Public Project - Blueprint of Hair

At Last this will Happen, with all the Toil it took in helping to put the Research Materials with others for the draft Script and the delays/circumstances we all went through…YES we are here!!

As long the procedures are followed correctly and with Doc being the middle man it should be easy to submit this. Embrace the full hair fellas :sunglasses:


2 Clarifications

  1. Is it Possible to Include Subconscious Negativity/Blockage removal regrading Hair Loss and Embracing/accepting ourselves and letting go of Misery of Hair thinning and attachments to results? Letting go Manifests results Quickly and no Resistance as we don’t tend to be Overly Attached.

  2. How many Copies are we looking at? perhaps 2000?

I don’t know, I think usually the draft gets submitted first and then Captain will decide whether to do or not, someone can correct me.

This time with the change of rules the draft first goes through Rose & manhattan, and they might update us on the next steps.

Have you asked him?

This has clearly more than 50 interested, it should work as a submission for a public nft.

At worst, we may do another poll.

Nowadays, you submit differently, via this:


Not anymore, I’ve just learned in the past day that public projects are called off, it’s only group NFT’s

No, public ones still can be made, just there needs to be a high interest.

Here’s the word of staff:

Where have you learnt that in the past day?

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I’ve talked with @DR_MANHATTAN and he said for now they don’t accept public projects

Keyword: “for now” so not sure if that’s gonna be forever

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Maybe that has changed or maybe it was meant that there wasn’t enough ppl prepared for it. So with that word, this project may continue as it was to be.

@Kalacakra I recommend u making another poll to make sure at least 50 ppl want it and if so, then pile up what’s here, adjust it to the form and then submit it.

It evolved as we went and we figured that it would be more fair to get some public projects but with high enough demand to prevent abuses


Cool cool :+1:t4:




This is the summary coming from extensive research from a group of contributors, compiled by Desiree.

Luscious Tresses NFT

“Epithelial-Mesenchymal interactions are the sequential process behind the hair follicle morphogenesis, the macro-molecular orientation of the hair follicle creates a full organogenesis process within the spatial organization of the scalp”

It was the middle of the conversation before I realized I had been inside this AI-Studio for the duration of my first treatment already. The conversation with the salon’s renowned specialist of the cells had been ongoing; and for some time, the voice behind this futuristic studio carefully explained his methodology and their mechanics. but it was not only his words that riddled me, his exceptionally calm voice was vaporizing all the complexity, the peripheral, however, remained observant of a renowned piece from the future… I could see the AI-Specialists; a slightly holographic appearance in a strong and sturdy of machinery, it was a combination that resembled much of their treatment methodology- the roaming AI assistants, a team of advanced appearances; the Nanobots carried on flying trails to the treatment centers, and a royal blue Butterfly that roamed the place. She was known as the Youthifying Butterfly.

The assistants’ qualities were designed with advanced precision abilities; the Nanobots streamlining their activities towards the miniscule components of the hair and scalp structure; broadcasting their ultra-lights and magnetic pillars into the follicular niche. The Youthifying butterfly carries beneath her wings a full medical compartment; all energetic treatments of the longevity and youthful qualities were carried from beneath her royal blue wings and into her antennae; and directly transmitted into the visible compartment of the dermal hair shaft, and the micro-visible departments of the intra-layered scalp.
I recognize, I had been in my thoughts, observing this place for some time now. It occurred to me, I never missed any of the Advanced Specialist’s descriptive explanations of the treatments. The AI- much like their life on their original timeline, possessed a distinctive ability of telepathic transmission that immediately dissolves through the mind. For all knowledge transmitted - and at such a place, there was a lot - the Advanced Specialists used their abilities of knowledge transmission into describing the ideal methods for hair care and growth practices and ensuring the continuity of these into the among their receiving clientele.
I looked back at the cellular specialist, immediately switching the attention to his descriptions. The Advanced Specialist described his working methodology to primarily be based on certain concepts, each of these concepts formed the building framework of the biological characteristics of the cellular environment inside the hair. I asked him what brings the hair follicles into continuous growth, he said “Most hair follicle cells display a wide spread ability and embryonic-like inductive capacity and specifically within the dermal papilla cells as a close compartment to the hair germ cells and the connective tissue sheath.” He illustrated… “ epithelial germ cells and keratinocytes can be targeted to differentiate into outer root sheath; the dermal papilla can be revived and regenerated, and the local stem cells can be rejuvenated and awakened using pluripotent stem cells. Cells such as the dermal papilla, and secondary germ cells can increase the complete bidirectional interactions and induce neogenesis when maintained in an embryonic environment and treated with pluripotent cells.” It seemed like a complex process sounded so simple to him, targeted at the root causes of the problem, an important point was brought to attention. Essentially, Reciprocal disturbances essentially modulate the pathology of hair follicles and abnormalities of the cycle. In the case of a weakened subsequent development of the hair cycle, a state of ‘kenogen’ persists within the follicle, that is a prolonged phase of a “pause” between telogen and anagen phases, where studies report it could take up to 2 years for individuals combating pathological hair loss. This irregular development can also cause dysplastic anagen hairs (anagen hairs devoid of hair root sheaths) and the problem is resolved using cellular heterogeneity of the building environment.
Illustrative is a deduction, that is, the highlight of every progression movement in hair follicle formation in morphogenesis or neogenesis, embryonic or adult, is a major event that orderly arranges a subsequent development within the hair environment. It is highlighted as the key for an induced natural and energetically differentiated progression that can possibly be biologically modulated and carried out with proper expression.
The hair matrix cells upon their signal reception act on their proliferation and differentiation abilities to regenerate the cycling portion of the hair follicle and generate the hair shaft. During the active hair growth phase, germinal matrix cells rapidly proliferate and differentiate into cell lineages for all the follicle layers, resulting in hair elongation– and what is characterized in the clinical research as cell implementation can be demonstrated as targeted induction of hair germinal cells proliferation and differentiation in rapid manners and following the natural process into keratinization. – Progenitor cells in the dermal environment with their various lineages are also known for their self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation potential. In embryogenesis, the formation of these follicles represents a prototypic interaction between the neuroectoderm and mesoderm that is provided by three different stem cell sources: epidermal, neural crest, and mesenchyme. The epidermal keratinocyte mass that differentiates into hair follicles and sebocytes buds into the deeper layers of the dermis - this assembly provides two resolving matters such as the profound ability of epithelial germ cells to differentiate into keratinocytes, the induction of such is determinant for hair shaft formation and complete upward migration into the final product of the hair follicle, and the factors present within the deeper epidermal buds, the fibroblasts as a therapeutic model and target. Such that, within the formulated buds lie a group of mesenchymal cells, (fibroblasts), from which the dermal hair papillae and connective tissue sheath are formed.
Such findings reveal the crucial factor that connects these regenerative and inductive abilities together: Plasticity. Cellular Heterogeneity and Plasticity supplement the oscillation network in which the multiple biological responses occur within the follicular niche. Cells such as keratinocytes, dermal papilla cells, melanocytes, and hair bulge stem cells are distributed across the follicle, each with their unique gene expression profiles and functions. Clinical assessment refers to a “hierarchy” within the hair follicle regenerative mechanism, for example, hair bulge stem cells have been found to contribute only 25% in the process of re-epithelization on the event of wound repair; this is due to the importance of the hair bulge stem cells in initiating the hair cycle, as these stem cells form the natural reservoir of the follicles, and therefore must be biologically preserved. This process of re-epithelialization occurs more effectively in the anagen phase; providing clues for cases of hair loss such as scarring alopecia with the degenerated ability to transition between the hair cycles in a progressive manner. Adjacent to the dermal papilla, the hair germ cells receive the necessary signals for hair follicle formation and help orchestrate the formation and growth of the hair follicle. This intricate oscillation network, redirection of fate, and cytokinetics is naturally self-regulated, until pathological developments occur within the niche, and the cells lose their plasticity to depletion. – It appears that the cellular specialist had an important revelation, the presence of not only one mitochondria within the hair, but 2 of radically different biological responses. the reference to the presence of 2 ATPs within the hair follicles highlights that only one of them is sensitive to minoxidil, which clues a possible reason the approach has not been successful for many alopecia cases. Depletion of mitochondrial DNA induces subsequent dysregulation within the cellular environment and a state of cellular exhaustion marked by decreased mitochondrial gene expression, enzymatic activity, and instability of supercomplexes involved in oxidative phosphorylation. The result is an increased occurrence of dysfunctional hair follicles, skin wrinkles, and inflammatory responses.

