Psychics? Experienced spiritual people? Need advice

What’s the chant

Who do you believe is doing this to you and why?

What specifically about the attacks can you trace back to the party you’re suspecting is doing this to you?

A family relative

I need help rn

Look after my body pleaSe

You need to calm down. If there is something being cast on you, fear only magnifies the work being done against you. You need to build up a state of fearlessness. You have protection but if you’re acting scared and showing fear, you block out that help and allow the negative energies to keep digging you deeper in a hole.

If I was you, I’d immediately stop freaking out. It’s easier said than done…but you better do it.
Breathe and ground yourself, or else you’re going to do more harm to yourself.


@Kenn Spam 1 or 2 more times by making multiple threads and a suspension will happen

You have THIS hread for you to receive help.

Making more threads will not make things faster or easier for people to reach out to you. It can easily annoy other members more. Please respect the forum.

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If I ignore it will it go away

It’s like something is trying to control my thoughts and body

Guys help

Update: this is where the problem started —->

It was a false light. Or something playing as god to deceive me…

This happens unfortunately.

To anyone reading be cautious of what you believe.

God loves you and respects your sovereignty.

Actually you are god an and your a sovereign being and you have completely jurisdiction over yourself. There’s no one that can punish you, no higher intelligence will punish you for not obeying them… remember that and follow your heart…

I’m just leaving this here for anyone who happens cross my path. And has the same issue.


It’s like I abandoned myself and stop protecting myself. Because I thought it was the wrong thing?? I stopped using sapien I stopped using my spiritual tools… I stopped empowering myself, because I thought I was gonna be punished for it. Then not to long after i would wake up every morning with my heart aching, it felt like it was hurting and I felt like a part of me was missing. I wasn’t sad but it just felt like my heart was in pain. Like I was running from my purpose by not listening to it, and not some voice in the sky.

I left my purpose, and it left me vulnerable.

My purpose was within my spirituality and I could only serve it when I was my highest self.

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The long term solution would be to strengthen your energy system so that you are not impacted by your surroundings and circumstances.

Entities, external stimuli, people, and places - one can only do so much of cleansing, clearing, shielding, removal, avoidance, etc. These are good and essential measures initially, but to get out of this endless cycle, one should become resilient and “anti-fragile” so that we have a harmonious relationship with all (well, most is probably more reasonable) of creation so that we do not need to be constantly in survival and fight-flight modes. Until our energy and mind cannot come out of this “survival struggle” mode - at least for the majority of the time - we cannot really evolve in the ways we are meant to…

If we are always looking for battles to fight, then there are going to be willing participants, often way stronger than we can handle, and most often stemming from within oneself. A lot of battles are imaginary, self-created, and self-afflicted. The answer lies not in fear-based solutions, but to embrace one’s own Self with love and awareness - and these delusions slip away easily. Sunlight needs to do nothing to dispel darkness, its mere presence is sufficient. And that light of awareness is within all of us.


I’m sorry but i’ve got a strong hunch that there is something trying to attack me, please can anyone just check me once and confirm it’s just paranoia and I’m fine. Do not want to create a second thread for this

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Maxilla field could help sleep apnea

Thank you for your Information
Kindly please tell me how many per day listen this Field?

Once a month.

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