoughts, such as jumping to conclusions or catastrophizing. The goal here is to replace these thoughts with more realistic and balanced perspectives.

To work on identifying and examining your thoughts and beliefs related to witchcraft and the associated symptoms, and to challenge and replace irrational or unhelpful thoughts, you can follow these steps:

Self-awareness: Start by paying attention to your thoughts and beliefs about witchcraft and the symptoms you are experiencing. Notice any patterns or recurring thoughts that may be contributing to distress. Be curious and open-minded as you explore these thoughts.

Thought monitoring: Keep a thought journal or use a mobile app to record your thoughts and beliefs. Whenever you notice a thought related to witchcraft or the symptoms, write it down. Include the specific situation or trigger that prompted the thought.

Evaluate the evidence: Examine the evidence for and against your thoughts and beliefs. Ask yourself questions such as:

What evidence supports this thought or belief?
What evidence contradicts or challenges this thought or belief?
Are there alternative explanations or perspectives that could account for the symptoms?

Challenging cognitive distortions: Identify any cognitive distortions or thinking errors in your thoughts. Some common cognitive distortions include:

All-or-nothing thinking (seeing things in black-and-white terms)
Jumping to conclusions (making assumptions without evidence)
Catastrophizing (exaggerating the negative consequences)
Overgeneralization (drawing broad conclusions from a single event)
Personalization (assuming responsibility for things outside your control)
Generating alternative thoughts: Once you have identified cognitive distortions, generate alternative, more realistic, and balanced thoughts. Consider other possibilities or explanations that are supported by evidence or are more rational. This process helps to challenge and replace unhelpful thoughts.

Reappraisal: Re-evaluate the emotional impact of the situation after considering alternative thoughts. Ask yourself how your emotions may change based on a more realistic or balanced perspective. This step can help in reducing distress and promoting emotional well-being.

Practice and repetition: Engage in consistent practice of identifying and challenging unhelpful thoughts. This process takes time and repetition to become more natural and automatic. Regularly revisit your thought journal, monitor progress, and continue to work on adopting more realistic and balanced perspectives.

This is probably the most important step u need.


Use these fields

(You could just only get the Bhoots and you’ll be fine btw)

This one ofc should cover everything as well

If you are on patreon.

It will allow you to create 2 servitors that can protect you from the attacks.

Or Dragon Golem on Gurmoad.

Now remember, it can be a fun activity to do if you make it so…

And eventually they will realize they cant get to you and stop, so keep pushing. If that is even happening, idk.

But if you want me to i can obilirate whoever is bothering, but only if it gets too severe on your end.


Please Do Now!



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Try and lie down until finished

Be receptive of protection sent.

In case you get overwhelmed by it, let me know.

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Update me

Clearing out some denser enrgies from you. I wonder if you are noticing anything?

Yes I need to have faith in myself

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Keep working on me

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I love you

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I need captain

Maybe, a lot more was being needed than i expected.

Last 5 min are being intense clearing of any negative influence done on you, felt anything more intense resurfacing?

I got like shivers over my back etc.

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I need a lot rn man

I need angels

This would be your go:

I can also ask the 72.

Have you been ever using any products from other creators?

In my opinion, the only music you could listen to are Gregorian chants, but the real ones without additives of frequencies, fields or anything else. When you no longer have these disturbances, evaluate what you are going to listen to, avoiding other potentially unsafe audio.