Pharmacologically, cell-based therapies utilizing the dermal sheath (DS) remain an untapped potential and a novel approach that hasn’t been previously applied. Clinical demonstrations and research have explored the use of DS in follicular regeneration and restoration due to its hair-inductive capacity. Studies have shown that amputated vibrissae follicles can be regenerated by implanting DS in the upper epidermal layer. DS cup cells also localize properly to the mesenchymal niche and contribute to the dermal papilla. Morphological treatments enable direct proliferation, mitosis, and induced apoptosis where needed, facilitating targeted migration for finer cellular-level approaches. Research has revealed that targeted cellular proliferation in the lower dermal papilla can induce hair follicle formation in areas with hair loss, particularly when intact dermal papilla cells are present. Various markers and expressions associated with these processes have been identified in neighboring cells, often linked to transitory and synchronous movements of the dermal sheath. Abnormalities of the root sheath on the internal and external structure are considered defining histological features of follicular degeneration, the case is marked by the loss of IRS below the point of mid-isthmus, from which it normally grows into a hair follicle and into the upper infundibulum. Normally, the IRS surrounds the hair shaft until it reaches the mid-isthmus level, however, abnormalities within the IRS has been identified as the most distinctive sign of central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA) and has been absorbed in other types of alopecia as well. Similar morphology is present in the dermal sheath wherein human DS wraps around the entire anagen bulb and extends distally up to the bulge, the anatomically distinct compartment containing the hair follicle stem cells. Attributes of miniaturization of the outer root sheath leads to improper formation and morphology of the hair shaft, causing hair thinning and loss.
Hair root abnormalities can also be marked by the decrease of size of the dermal papilla, as well as a particular reduction in the number and size of the hair matrix cells in the ORs responsible of forming the hair shaft of growing hair and thus, causing a reciprocal reduction and eventual miniaturization. Root abnormalities can also be attributed to depletion of basement membranes which contain vital proteins for the hair such as collagen, secreted by the dermal sheath. These regulations directly impact hair thickness and diameter through consistent alterations of the hair bulb, hair follicles, and hair shaft. The hair shaft is marked by elongation and smoothness in texture in its healthy states, however due to the hair shaft being an exposed part of the body, is more subject to deterioration and demonstration of such aging or degenerative markers. Hair shaft that is thin, hoary, opaque, dry, or fragile is considered a degenerate hair shaft - the geometry of the hair shaft is also influenced as demonstrated in an increased curvature.
It seems, the advanced cellular specialist has based its strategy and methodology on the constituents of the cellular processes inside the hair, in terms of biological qualities that allow for the operational component to occur. Cellular heterogeneity, Oscillation networks, and Cellular Plasticity. In addition, the cellular specialist tended carefully to the internal reservoir of the stem cells, creating a pluripotent environment within and treating the abnormalities of the system using its own strength points of organization and targeted precision. The physiological influence of the shaft and root compartments is also adjusted for continuous growth of the hair follicles. The inductive qualities of the housing dermal papilla and its surrounding environment is harnessed to create a follicular environment that is powered at its main composer. The cellular specialist had revealed later a precise geometrical application targeted to the reversal of hair shaft abnormalities and the possible disturbed qualities of the hair that could possibly arise of weak points across certain areas of bubble hair, monilethrix, wooly hair, and uncombable hair syndrome can all be reversed using the appropriate bioengineering of the hair shaft, hair fibers, and its components. Each case is noted for its different etiology, conditions such as ongenital trichorrhexis nodosa (TN) where the hair is short, uneven, and breaks very easily, the hair is banded and has a ‘tiger tail’ appearance under microscopic analysis, and demonstrates cysteine-deficiency signs of fragility, or keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans, are targeted for complete remission of disease. The cellular specialist has chosen the pre-keratinocytes (P0 Keratinocytes) to be targeted for proliferation as to give rise to the hair matrix cells that produce the hair shaft. Dermal papilla precursor cells derived from P0 and P1 keratinocytes have the potential to differentiate into various cell types, including dermal papilla cells, fibroblasts, and adipocytes, and are considered carriers of higher hair-inducing potential than various types of stem cells.

The Cellular Specialist was only the beginning, I noticed, as the movement from one specialist to another occurs, the treatments become more nuanced in depth, the intra-layered structure of the hair has developed the treatment to target the interactions that occur at the rooted levels of the scalp and hair niche; the Micro-organ has compounded a privilege of layers that the Microbiologist specialist performs his precise actions on.

In fact, I had just been out of a consultation session that I have never seen anything like before. They said the development of the assessment device is based off breakthrough discoveries of today’s world. The innovative technique assigns a helmet to each individual that measures the hair follicles activity over various locations around the scalp. Pioneering scientists revealed hair follicles’ ability to produce a steady magnetic field when lightly pressed on. Using magnetoencephalogram or MEG to follow the principles of biomagnetic resonance, a detailed map of the electrical activity of each hair follicle is obtained. The map is then used to pinpoint the most ideal treatment and ideal intensity for each hair follicle with utmost precision. Our helmet targets each hair follicles’ appendage, which contains 3-5 hair follicles, ensuring that each measurement is accurate. This helmet, advanced and futuristic, scans for electrical stimulation as a result of stress, assesses the health of the scalp and dermis. and generates a dna-based analysis into its database. Inside the helmet is the transmission base of the blueprint of the most ethereal & divine hair, of which it transmits the information into each hair follicle to match the activity of each hair follicle accordingly. The helmet restores the ability of collective communication of the hair follicles; inducing the original state of hair growing collectively as a group and ensuring communication between growing hair follicles and the affected ones. Communication from the helmet ensures an even distribution of growth-inducing hair signals across the hair follicles, spreading across the entire head. The helmet restores the hair follicle’s dynamic ability, in which the hair follicles self-adjusts to increase its length in uniform organization. The ideal standards of ethereal & divine hair are modulated into the hair. The end result is a highly specialized advanced treatment that takes care of each hair follicle; a transmission center into the most ethereal and luscious hair.

the niche is supplied with magical properties, providing the ECM with an internal structure that is capable of adjusting its composition to provide tailored support and nutrients to the hair follicles as needed. It possesses the ability to dynamically change its molecular structure and properties in response to various stimuli. The ECM adapts its stiffness, elasticity, and other mechanical characteristics to optimize hair follicle function and resilience in different conditions. It is supplied with peak resilience allowing it to withstand and dissipate mechanical stresses with remarkable efficiency with implemented self-repairing capabilities, instantly regenerating any damaged or compromised areas. Force is a modulated energy in terms of strength, direction, and precise distribution of force transmission in response to different cues. They can selectively reinforce certain areas or redistribute forces to optimize hair follicle function and resilience. The force is further enhanced to amplify the effects, where the hair follicle cells could possess mechanisms to selectively amplify or concentrate mechanical stimuli, leading to more pronounced cellular responses. For an accelerated hair growth, these force fields could provide an additional layer of protection and support to the hair follicles, shielding them from external mechanical stressors and providing localized mechanical support as needed. The ECM is equipped with energy generation capabilities, such as the ability to harness ambient energy sources or generate energy through biochemical reactions. This energy is further redistributed within the microenvironment to power essential cellular processes, promote hair growth, and enhance tissue regeneration. The actual force naturally exhibited by the hair follicles to promote growth is also increased dramatically; influencing energy transmission, exhibition and assimilation; generation and distribution. The ECM could autonomously restructure and reorganize itself in response to varying conditions, It could rearrange its fibers, create microstructures, or adjust its density to optimize mechanical support, nutrient delivery, and waste removal for the hair follicles. This self-regulating ECM architecture dynamically adapts to maintain optimal conditions for hair growth. It further adapts to the environment by modifying its properties in response to different environmental conditions. For example, in extreme cold, hair strands could develop insulating properties to keep the scalp warm, while in hot environments, they could become more breathable or UV-protective to shield the scalp from excessive heat or sunlight.
Quorum sensing is a molecular communication process that involves the production, detection, and response to extracellular signaling molecules called autoinducers. N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) are the primary autoinducers used by Gram-negative bacteria. Bacteria release autoinducers into their environment, and as the population grows, the concentration of these signaling molecules increases. Once the autoinducer concentration reaches a threshold level, it triggers specific cellular responses, including gene expression changes, known as quorum-dependent behavior. This concentration of autoinducers plays a critical role in regulating the timing and coordination of bacterial group behaviors. According to Redfield’s proposal, bacteria monitor the changes in the concentration of self-produced signal molecules to assess the diffusion rate of extracellular molecules, rather than sensing population density.

My encounter with the Microbiologist was rather short, as he had a lot to say. His work is multi-layered as it starts with concerns of Niche pathology, the focus of the microbiologist specialist is the inner regulation of the hair niche. Each compartment of the hair has its own specific strength points, as well as its abnormalities and possible malfunctioning gates. The microbiologist takes the information from each hair compartment, constructs each transcriptional pathway, each molecule, each organization aspect necessary to modulate the inner systems of the hair follicles, and proceeds to create the necessary chains of reciprocal interactions that lead to proper follicular formation. This is the very goal of the Microbiologist; the methodology behind his work is inclusive of follicular induction, specifically the Stem cells niche (very detailed), the use of psychic forces for boundless and imaginative conceptualization of ideas is actualized through the work. The advanced specialist; the Microbiologist, understands the nature of everything of the ‘micro’ nature, as such, He has found various workarounds for the issue of gut-microbiome and its relationship with the hair. The Microbiologist reconstructs the epithelial membrane in all areas where relevant. Additionally, he targets the circadian rhythm and harmonizes the full hair niche into one coherent system according to the circadian rhythm. Lipid metabolism, stem cell fate regulation, removal of foreign bodies that form a ladder shape inside the hair follicles that prevent the follicle from growing and develop pathological or phenotypic alopecia.

Qualities of psychic abilities are prioritized for the inductive niche of the dermal papilla; the inductive capacity acquires expansion beyond normalized scopes and supplementation of amassed energy and nutrition builds the new abilities; a characteristic increase in governing behavior and a restorative awakening of functional identity is paired with the ‘superhuman’ new abilities. A psychic influence of modulated instructing behavior is considered massively orderly to the newly induced cells up until their terminally differentiated points. The dermal papilla and its dermal sheath are the major inductive houses with crucial governing abilities. Supplementation of magical and psychic influence of superpowers reinforces the magic and innovation within the salon.

Visits to the salon has left some of the clients with gifts, leaflets, and information from the Advanced Specialists - Below is the introductory paper that the salon visitors have received prior to their treatment with the Microbiologist:
1. Hair Follicle Development and Spatial Organization:

  • Precisely modulating the developing hair follicle epithelium to influence the spatial organization of follicular papilla (FP) cells, optimizing their number and size.
  • Skillfully leveraging the natural cyclic changes during hair development, with exact modulation of FP cell numbers during anagen to achieve the ideal balance.
  • Applying strategic modulation to the Connective Tissue Sheath (CTS) to influence changes within the FP during different hair development stages.
  • Employing techniques for the precise modulation of structural changes during anagen, including cell orientation, extracellular matrix (ECM) production, and organelle density, to optimize hair follicle growth and structure.
  • Controlling differentiation complexity during anagen IV through modulation, offering insights into achieving desired hair shaft characteristics.

2. Stem Cell Regulation and Differentiation:

  • Meticulously modulating stem cell migration, particularly from the bulge to the matrix area during anagen, to optimize hair shaft formation.
  • Focusing on Axin2 expression modulation to open avenues to influence stem cell activation and differentiation.
  • Expertly modulating transcription factors like Foxi3, Lhx2, Runx1, Klf4, and Nfatc1 to expand primed hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) and enhance the generation of transit-amplifying cells (TACs).
  • Fine-tuning TACs, acting as intermediaries, to achieve the ideal tissue regeneration and promote optimal hair growth.
  • Mastering the modulation of signals like SHH from TACs, optimizing quiescent stem cell (SC) proliferation and maintaining dermal regulation.

3. Melanocyte Regulation:

  • Employing precise modulation of signaling pathways, including Notch, MITF, and SOX10, to control melanocyte development and pigmentation.
  • Skillfully modulating TAM receptors, with a focus on Axl, to influence melanocyte proliferation and melanin synthesis within hair follicles.
  • Utilizing GAS6 modulation as a key aspect of the process, allowing for the activation of TAM receptors and potential impact on hair follicle development and growth.

4. Hair Follicle Stem Cell Niche and Regulation:

  • Excelling in the modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling within the dermal papilla (DP), targeting optimization of anagen progression.
  • Expertly modulating the negative regulator CXXC5 to fine-tune Wnt signaling in DP cells.
  • Strategically modulating the secretion of growth factors by dermal fibroblasts to enhance the microenvironment, fostering ideal conditions for hair growth.
  • Focusing on the targeted activation and recruitment of fibroblasts, offering precise modulation to optimize the stem cell niche.
  • Considering Connective Tissue Sheath (CTS) modulation to influence hair follicle development and reconstruction for the best results.
    Back cover:
    5. Advanced Microenvironmental Modulations:
  • Harnessing the potential of exosome-mediated quorum sensing enhancement to improve communication between skin cells and immune cells.
  • Administering localized exosomes to enhance signaling and facilitate hair growth.
  • Modulating autoinducer activity precisely to empower fibroblast and macrophage sensing abilities, ensuring accurate molecule concentration assessment.
  • Expanding the radius of communication within the system for improved signaling.
  • Targeting miRNA expression in the hair niche, particularly in the dermal papilla, to modulate the production of exosomes.
  • Focusing on miR-22-5p to regulate HFSC proliferation and miR-181a-5p to activate the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.
  • Inhibiting HFSC apoptosis and promoting their proliferation through miR-181a-5p.
  • Addressing the presence of extracellular histones in hair follicles and their negative impact on hair growth.
  • Preventing the release of histones and restoring normal intracellular pathways to mitigate their effects.
  • Recognizing the role of the LINC complex in controlling nuclear position and intercellular adhesions.
  • Ensuring proper nuclear positioning, distribution of desmosomes, and nuclear architecture.
  • Maintaining the integrity of the nuclear pore complex and nucleocytoplasmic transport.
  • Repairing disruptions and deviations in regulatory factors or nucleocytoplasmic transport.
  • Acknowledging the multi-constitution of cells and proteins in the hair follicle microenvironment.
  • Recognizing the extended roles of the muscular system within the hair niche.
  • Focusing on nephronectin and α8β1 integrin interaction to create a smooth muscle cell niche.
  • Promoting the targeted differentiation of ORS cells into keratinocytes for improved keratinization.
  • Addressing the roles of keratinocytes, including K15 and K17, in maintaining hair follicle integrity.
  • Enhancing interaction between ORS keratinocytes and the basement membrane through integrins α2β1, α3β1, and α6β4.
  • Recognizing the importance of collagen XVII (COL17A1) in maintaining stem cell quiescence and preventing hair loss.
  • Modulating integrin expression, COL17A1, integrin-linked kinase, or kindlin to optimize the interaction between ORS keratinocytes and the basement membrane.
  • Modulating signaling pathways to promote the conversion of bulge stem cells into proliferative progenitor cells, offering a treatment for alopecia.

Signature of the Ultra AI-Innovation Salon, the Nanobots are the dynamic, fast paced travelers of the hair salon. The Nanobots are engineered to be incredibly dynamic and able to integrate with the human body flawlessly. With their advanced sensors and processors, these nanobots could analyze any situation quickly and adjust accordingly to any changes on the fly. They were designed to navigate the human body with ease, thanks to their miniature lasers, allowing them to perform a variety of tasks. These nanobots are remarkable with their ability to work as a team, communicating with each other to accomplish complex tasks efficiently and flawlessly.

Streamlining their activities towards the miniscule components of the hair and scalp structure; the Nanobots broadcast their UV-blue light waves into the epidermal components of the hair environment with the purpose of providing treatment via photoreceptors and restoration of the barrier function; it is demonstrated that treatment with 3.2 J/cm2 of blue light with 453 nm central wavelength significantly prolonged anagen phase in hair follicles that was correlated with sustained proliferation in the light-treated samples. Photoreceptor molecules have demonstrated an increase in expression in the epithelial tongue as a result of blue light exposure; particularly OPN3; the silencing of which has led to a reduction in early differentiation of keratinocytes suggesting OPN3 is required for restoration of the barrier function. Blue light activates Opsin 1-SW, Opsin 2, Opsin 3, Opsin 4, and Opsin 5 receptors with their relative biological processes and physiological functions, the means of which are intelligently paired with an advanced technique recognized as Magnetic Hair and proposed through MIT institute– the microstructures, engineered to resemble the motion of cilia is an array of a tightly controlled micro hair that move in uniformed response to a magnetic field. The array is placed between two magnets and is exposed to an external magnetic force; the result is a controlled and precise angle and direction of the microscopic pillars that tilt toward the angle of the magnetic field. The researchers experimented with several other forms of matter such as laser and water, and the contractive forces of surface tension– they shone a laser through the material and piped a water solution through a syringe and onto the microhair array; successfully controlling the amount and direction of light and liquid passing through; wherein the amount of light was controlled and the direction in which the water flowed was determined following both the angle and direction of the pillars. In conjunction with the magnetic force from the assessment device, the Nanobots streamline the blue light waves with the goal of modulating the flow of the hair strands– in a manner similar to the uses of magnetic hair, the nanobots precisely control the intracellular and nuclear influences as well as the outer (final) hair strands. The technique exhibits modulations benefits relevant to the area of application; in terms of texture and outer flow hair strands that achieve an effortless free-moving effect, an intracellular modulation of the process, or nuclear positioning and nutrient delivery systems built directly into the ATPs of the hair follicles. The approach is versatile and can be adapted by the hair environment via the advances of nanobots; the size of which enables them to access the smaller compartments such as the bloodstream with the purpose of removal of accumulation and build up of stress, excess hormones, metabolic waste products.
An ultra-signature of the nanobots is their systemized model designed particularly against the collapse of the immune privilege. The loss of immune privilege is a prerequisite pathological condition for alopecia (of the majority of the types) to develop in the hair niche. The hair follicle is an immune privileged site, with immunologically protected sites and a stem cell reservoir that is synonymous with the privileged states. Even when a hair follicle kills itself, it never kills its stem cell reservoir. Even when a hair follicle kills itself, it never kills its stem cell reservoir. When the surviving stem cells receive the signal to regenerate, they divide, make new cells and develop into a new follicle. This is an intricately designed model with the purpose of restoration of immune cell privilege and attaining a certain ‘no-danger’ environment’ that characterizes the niche with safety conditions based on the correction (+induction) of the molecular signatures specifically designed for it. The model takes into account immune cell activity, cytokine balance, neurogenic responses, and sensory innervation, it creates an environment where the risk of autoimmune hair disorders like alopecia areata is minimized, while preventing autoimmune attacks and other disturbances in the microenvironment - the model is designed to be capable of addressing challenges presented by the hair follicles’ complex biology.

Recognition of Immune Privilege Collapse:

  • Target recognition of stressed human scalp hair follicles (HFs) by dermis resident γδT-cells due to their role in promoting autoimmune responses.
  • Address autoimmune response similar to alopecia areata (AA) induced by autologous γδT-cells, preventing HF immune privilege (IP) collapse, dystrophy, and premature catagen.
  • Regulate overexpression of specific molecules like CXCL12, MICA, IFN-γ, and CD1d, which contribute to immune privilege breakdown.

Neurogenic Inflammation and Growth Factor Regulation:

  • Tackle neurogenic inflammation around hair follicles, as it leads to perifollicular mast cell activation and growth factor imbalances.
  • Modulate growth factor expression to balance NGF and its receptor p75NTR, as unregulated expression affects hair growth.
  • Downregulate the hair growth-promoting NGF receptor TrkA, preventing excessive hair growth.

Vascular Abnormalities:

  • Alleviate vascular abnormalities, including luminal narrowing, vasospasm, and decreased blood flow in AA-affected regions, which contribute to hair loss.

Sensory Innervation Restoration:

  • Target sensory nerves to restore proper sensation in the scalp and prevent further hair loss due to dysfunction of sensory innervation.
  • Consider the impact of sensory innervation beyond hair follicles to address broader scalp health.

Immune Privilege and Tolerance:

  • Restore immune privilege and maintain tolerance in hair follicles to prevent autoimmune attacks.
  • Reinstate secreted factors to regulate immune cells and downregulate MHC expression, which is crucial to immune privilege.
  • Enhance the activity of TGFβ factors, particularly TGFβ2, to promote regulatory T cell (Treg) generation and suppress immune responses.
  • Modulate the expression of Red/IK and MIF to normalize MHC expression and inhibit immune cell activation.
  • Utilize immunoinhibitory factors secreted by hair follicles to create an immunosuppressive environment.

Maintaining Immune Privilege Factors:

  • Target specific molecules and receptors like the as-Fas ligand (FasL) system, TNFα receptors and ligands, PD-L1, IDO, PTPN22, Foxp3 expression, and NK cell-activating receptor NKG2D to maintain immune privilege.

Mimicking a Stress-Free Environment:

  • Use “no-danger” signals like CD200 to regulate the microenvironment and mimic a stress-free state, supporting hair health.

Functional Identity of Hair Follicle Stem Cells (HFSCs):

  • Preserve NFIB and NFIX transcription factors to maintain the functional identity of HFSCs, preventing unwanted fate changes and promoting healthy hair growth.

My visit to the Salon was coming to an end, the styling preparations were the latest step, before I travel back to Earth again, or so I thought. Back there, a priming serum marked the end of the treatment, a finish touch of gloss, a spray, an artificial sheen that fades out on the next day. I went into my treatment expecting something similar, only to find one of the most precise specialists at the salon, the advanced specialist was the kind of specialist that redesigns the perception on the hair, picks exactly the right style to suit the shape of the face, and provides a touch of design to the hairstyle where any chosen hairstyle is made to suit.
the advanced texture specialist understands the mechanics of the hair; these are the building blocks of the interactions of the fiber with its environment and the formation of its renewing structure. The cyclic plasticity is important for alterations to the hair, in terms of internal modifications to the mechanics, and to its geometrical structure on the outside. Novel alterations to the hair follicle structure can be produced with each new cycle of hair growth, and mechanical structures can adhere to the new imparted strategies. The behavior of the hair fiber is identified as the relationship between specific set parameters of tensile, torsion, and other compositions, with the internal factors of movement and the external factors of stressors; as well as the capacity of the hair strands to endure stress, otherwise known as the resilience or rigidity.

Structural geometry of the hair is the renounced visual identity of the individual. It is the point at which the hair strands communicate with the outer world. The point at which the identity is free to express itself in different hair styles, colors, and hair accessories that redesign our interactions and allows the person to be reflective of an identity or two desired. Sociological implications of the appearance of hair are evident in interactions specific to work, relationships, environment, and special occasions. The advanced texture specialist understands the implications of the outer appearance of hair and her clientele relationship with their hair. For the advanced specialist, the hairstyle is a sensory experience carrying visual privilege, indicated in the surface qualities and showcased in its graceful movement.
Various methods are practiced to identify the properties of the hair, in terms of its tensile, torsional, and elastin properties. Of these, certain identifications can be made, results can be deduced, and the reversal of these elements is used to create new hair shapes, identities, and new texture profiles on the inside and outside. The mechanical properties can also be modulated using targeted changes to its contributive models. the Advanced Texture Specialist is responsible for complete geometrical alterations targeted on the inside and the outside of the hair structure. She understands ‘design’ and its relation to hair shape, hair styles, and geometrical balance obtained within the head - hair balance. In her methodology, Algebraic models are incorporated at each altering step - in terms of mechanical qualities, or quantified values that target a complete modification of the texture profile and the visual identity.

Hair cortical microstructure is hierarchical, with a complex macro-molecular organization resulting in arrays of intermediate filaments at a scale of micrometers. The integral structure of the hair fibers and the organization of its components shape its characteristics and influence its behavior. Exposure to certain factors of normal weathering relevant to grooming or application of cosmetic products highlight the structure of the hair fibers reflected in the final form and style of the individual’s hair and its coordinated behavior. Healthy hair is characterized by a combination of chemical, molecular, physical, and mechanical attributes. These encompass the chemical composition, which enhances the melanin presence and shapes the lipid profile. The molecular combination of keratin and amino acids promotes the bonding and subsequent reinforcement of the integrity of helical structures, fostering the formation of disulfide bridges.
Physical depictions of structure encompass the cuticle and cortex whereas the mechanical attributes endow qualities of tensile strength, torsional properties, elasticity, flexibility, friction, and swelling behavior. These factors influence the remarkable qualities of the hair fibers in terms of the observable assessment of hair such as manageability and combing ease, the embodiment of body, and the hair’s capacity to retain a chosen style.The purposeful implementation of data necessitates a deeper understanding of the constitutional structures of the hair fiber, specifically the mechanisms of their alterations such as cortical fragmentation and rapture of the hair fiber causing abnormalities of behavior. Assembled is a relative connection between each of the internal components and the certain behavior associated with it. Healthier states of the cuticle indicate a balanced frictional behavior, whereas the tensile behavior is largely determined by the cortical structure. Non-keratinous components of the hair directly influence the physical integrity of the hair fiber, with major contributions to more than one part of the fiber. Physical integrity is built through supplementing contributions of the cortex and the cuticle. Fiber swelling, a detrimental aspect of hair integrity, experiences cohesion and relief through the contribution of the non-keratinous components. And while frictional behavior is primarily influenced by the cuticle, it is the cuticle, cortex, and intracellular components acting in concert that is the deciding element of the softness of hair.

Elastin contributes to the sensory experience of beautiful hair, including softness, visual appeal, and graceful movement. ‘Shinayaka’ hair is highly desirable, characterized by good appearance both at rest and in motion. Sensory evaluation reveals a double-layered structure with ortho-like cortex near the surface and para-like cortex in the inner layer of Shinayaka hair. This structure leads to softness in the outer layer and stiffness in the inner layer. Inflexible hair lacks this concentric double layer and has a more even bending elasticity distribution. Chemical treatments with succinic and malic acids can modify hair properties, improving luster, shine, and the ability to move gracefully.

Optimizing the torsional properties of the hair strand requires a certain balance between the structuring components of torsional behavior. the augmentation of these parameters elevates the torsional modulus; supplying the hair fibers with resilience against twisting forces. an equilibrium between rigidity and modulus delegates the algebraic equations as the precise model necessary for reconstructing the torsional behavior. Torsional Modulus (ET) as well as Rigidity (R) are adjusted through change of values in Fiber Diameter (D), Length (L), and moments of inertia (I); providing the strand with the required resilience against twisting forces. Likewise, sculpting rigidity requires a fine-tuning of the measuring oscillation period (P), considered as an application of Time/Force relationship as a substitute for the evaluating pendulum. Rigidity and Modulus are directly proportional to both the resistance to twisting (R) and the square of the cross-sectional area (A²). The relationship between the parameters considers the cross-sectional area as a valuable metric that creates the necessary equilibrium between rigidity and torus modulus. The Equilibrium is a central part to the model since certain measures can be impacted in undesired ways; hence a careful methodology is necessary. Increasing fiber diameter enhances strength but reduces flexibility. Likewise, high torsional rigidity can sacrifice elasticity. Adjusting torsional rigidity and elasticity is achieved by fine-tuning the logarithmic decrement (j). A judicious elevation in j culminates in heightened torsional elasticity, and in turn supplements the hair with resilience against styling-induced stresses. Opting for a massive diameter that offers sufficient strength without compromising flexibility is a challenge - to be achieved through psychic means. The relationship between torsional rigidity and flexibility is fine-tuned to ensure the strands can endure styling stress without becoming brittle via targeted optimization to the cross-sectional area. Arrangement of intermediate filaments is modulated in a cylindrical shape with consistent diameter throughout their length, providing uniform mechanical properties. The hair strands acquire a massive culmination of energies that minimizes energy loss during rearrangement of elastin; the strands are psychically enhanced and instructed for minimal dissipation of energy. The longitudinal arrangement of the intermediate filaments and elastin within fibers are supplied with the necessary ‘super’ energies that cover the energetic needs necessary for the modulation. Decreasing torsional modulus loss is achieved using mathematical means of modifying torsional modulus and logarithmic decrement (j).

Algebraic models are incorporated for imposing alterations on the fiber curvature. The models are designed to create the advanced texture-specialist model; crafting the ideal curvature using specific parameters inherent to the many layers of the hair; engineering a symmetrical balance in appeal and force modalities. Measurements of force and other qualifying elements require a set of engineering advances capable of sculpting the internal structure and designs of hair; designing a geometrical appeal to the hair and building upon a ground of precision and mathematical values.
Alterations to the fiber in terms of texture requires an integration of smooth surface properties and its acquired behavior, in addition to understanding the various underlying texture requirements that precede and follow.
A standard treatment is thus applied to the hair fibers; the model integrates sub-sectional units to entail a database, a smoothing treatment, and a texture-alteration treatment. Each fiber is considered a simple sine wave, characterized by its count from crest to crest, denoted as N. and with the fiber hanging freely, the curvature of the fiber, represented as C, through the following expression: C = N(LC × LT).
where N quantifies the number of peaks in the sine wave pattern of the fiber, LC refers to the longitudinal distance between two consecutive crests, and LT accounts for the transverse distance from the peak to the centerline of the wave. These values are then applied to rework each hair strand; with direct focus on the calculations of N. the value (N) is used for applications to single hair strands in addition to analyzing the response of individual fibers to various mechanical, environmental, or treatment-related factors.
Arrangement of cellular structures on the premises of cellular segregation theory in terms of curvature and its relevant underlying mechanisms, the differential preferences of the cells in terms of direction and arrangement, in addition to length, are instructed via signaling their regulating mechanisms into the desired shape.

Cortical cell preferences are targeted for increase in their inherent affinity towards lateral segregation for curved hair; outward differentiation is further encouraged as well as inward arrangement of their IFs and the composition of their matrix cell. Cellular length is further stretched out on the convex side specifically for an increased curvature; an imperative decrease in length is necessary for a decrease in curvature. A relative relationship between cellular length and distribution across the convex side takes texture variations into account.Cellular distribution is leveraged for the refinement and adjustment of the degree of curvature, in terms of looser and tighter springs… Structural geometries of cortical cells are adjusted to uni- or bilobate, or unicellular based on curl identification; distributed as OC-dominant cortex infiltrated with longitudinal lobe of PCs or MCs.Adjustments to bilateral symmetry distribute OCs on the convex side of the curl and positions PCs on the concave aspect.

MCs’ inverse relationship with curvature is used to formulate specific degrees of curvature on the intermediate and lower curved fiber; inducing the cellular structure for a denounced degree and minimizing the cellular presence for the highest degrees.

Numerical distribution of major cortical cells characterizes the curvature degree and builds a precise model for changes in texture profiles. Maximum curvature is identified at : ratio of cellular presence. Based on the identified peak, reducing deviations from this ratio is used to enunciate a sculpted texture profile according to the full spectrum of texture preferences.
A decrease in para-type cells accompanies the decreased curvature; compensated by the presence of meso-type cells, and an increase in the overall fraction ortho-cortex cells; a blurry appearance of the distinct bilateral arrangement in the cellular presence accompanies the changes. Quantifying the ideal ratio and value of para-to-meso cells is necessary for precise modulations of texture, based on the various texture profiles. Engineered proliferation of the sulfur-rich variation of cortical meso-cells with their adequate recalibration of cystine content; Reciprocal changes in mechanical and molecular behavior based on cellular alterations are adjusted accordingly.
Cellular predominance causing alteration in arrangement varies with roundedness and curvature; Ortho-cells dominate the influence on IFs in rounded profiles, and Para-cells dominate the distribution of their IFs. Curvature induced arrangements distribute an IF arrangement largely in parallel to the fibre axis and in disordered arrangement. Depending on the texture variation, areas of a near hexagonal arrangement are possible. Ortho-cells IFs are modulated for organizational arrangement and larger units (macrofibrils). the IFs are brought to helical twists, about a central core relative to which the pitch angle increases towards the periphery.
Asymmetrical forces create a unison of response in IF orientation processing; retrieved are the necessary adjustments based on the texture choice, the bending movement of IF filaments in response to asymmetrical forces of cellular placement is adjusted to bend in the direction of the para-cortex. Energy expenditure remains balanced and in equilibrium in response; alternative means incorporating energy levels are described as the acquisition of massive culmination of energies; creating an absence of energetic strain during rearrangement of elastin. The strands are psychically enhanced and primed for the energetic increment and its rate of absorption, and minimal dissipation of energy is obtained.

Inclinations for surface properties and mechanical qualities as signifying factors and correlative parameters; repurposed as causative factors of alteration are quantified for texture alterations. Measurements at the elliptical axis are valued at their alteration points using the relevant mathematical equations. The measurements are assessed at the ratio of the minor and major axis using the equation E = Major Axis / Minor Axis. Accounting for longest and shortest diameter, implications of surface diameter are factored in to quantify the degree of ellipticity. (E) where the cross-sectional shape changes the measures for the degrees of the two axes. Numerical representation of the degree of ellipticity is then utilized to craft the ideal hair strand chosen by the individual, a peak value is identified to set the highest point of alteration, the alteration is initiated at point “unity” () and up to point “.” on the texture-ellipticity scale.
Structural geometry of roundedness is valued at an increased value up the quantifying scale represents an increasingly flattened (elliptical) shape, with an inverse relationship between the “flattened” cross-sectional area and curvature degree. Mechanical imbalances at the cross-sectional area is established as a principle of curvature; Ellipticity and rigidness are conferred values conducive of algebraic models that instruct the targeted degree of curvature precisely at the point of ellipticity.
Cross-sectional area and the Young modulus supplement the formation of the n. value of ellipticity and in turn, the value of rigidity. Mathematical expressions of the methods used apply a chronological order of calculations, the bending stiffness (B) of hair is calculated as: B = E*I, where E is the Young’s modulus and I the moment of inertia of the cross-section. Limitations abound in certain cases, however, at a larger assumption of ellipticity, the chosen geometrical structure can be characterized by the new degree of ellipticity as ε = a/b, where a is the long and b the short half-axis of the ellipse. Models denoting the circumferential diameter (dc) are integrated to achieve roundedness of structure. the model used for obtaining the value of diameter a circle with the same area as the ellipse as dc = √( * A / π), where dc is the circle equivalent diameter, and A is the area of the ellipse.

Applications of the accurate models based on comprehensive equations outline the Eccentric-based models and the established relationship between OC cells and fiber diameter to depict a curvature formation and denote the opposite values to ascribe roundedness to modulated curvature; identifying the calculated values as points of reverse regression and eccentricity. Modulations vary accordingly based on the chosen visual identity, and use the calculations relevant to the factors; the angular position φ around the curl’s circumference is determined by the combination of the distance traveled (l), the eccentricity (e), and the proportion of curl completed (Cl), while considering the full circular rotation represented by π.
Depiction of the proportion of curl completed at I (CI) is represented by φ(l; e) = πCl = l (mod π). Cross-sectional area is identified via the linear or log-linear relationship in the equations 𝐴=𝛽 +𝛽 𝑑 and 𝐴=𝛽′ + 𝛽′ l n 𝑑 , where A is the percentage cross-sectional area of OC cells and d is the cortex diameter. The equations and goal values are reversed based on the chosen visual identity and texture variance.


  1. Enhancing pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on keratinocytes as a modulatory response to the microbial environment can strengthen the skin’s defense against harmful pathogens and promote a balanced microbiome. antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) produced by keratinocytes have been identified, such as human β-defensin 1 and 2, psoriasin, and RNase7. Increased secretion of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) interacts within the reciprocal chain of maintaining immunological privilege and microbial balance; building a more resilient skin barrier. regulation of genes like TLR2 and DEFB1, essential in innate immune responses and antimicrobial peptide regulation, is designed to restore innate inflammatory responses. Promoting the development of tolerance to commensals is crucial for developmental balance of the microbiome; direct stimulation of the chemokine Ccl20 and its receptor Ccr6 is localized to the hair follicle’s infundibulum; a modulatory action to enhance immune tolerance, foster Treg recruitment, and improve communication between thymus glands and hair follicles, promoting overall glandular wellness and equilibrium. the scalp obtains a state of having been accustomed and tolerating of the commensals presence; such that the consequential migration of Tregs has also occured naturally within the scalp. the Scalp is rich in sebaceous glands, which produce sebum released via sebaceous ducts into the infundibulum and to the skin surface. Although sebum has antimicrobial properties, some microbes manage to thrive in this environment. Observed is the cutibacterium strain, it hydrolyses triglycerides and releases free fatty acids promoting its adherence. Malassezia spp. and Corynebacterium spp. do not produce their own lipids and may benefit from lipids of the sebum. Sebum properties play a role in the colonization process; the sebum is therefore provided with an intelligent anti-microbial effect and a host of magical properties of which the hosting environment (lipids) is made anti-microbial; intelligently differentiating of harmful and beneficial microbes, and maintaining of pH levels and optimal doses of strains. the sebum environment is released of harmful bacterial influence such as the release of free fatty acids or releasing the adherence of bad bacteria; any of the mechanisms of the bacteria to supplement itself or bind itself to the area is modulated for optimal cleansing and full release

Proper nerve patterning around the hair follicles maintains proper signaling and contributes to the repair abilities. The sensory piloneural niche, formed by sensory nerves surrounding the hair follicles, maintains hedgehog signaling in HFSCs; neurological excitation indicates plasticity within the niche which in turn supplies the follicles with ‘young’ and modulatable formations. Sympathetic nerves impact hair growth via stimulation and promote anagen progression upon physiological activation of HFSC. Sensory and message relaying qualities are neurologically possible through non-conventional photoreceptors. Light signals are transmitted via ipRGCs to the suprachiasmatic nucleus to activate the systemic sympathetic system. A high sympathetic tone increases local norepinephrine release which subsequently upregulates hedgehog signaling in HFSCs, promoting their activation. Establishing a light-based modulation via ipRGC activates the necessary modulations targeted to the nervous system and stimulates adrenergic receptors to promote hair growth. The hair follicles hold an inherent ability through which proper nerve patterning around the hair follicles can be recreated. Hair follicle stem cells promote axonal growth and functional recovery in pluripotent states, differentiating into neuronal-type cells expressing class III beta-tubulin. Marked Nestin expression drives the transdifferentiation into schwann cells; capable of restoring functional behavior to peripheral and sciatic nerves. Originally, HFSCs in the bulge region display a range of plasticity allowing them to differentiate into neurons, glia, keratinocytes, smooth muscle cells, and melanocytes. Nestin-driven GFP hair follicle stem cells can differentiate into blood vessels and neural tissue after transplantation to clinical subjects. Induction of the cascade interactions leading to neural regeneration and increased Nestin expression is a modulatory target of therapeutic intervention. HFSCs deposit neurotrophins like BDNF and ECM proteins such as EGFL6, ensuring the correct formation of nerve networks critical for mechanosensory response and piloerection. HFSCs also contribute to the establishment of a niche for the arrector pili muscle (APM) by depositing nephronectin on one side of the bulge. The APM connects the epidermis with the hair follicle and is responsible for causing piloerection. Modulatory enhancement of these interactions and relevant expressions of ECM proteins can be necessary for functional coordination of the neurological compartments within the hair follicles.

R/D only

a Nutritional blend of potent ingredients travels through the enhanced vascularization of the vessels; once enlarged, the topical nutrients are streamed through the hair follicles. the signature blend consists of peptides and molecules specifically chosen for their signature value of varied nutrients; a blend marked by its potency, designed for daily needs. the blend features the clear blue solution of copper peptide, the exceptional properties of Nacre-complex, with underlying notes of Fucoidan and a hint of procyanidin apples. within the layers of this potion, a supplementing catalyst of T3 & T4 hormones and polyphenols release their carrying effects into the hair follicles, and a priming dose of integrins is brushed into the hair follicles. a synergistic mix with a unique composition. Micronized pearl calcium from the south sea pearls, an organo-mineral complex with a special name; Nacre. Within the shell of the south sea pearls, a delicate composition of organic matter composes its unique shape. Nacre contains the proper balance of the organism within her. Inside the material are almost all the proteins, amino acids, minerals, and trace elements involved in all biological reactions of cell metabolism and necessary for homeostasis. the unique composition of this Mother of Pearl crowns Nacre as the core of the blend. Nacre is centered inside a liquid solution of copper peptide; the glassy potion carries the reflection of Nacre, seated at the center of a clear blue sky. the clear blue potion of cu peptide transmits a mechanism of antioxidants using its special passage. At the passage, Iron release is inhibited, inflammation is retracted, and 47 genes are signaled for activation.
Procollagen Synthesis induced by the copper tripeptide was significantly superior to vitamin c, tretinoin, or melatonin in comparison. the use of topically applied cu-ghk solution intensified collagen synthesis on the scalp, strengthened existing hair, and encouraged hair growth, in the range of the epidermis and dermis, and activated keratinocytes proliferation; the follicles become enlarged and downy hair fills the scalp. Cu-GHK and Cu-Gly-Gly-His encapsulate the potion in a solution that fills in the glassy flask, and drops of fucoidan concentrate infuses the potent blend. The drops come from the brown algae and infuses the potion with properties exclusive to the marine polyphenol. Algae cells are constituted with the ability to uphold and regulate a massive amount of moisture within. the water retention properties of the algae compound comes from its connective placement and responsibility for all the cellular operational processes and in the depths of the sea. One drop of the marine concentrate is enough for acquiring the magical qualities of the sea, the cellular regulation and optimal dose of moisture and hydration; encased onto the hair strands. Carrier layers of this potion smells of an underlying notes of apples; a fusion characterized by apple procyanidins B2, B3, and C1. the scent of crispy apples transmits the benefits of the compounds, the oligomeric procyanidin bioactivity evokes the sensations of warmth capable of inducing an instant anagen transmission, rebuilding the epithelial function, and plumping moisture into the strands. The apple’s content of magnesium, potassium, copper, and calcium is revitalizing for the hair strands, the follicle remains intact to the hair shaft, as a result. the potion contains a rare speciality of apples; introducing the combination of plant stem cells into creations. the extract comes from the 18th century, a rarity of apple species. The Swiss rarity complements the potion with the PhytoCellTec-Malus Domestica extract, an 80% increase in the potency of human stem cells, and a beautiful elongation of the hair strands. the potion is applied in relevant amounts to areas experiencing any sign of weakness based on the assessment helmet. the potion blend carries its components on a hormone applicator of T3 and T4; each tip of the applicator formulates a function inside the hair, T3 mitigated hair matrix keratinocytes apoptosis and T4 increased hair matrix proliferation. The drops from the applicator permeate the dermal layer and into the first priming layer of the hair follicles. The integrin Itgβ5 is bioengineered into the hair germ, in a concentrated, structured dose. The integrin yields the hair follicle succession in its cyclic expansion, At 80% of the follicles reaching three hair cycles when the integrin is introduced, the integrin demonstrates a strong efficiency and a strong follicle growth results. The treatments are applied under the advanced assessment device as precise application touches upon the follicles individually, and feedback can be exchanged. A component analysis of the ingredients has led to the development of CD34, CD49f, integrin β5 (Itgβ5)-triple-positive, formulated for the optimal conditions of the component success. the results unveil the subpopulation of HFSCs responsible for long-term hair cycling of HFs regenerated from bioengineered HF germ, suggesting the presence of functional heterogeneity among bulge HFSCs and the utility of our culture system to achieve HF regenerative therapy. The integrin demonstrates an unmatched growth rate when combined with biomimetic factors of the ECM.

The Alchemist from the Future:
For the Alchemist, the entire body is regarded as yin and earth-like. The eyes are considered the most yang portion of the body, and they energetically connect to the center of the head. They can express the most powerful yang elements because the spirit originally attached to the body through the head and was situated in the area where the eyes connect to.
Lots of different body-states can change, but that fiery quality will persist as long as a person is alive and as long as there isn’t physical damage to the brain or eyes. Hence, if other body systems become unbalanced or break down, fire tends to dominate in the head (and hair loss occurs in response to all manner of stressors). These are directly tweaked through psychic force, with the goal of the refinement of the energy layers relevant to the areas of the hair, the head, and the eyes and based on their energetic principles of fire accumulation in the head and its relationship with the rest of the elements. The Alchemist recreates a new identity for the hair follicles, as well as for the individual himself. A life-long experience of having been an ethereal being with a luscious, most divine hair is created into the memories of the hair follicles, as well as the individual. Infused are the energies of Mana into the hair follicles, a new approach to the earlier Jing fusions.


Good luck getting that into the submission format! :slight_smile:


Thanks to everyone who put effort into this. It sounds exciting!


Well, isn’t it that we could add additional fields for each $100 per field (including 3 sub fields)?
Could be an expensive project, lol.
But as we have seen, there are many interested parties.

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There have been similar projects before that I understand have given results. The current submission format is sparse for good reason. Instead of recreating the wheel, the project should concentrate on what makes it more effective. First the research needs to be culled and compressed in order to see if additional fields are required or desired. You are talking about a public project, and while the numbers of people who want the project might be great, it might change if they know the price might be lots more than expected. Hard to speculate before the dish is done! :slight_smile:


It is impossible for me to do now, I’m swamped with a lot of work, wish Desiree was around.

Other way could be to request Captain to consider what he can maximise in terms of potency and efficacy from the research and create the NFT? I know it is a lot to ask.

@Lanos do you think you can trim it into submission format?


Yeah too much to ask lol. He has his job, this job belongs to you lot